Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 5

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its a nice day here, its not snowing and its warmer then it has been.

    I have to go back down to Toronto this morning, and plan on doing grocery shopping when i get back.
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    :OUCH:Moyra....Nothing stops my old dad but gout does so i understand how painfull that must be:(
    My 2 furry lads would certainly keep Amber occupied they'd make good play mates.

    That was a close shave Shiney good job you had your wits about you:dbgrtmb:
    You are so lucky to have all those delicious sloes near you i have to search near and far for them....i could do to come and live nearby...i could help you with that fence aswell:D
    Hope the Kandys are ok and ofcourse our 'wise old owl':sunny:
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Haven't been on here much as I have been spending time with Mr K before he went back to work on Wednesday and since then have been busy catching up on all the jobs that got neglected while I had that cold,which has now gone but it has left me with a cough that I can't get rid of:mad:

    Moyra,Good Luck with he laser treatment when it comes and hope that once everything is healed up that will be the end of it and you won't have any more problems:thumbsup:Glad to hear that you are having nice walks with Amber but sorry to hear about the gout and hope that clears up soon as well:)

    Loli,I have been trying to get Mr K to decorate our hall for ten years and it was only me saying I would get someone in to do it for me that prompted him to make a start but because he is a perfectionist it takes time but apart from the doors which i have told him to leave until the warmer weather it is all but finished and he is now putting up pictures and a nice mirror:D

    hiney hope all goes well with the fencing.When we moved into our old bungalow we had a 10ft{height} x 60ft {length} privet hedge to get rid of and then when we had removed all that he built a small brick wall all down the length of it and then put the new fencing on top.Luckily for us he was able to do it all himself:D

    Penny nice to see you haver some warm weather now after your cold snap but I expect you will get the snow back eventually:rolleyespink:

    The striong winds and heavy rain have subsided for the time being and yes I know we desperatley need the water but it can stop for a couple of days:D

    They are just saying on the telly that Rickets is back because everyone is eating a junk diet and covering up their skin so the disease is on the increase:(

    Have a good day everyone:)
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    There's not the slightest breeze out there and the sun is coming out :sunny:

    I've got to start devising questions for a big quiz I'm running in four week's time. I'm going to need about 200 questions :phew:

    The new GP Patient Survey arrived yesterday with eight pages of questions to fill in. I'll get those done after breakfast. Unfortunately they're not the type of questions I need for my quiz :heehee:.

    Loli, I guess you would be able to over a 100lb of sloes from these bushes as they are pretty big. The farmer has just ripped out some of them as he is clearing out the ditch alongside. On the grass verge the other side of the road there is horseradish growing. I planted it along about 50ft of verge a good 30 years ago. A lot of it disappeared when they dug a new gas main but there's still enough for me to dig when I need it. :thumbsup:

    Keep well and have a great day :D
  5. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Good morning everyone, nice morning out there this morning, although feeling a bit under the weather this morning I had to push myself to go round the block with Amber. I don't think somehow she would understand the concept of mum not feeling too good. Gout is better but cannot help think that the ginormous penicillin I am on and the ibuprofen I had to take to kill the pain of the gout has not help my kidneys so I don't expect a good result next time I go back to the renal care clinic. Some days I get so depressed at the number of illnesses I am suffering from but I shall continue to struggle on to overcome them, I am not beat yet!:D

    Loli, I am sure Amber would love to play with your fellows and they might between them burn off some of that ever present energy they seem to want to expend.

    Shiney sounds as though you have quite a little harvest on that boundary with the sloes and the horseradish.

    Kandy glad you have finally shook off that cold but do know what you mean about the cough it leaves behind. Take care of you.

    Have a good day everyone.:)
  6. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Just had the eye hospital on they have postponed my laser surgery until Monday 16th Jan at 10 am. More time to worry about it! Oh buttercups!!!:mad:
  7. Pippa

    Pippa Gardener

    May 5, 2009
    Haven't been on for ages matey as soooooo busy and lost my password .Great to be back...

    Hi to everyone,hope all is well .
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It's a glorious morning out there, for January :thumbsup:. The sun is shining and it's already 48F.

