The Devils Vegetable

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Phil A, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Is that the weed I see on the news where hippys are growing it in rented houses:heehee: I'll stick to my cucumbers:WINK1:

    Talking of cucumbers I munched a little one last night, I got much better ones growing (ones a tad under seven inches) but this one grew into the sitting room wall n went bent.....


    I made a monster cucumber and ham crusty roll, putting the cucumber in as it is in the photo:heehee: and I have to say it was great, not bitter at all:yess:

    Plant Potty.:)
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Thats great PP, nothing like eating something you've grown yourself:dbgrtmb:
    • Plant Potty

      Plant Potty Gardener

      May 29, 2011
      I love eatin while gardening:) baby Scarlet radish are my favourate, thinning them is thirsty work n best done with a beer (or two), I dont eat the roots as there is next to nothing to eat then I first thin them, but the seedling leaves taste fantastic, I've eaten spring onions as soon as they pop up just to see what they taste like:heehee: beetroot seedlings taste like beetroot, funny enough, this week I knocked a tomatoe off while messing with string, I think they will prob give you gut rot while they are green, so I just bit a piece off, chewed n spat it out:WINK1:

      I read that thread you posted on "nasty plants", so dont worry I wont eat anything thats not a veg, albeit I might be eating the wrong part of the plant:D I've got one rogue Pea plant in my seed (Unwins), its twice the size of the suger Ann's, in leaf and height, it flowered 3 weeks later than the others too, do you get pionous peas? I'll get a foto of it before I eat it lol

      Plant Potty.:)
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Glad you read the poisonous plants thread:thumbsup:

      Sweet peas can be toxic but only if you ate a fair few of them, they'd make your skin come loose.

      There are a few veitches that you wouldn't want to eat too, but they'd probably be bitter enough to make you not want to eat them.

      The rogue one is more likely to be a genetic throw back to the taller varieties we used to grow. (See Gregor Mendel's experiments with peas)

      I'm growing 2 victorian varieties this year, "Ne Plus Ultra & Champion of England" Both of which are as tall as me and still growing.
    • Plant Potty

      Plant Potty Gardener

      May 29, 2011
      This was on tv in the last week, I missed most of it but watched the bit where they were showing his water colours (unless its the wrong guy lol)

      I have to confess I catch alot of the victorian life on tv, I'd love it if it was a victorian pea, its got a good height on it, the pods are at chest height for picking:WINK1:
    • Boghopper

      Boghopper Gardener

      Dec 6, 2008
      (East) Sussex by the Sea
      I know you don't like them (is that putting it too mildly?) Ziggy, but they only disagree with me. However, I have grown a burpless variety and, do you know what? It does what it says on the pot.

      We had salad tonight, tomatoes, mixed leaves , watercress and the aforementioned, burpless cucumber, all from the garden.:yess: It was delicious and the cucumber hasn't disagreed with me at all. Result!:dbgrtmb:


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