I see there is a Smog alert in England and Wales expected today,Thursday and over the Easter weekend. it said the alert was due to warm and still conditions brought on by a high pressure system and urged the public to take sensible precautions.. I thought smog was caused by Industrial Pollution .
Whatever warning you heard is bull. Smog was a mix of SMoke and fOG. It doesn`t exist anymore. Except in India, China and Japan.:D:D:D
I think we are talking about the kind of smog usually associated with places like Los Angeles, when the pollutants build up and cant escape. Your kind of smog has more to do with Victorian London Dai, I'm too young to remember then, though have read about it.:D All I know is that visability was pretty poor today, a very thick haze, and the humidity seems to be building. I recorded 28C again today on a north wall.
Hi Daithplant its just as i thought both words Smoke + Fog combined and making the word SMOG.:thumb:. the item i am referring to is on line, BBC NEWS Official uk edition. Google..
I can remember a very bad smog in 1952 when I lived in Epsom. I wore a smog mask on my walk to school and visibility was only a few yards. The primary pollutant in those days was smoke from the coal fires that everyone had and the Clean Air Act of 1956 was enacted as a response and subsequently amended to create the smokeless fuel zones we have all over the country today. These days domestic and industrial smoke has been reduced, but emissions from vehicles have increased and seem to be the main particulates contributing to smog, although in some countries smoke remains a significant contributory element. There's quite an informative article in 'The Telegraph' regarding the present smog and an explanation of how it forms. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/en...ernment-issues-Easter-weekend-smog-alert.html
Not really up on the technical side of all this but I think the kind of smog in question is brought about by sunlight acting on a layer of pollution trapped at low level. The old fashioned version was caused by cold foggy conditions acting with smoke from coal fires and industry. Either way it probably gets you down if you have the slightest of lung problems.
It's not a smog in the strictest sense - just a nice cocktail of pollutants. Yet another reason to shun the rest of the world and spend a long weekend in my own garden :yess:
You aint far from me, and visibility is very low right now here. I think we are importing pollution from Europe, as we do in these conditions, so until things change weather wise, we are stuck with it.
Dai, it's true. I heard the warnings on the local radio too, they are warning people with respiritory problems and the very old to remain indoors over the bank holiday long weekend. Whilst I really like this lovely warm weather and the garden is coming on really fast now, we really could do with some rain - it must be 4 weeks since we last had any here in the south east.
I think they have pinched the word smog because it is easy to say and seems to have the right connotations. Us oldies still want to keep it to mean what it originally did . I also remember the 'old' smog where we couldn't see our feet (I can't now as my belly seems to be getting in the way ) and they used to have a man carrying a burning flare to lead the busses back to the depot. That didn't improve the air either. In Victorian times they used to call smog 'the London particular'. We're pretty fortunate in Shineyland as the air is fairly clear.
We've just got a good coating of sea fret here. Its quite pleasant really. I like the fog from time to time. I'm sure it will lift soon enough. In the meantime its keeping my newly germinated grass nice and moist.
I remember the real smog as a young girl. Terrible thick nasty stuff. Lasted for days. When everyone had coal fires and the industrial chimneys belched out smoke day and night. This so called smog is a bit of pollution stuck over us that will be blown away the first sign the weather changes, I think they said that will be Tuesday. They make such a fuss about nothing. It's a wonder we haven't all been issued with hard hats chemical suits and masks. LOL