Hi have yellow type eggs in clumps in my greenhouse that are on top of the compost/horse manure mix. What are these? Regards
Can you post a pic, I would have thought too early for butterflies , they could be slug eggs , or vine weevil
Slug or snail eggs are either clear or milky coloured and Vine weevil eggs are too small to be seen easily with the naked eye.
will try to get a pic up i think it is something that was in the horse manure as i added the manure about 6 weeks ago.
Sounds like slug eggs to me ! We have big orange horrendous things sometimes as big as 4 inches plus really really gross!!!
slug eggs? if these are slug eggs then my greenhouse is full of them, all stuck in clubs on the horse manure.What can i do to kill them without harming plants that i have allready planted?
I agree with Dai ,the first picture struck me as a fungal growth ,could not really see the other two very clear...
I'd say fungal as well. If its on manure, I doubt its a problem. Just natures way of breaking the stuff down.