Actually JWK, my wife was Welsh and when we were having an argument, as you do, and I was trying to get my point across she'd look at me with big brown eyes and say "You're a comedian, are you??", and then I'd know I lost:D
Training I'm sure that all new mods go through rigorous training and are made conversant in security and de-bugging. It makes me feel a lot safer whilst on here. As some of you know, I make many peripatetic perambulations whilst making frequent forays to find foreign flora and fauna in far flung regions of the world. In some places I've been fortunate to find fully fledged specially trained personnel to carry out security, de-bugging and anti-terrorism duties as we venture into what can be fiercely hostile places. As an example: When we were in the wilds of Africa we were being assaulted by fast moving terrorists that flew and flitted around all the time. Fortunately we had a superbly trained member of the SWAT team there to protect us - pictured below. I hope the GC alliteration police will be lenient with me