    I've dropped Mrs Shiney off at the station, had a chat with the pheasants :D and told the binmen off for pushing my wheelie bin over into the flowerbed and not picking it up (I'm a bit grumpy as my back is bad :mad:). One of the men looked as though he was going to argue with me but another of them tapped him on the arm, shook his head and quickly picked my bin up and apologised. I think he was one of the team that got into trouble when they wouldn't take my bin because 'it was too heavy'!

    Pippa, welcome back :dbgrtmb:

    Moyra, that's a bit of a bummer about your appointment :(

    Kandy, I hope your cough clears up quickly :thumbsup:

    Penny, you seem to be having a better winter than last year :)

    I filled in the GP Survey and wrote at the end of it not to bother to send it to me next time if they are going to continue to ask racial, ethnic and religious questions as well as the ones about my surgery and the staff. Mr Grumpy lives here!!! :yess: :heehee:

    Have a great day :D
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It's a glorious morning out there, for January :thumbsup:. The sun is shining and it's already 48F.

    I've dropped Mrs Shiney off at the station, had a chat with the pheasants :D and told the binmen off for pushing my wheelie bin over into the flowerbed and not picking it up (I'm a bit grumpy as my back is bad :mad:). One of the men looked as though he was going to argue with me but another of them tapped him on the arm, shook his head and quickly picked my bin up and apologised. I think he was one of the team that got into trouble when they wouldn't take my bin because 'it was too heavy'!

    Pippa, welcome back :dbgrtmb:

    Moyra, that's a bit of a bummer about your appointment :(

    Kandy, I hope your cough clears up quickly :thumbsup:

    Penny, you seem to be having a better winter than last year :)

    I filled in the GP Survey and wrote at the end of it not to bother to send it to me next time if they are going to continue to ask racial, ethnic and religious questions as well as the ones about my surgery and the staff. Mr Grumpy lives here!!! :yess: :heehee:

    Have a great day :D

    P.S. I tried posting this and it came up with a report saying there had been an error on the site :DOH: :mad:. Fortunately I had copied my post before posting it. So here goes again. Signed, Mr Grumpy :gaagh:
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    It obviously posted it although it said it couldn't :wallbang: :thud: :heehee:
  11. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Good Morning Everyone, Thank you for the laugh Shiney, not at your expense of course. I am sorry to hear you have a bad back, join the gang it must be the weather for them.

    Yes, its a bummer to have my appointment postpone but I guess its only for a week, hence my expletive Buttercups!! Nice expletive isn't it?

    Well I have come on here before walking Amber and she is wondering why I am late taking her this morning so I had better get my backside into action.

    Take care everyone, welcome back Pippa, and have a good day all. :)
  12. Pippa

    Pippa Gardener

    May 5, 2009
    Thankyou Shiney and Moyra good to be back.

    Had a giggle at the double post Shiney.Have done that myself when it says it hasn't posted.
  13. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Hello everyone,
    Sorry your back is playing up Shiney...And thank you for the ACAS advice...I've been a carer for 30 years and now they decide to give us a new name...residential support worker....( same job different name...a good reason to employ new blood)thus seem to be of the opinion they can do as they like with us.... ie... cut our hours and change conditions to make it unbearable for all concered...it is a private company and they don't like it when you have an opinion....any other job and i would have probably 'downed tools' (which is totally out of character for me) but we are careing for very vunerable old folk and they know it's emotional blackmail....The 'careing proffession'...Hmmm makes you wonder....Don't get me wrong if it was for the benefit of the 'client' i'm all for it but i promise you it's not:mad:
    i'm quite grumpy today...can you tell.....:D

    It's been a glorious sunny day today,for that i'm thankfull....:sunny:
    Have a good night all......
  14. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good Morning everyone,
    I hope all is well with you all today...I've just been wandering around the garden with the dogs...Mr Fox must have been lurking around at some point because the dogs were going mad running and sniffing around:rolleyespink:It's pitch black out there but lovely and peaceful:dbgrtmb:
    Going to get ready for work now so have a good day everyone:sunny:
  15. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Morning Everyone, Hope you have a better day today Loli. You do a very admirable job and I don't envy you. You are a treasure to those you care for.

    Our upstairs neighbour had her birthday party last night so Steve was walking Amber round the garden at 2.30 this morning and she was doing like your dogs going mad at the scent of cats and foxes. Fortunately the party dissipated shortly afterwards and we were all allowed to get some sleep.

    Have a good day today everyone. God Bless. xxx:)
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