
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Plant Potty, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011

    Its been a long day in Potty land, started 8:30 with my son Luke at the door coz of the silly teachers strike (6 of about 30 members of staff were out so they had to close the whole dumb school:mad:) anyway both my kids settled on the playstation, I told them to get outside but they were into what they were playing, Luke loves veg, so I asked if he had tried one of the garden peas? he chucked his sandles on n legged it to the patch, I picked him one Unwins Hurst Greenshaft as they are not really ready, but you can get the taste from the half formed peas inside, He loved them:thumbsup:, he is an out and out pea monster, he's 8 but likes a pile of peas on his plate and will go get a spoon so he can shovel them in lol

    Anyway I got on with some work out the front with Luke hot on my heals wanting to help, we weeded n distroyed lots of red ants with sticks n stones n Daddys magic powder:WINK1: he wants to help but alot of jobs are beyond him yet, I settled him on cropping the Coriander seed with scissors into a box....but still he grew bored, so I asked if he'd get a bowl and go cut a pile of mangetouts for tea? he loved the idea and ran off, 10 mins later I'm thinking he's gone a long time for such a little task so went to take a look:DOH:

    He had cut all baby unready Greenshaft NOT Ann's:cry3::cry3::cry3:I could of near cried when I looked in the bowl, he knew what I had asked him to do but had liked the taste of the garden pea I let him try over the mangetouts that were ready to eat, I went back out the front n Luke followed, he sat down with his bowl of "the wrong peas" n chatted while he scoffed the lot, he had green spit running down his chin when he said something about them not being the same as the others?:gaagh:

    Anyway I feel better now I've got that off my chest lol and I'll watch him closer when he's picking veg:dbgrtmb:

    rant over.

    Plant Potty.:)
    • Like Like x 2
    • Back-In-Black

      Back-In-Black Gardener

      Jun 19, 2011
      Acklam, Middlesbrough
      awwwww bless .. but i have to admit to chuckling a little at the green spit running down his chin haha
      Eri xx
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      :rolleyespink: Oh dear plant potty, sadly kids logic is not quite the same as ours, :D but what a lasting & wonderful memory of the green spit dribbling down the chin...... :tomato:
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      When I was a kid, ill in bed the doctor told me to drink all my medicine & it would make me better, so after he went, I did.

      All of it.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Scrungee

        Scrungee Well known for it

        Dec 5, 2010
        Central England on heavy clay soil
      • capney

        capney Head Gardener

        Jul 9, 2008
        Retired and glad of it.
        Location: gods County of Yorkshire
        Thank god it was not BEETROOT
      • Fidgetsmum

        Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

        Jul 25, 2009
        Deepest, darkest Kent
        :DOH:I recall my youngest daughter (at the age of about 6), helping me weed by carefully pulling up every emerging seedling she could possibly find ...... in my 15' x 20' veggie patch! It didn't help when (before I'd seen where she'd got them from), she was praised for finding so many and replied 'Oh, it was easy Mummy, they were growing in nice straight lines.'
        • Like Like x 2
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          I can see the funny side too, the spit was running coz he was chucking them in whole then pulling bits of the strings out:heehee: He loves prawns too, a few years back he was asking about what animal a prawn came from, I explained what the little fellars looked like and that he was only eating the tail, I promised to get him some whole prawns so he could see, he came home from school and I proudly showed him the prawns in the fridge!!! yep you got it, he chucked a whole "whole" prawn in and started to crunch and looked confussed:scratch: it was so funny watching him try to fish bits of head n legs out his mouth:heehee: but all was good after I showed him how to peel them first.

          Yes it is a nice memory to have and keep:cool:

          now this explians ALOT:heehee:

          I'll deffo be making some of that soup, I like making soup from scratch:thumbsup:

          lol yes, I'm sure he would of sat there munching them given the chance:heehee: he's not tried the beetroot yet, give him time tho, he's very interested in growing veg and now tries things he would'nt eat before, like radish.

          Plant Potty.:heehee:
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest


          Not too late to make another sowing, just put some seedlings in myself.
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          lmao thats funny:heehee::D
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          I would love to get more in but I'm starting to run out of prepped up ground now, this is my first real year and I can deffo notice the differences between the same plants grown in different areas/conditions, I seeded peas 6 times, some direct, some in plugs and planted out, some in old tyres, some in 10" square pots, some have the love of BnQ's compost some dont, I can see I've got alot of soilprep to do over the winter to get my veg plot soil up to standard, I've got 30 odd beetroot in 2" pots in the bedroom n cabbage that needs planting out:scratch: plus 8 type of lettuce:scratch: oh n yet more onions (thats four types of those I've got on the go):yess:

          I'm just limping thro this year so I can plan the garden over the winter, get the stones out and some paths in, then plan n build a greenhouse, but Rome was'nt built in a day:hapfeet:
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          You're doing well there PP:dbgrtmb: Can't do it all at once but at least you're prepared for replacement plants as soon as a bit of ground becomes free.

          Don't forget to fertilize the soil when you put new plants in though, intensive cropping takes it out of the ground.

          Do you know a village called Pitton ?
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          Thanks ziggy, I have gone a tad mentle but that means I get more chance of eating something this year:yess:

          yes Pitton as in just outside Porton Down where they make weapons of mass destruction, they have 8 foot corn and 400lb bunnys up there:mute: I'm in the city/town Salisbury, or Smallsbury as some call it:heehee:
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          I know it well, lived in Pitton for a while when I was working on Clarendon Palace, moved out before my veg garden came to fruition though.
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          I've not been out there in 20 odd years, a work mate used to live in the bunglow by the school as you come down the hill into the village, Mike Smith was his name, his mum n dad (Mr n Mrs Smith:heehee:) had lived there for years n years, had a pond in the front garden if that rings any bells lol oh n both mum n dad were retired police specials.

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