Recomendations Needed

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by *dim*, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. *dim*

    *dim* Head Gardener

    Jun 26, 2011
    am new here, tried to post earlier but my thread was deleted (most probably because I linked to some examples of photos of plants on google?)

    but will try again ....

    I have been commisioned to landscape a small garden in a new build area in Cambridge / Cambridgeshire.... I am a novice, so need some suggestions

    I am currently busy with a bed that is approx 10 meters long and 4 meters wide (at it's widest point)

    there is a 6 foot wooden fence behind the bed .... the bed is south facing, however is in partial shade for most of the day as the house is a triple storey and shields the direct sunshine .... there is good light though .... the soil is a clay type, but have worked in loads of manure and peat free compost

    In the middle of the bed, I have planted a japanese maple (bloodgood) .... this will be the focal point of this bed

    in one corner (with the most sun), I have planted an elaeagnus ebbingei (Evergreen Oleaster ) .... the main reason I opted for this shrub is that it has very fragrant flowers for a few weeks of the year .... will need to be kept in check / pruned so as not to become too wide

    in the other corner, I have planted a philadelphus coronarius aurea (mock orange) .... the one with limegreen leaves that turn yellow .... main reason I opted for this is the fragrance .... this too will need to be pruned / kept in check

    I am planning to plant 2 more shrubs, am considering 2 mahonia japonica to be planted either side of the Japanese maple (obviously a few meters away) .... this could contrast nicely with the additional plants I have ordered for this bed and will help create a 'tropical' effect

    the other plants I have ordered for this bed are 10 large Hostas,

    9 large evergreen ferns: dryopteris affinis cristata angustata... also known as male fern, and has yellowish/golden leaves which turn bright green, and grow up to 1 meter high and 1 meter wide

    and 12 hakonechloa macra aureola which will be planted on the border edge (I like these, and they won the perenial plant of the year in 2009, and have yellow/golden leaves ... these will be planted close to each other, and will fill out and form a continuos border when they mature

    I feel that the combination of the ferns/hostas and golden hakonechloa will help achieve a 'tropical type' look .... although the hostas die down in winter, the ferns will still be evergreen and the border will still have some interest, and will still look 'full'

    I now need some suggestions as to select a creeper against the back wall ... I have considered honeysuckle which is evergreen and will do well in the semi-shade, however I find honeysuckle to be 'woody'/scraggly and unsightly when it matures

    I am also considering an evergreen jasmine, but not sure if the partial shade will produce many flowers?

    another alternative that I have considered is to plant 2 evergreen jasmines together with a golden hops creeper .... not sure if this is good practise to mix the 2 types, but may look good, especially when the golden hops creeper's leaves turn yellow (does best in a sunny position, so not sure that it is suited to this position, and it is also very vigorous)

    so need some suggestions .... I have also not yet fully decided on the Mahonia's, and if I do decide to opt for those, they will need to be pruned so that only one stem is produced

    any suggestions will be appreciated!
  2. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Hello *dim*:) your thread is not deleted, its here

    good luck with it.

    Plant Potty.:)
  3. barnaby

    barnaby Gardener

    Apr 30, 2010
    Not sure about the Mahonias - would rather use the 'yeloo leaf form of Cotinus coggigria or even the standard dark leaved variety. For the fenc I would conside Passiflora and possible a climbing Hydrangea albeit a bit of a bully. If it's scent you are after a couple of Sarcococca would be a great addition to any shrub border and they keep good shape with little/no pruning..
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    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      thanks Barnaby .... will have a very close look at your suggestions!

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