Radish, Scarlet Globe and French Breakfast....

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Plant Potty, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    These things seem to be idiot proof to grow (tho I may be wrong lol) I started out with a packet of Scarlet Globe.....

    And munched away with plenty to give to friends, when I came to the last of the seed I could'nt find anymore in town, so settled on "Fench Breakfast", and these things are great too, slightly hotter but not quite as crisp, but look great in salads cut into four long ways....

    I've now taken to growing 36 plants in £1 tubs from Poundland, I'm thinking three tubs of 36 rotating a tub at each week will be a summer suply....

    My questions about them is about them going to seed, I've got about 12 (ish) large Scarlet Globe plants that I'm keeping in hope of collecting seed from them, and I'll do them same with some French Breakfast plants, so my questions are....

    1) how many seed from a healthy large plant, and how easy do they go to seed and when to collect.

    2) is there any danger of the two type cross pollinating, can I hold seed plants of two types next to each other without any problems.

    Many Thanks, Plant Potty.:)
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    You'll get loads of seeds from one or two plants, probably enough to last you several years. I've never bothered keeping radish seeds myself as they are so cheap to buy. In a normal sized garden you'll only be able to save one variety at a time, hoping that your neighbours don't let their radishes go to seed otherwise you'll end up with some useless hybrid. Seperation of open pollinated plants like this for varietal purity is at least 1/2 mile!
  3. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Thanks John, that makes alot of sense:thumbsup:, I'll go for seed on the Scarlet Globe this year then, I think I'm safe on the neighbour score, I take your point on the price of seed, about £3 on two packets this year, but collecting the seed is part of the fun for me:) and on the off chance I end up with a useless hybrid I can replace them with new seed next year in a matter of weeks (as they are so fast growing)

    Plant Potty.:)
  4. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    I'm growing Scarlet Globe and White Icicle and neither seem to have any taste to them. I seem to remember that radish you'st to have a strong earthy / peppery flavour but these are quite bland.
  5. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Scarlet Globe are milder, they get hotter the bigger they get, I kiddie tested the French Breakfast yesterday, my son only had a bite of a slice before putting it in the bin, my daughter had a whole slice before saying they were too hot:heehee:

    Plant Potty.:)
  6. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi PP,

    You could let one plant go to seed so you can eat the green seed pods, great in curries & stir fries, just top and tail them.

    If you really want to go raddish potty, try the black spanish raddish, roots are 500 foot long, black skinned & white fleshed & taste terrible:heehee:
  7. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Sounds interesting, are the seed pods strong flavoured? is it one pod or a pile per dish?

    I'd give the Spanish type a go once poundland start selling 500 feet deep pots and a helicopter to water it:loll:

    Plant Potty.:)
  8. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
  9. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Interesting reading, Family: Brassicaceae (cabbage) - Cruciferae (mustard)

    I read ziggy post a few weeks back that you could treat pests on Brassicaceae with a salt solution coz they were native of coastlines, does that stand for radish too then? if so how strong?

    Plant Potty.:)
  10. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    6 plants produced these....

    Getting at the seed is a real pain and took some time to find the best method, I tried opening them while watching tv, effective but messy in the sitting room, I tried drying them completly out and thrashed them in the food processor with the brunt plastic dough knife, this worked best for next to no effort, the wastage is higher but its money for old rope:thumbsup:


    not sure how many seed I have, but it looks about ten packets worth:cool: I've seeded some in pots on the window sill and they seem to be about a 90% germination, I'm going to try growing some on the bedroom sill for crimbo:thumbsup:

    Thanks for all the help, Plant Potty:)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Plant Potty

      Plant Potty Gardener

      May 29, 2011
      The three seeds I tested (you can just see them two days after gerimanation in the post/photo bellow) have grown into these...


      so I planted a 10" pot on the 28th Oct, 5 days in and I have a good take up....


      I've a few of these pots so I'm going to seed one pot each week until the first pot is ready to harvest, I'm hoping to have a year round supply of munchy radish and never buy a seed nor radish ever again[​IMG]

      I'm now looking at what "other" veg I can grow on a window sill through the winter, for both fun and food, any ideas you guys lolz:heehee:

      Plant Potty. :)
    • stylemichelle21

      stylemichelle21 Apprentice Gardener

      Oct 19, 2011
      self employed
      They look to be coming along nicely. I'm a huge fan of radishes...perhaps I'll give growing them a shot!

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