A bit of an incident....?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by capney, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    Hi Gang.
    I have not been over busy on the forum laterly because of illness over the last two months. On the mend now and will try to come back with a vengence. (if you can take it)
    First off I have to report on a local event which could have turned fatal.
    We are glad it did not...

    A elderly couple of friends of ours house suffered.
    I shall tell the story in pictures.

    First picture is where the elderly lady driver came from. Instead of turning left or right she came straight on into the picture.

    After smashing through the iron gates
    she continued all the way down the drive

    On the way she took out the fenching.

    Coming to rest wedged between the garage on the left and the bungalow on the right

    The internal wall of the garage on the left has moved about 1inch inside on the crashed wall

    THe KA I think will be a write off.

    The lady carmly got out of the car, stated "I feel ok and I`m off home now"
    After been advised that would not be the best for her she was carted off in the ambulance after having a word with the police.

    I wait to hear what the outcome will be. At the very least she should now be banned from driving as I hear she just missed a 4x4 as she crossed the junction and also whenever shes out on the road she thinks she owns it.
    i dread to think if one of our buses was coming aloing that road at the same time.

    Well there you go. My latest news from the Vale. I`m sure theres more to come.

    Bye for now.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Blimey Robert,

      Thats awfull, thank goodness no one was hurt, dread to think what could have happened.

      I had to report an elderly driver a couple of weeks ago after he nearly had 2 head on collisions.
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Does she want her car back? :D
      • Like Like x 1
      • *dim*

        *dim* Head Gardener

        Jun 26, 2011
        it's sad ... but at least she is not hurt

        I had an incident a few weeks ago .... was mowing a lawn 3 houses from where I live

        heard a 'beeping' noise, but never took notice initially ...

        eventually, I looked from where the beeping noise came from (accross the road) and saw thick black smoke coming from a house through an open lounge window

        the people who live there are a young couple who are both unemployed and have 5 children ...

        I immediately stopped the mower, rushed to the house ... and peeped through the front lounge window

        could not see what was happening as it was filled with thick black smoke

        phoned 999 and reported a fire ... front door was unlocked, so entered ... could not see anything and shouted to see if anyone was home ... went as far as possible but could not breathe ... and the lady on the 999 phone said I should get out

        4 -5 minutes later, the first fire engine arrived .... they rushed inside ... and luckily no-one was at home ... they put out the fire (the owners left a clothes iron that was left 'on' ... and they left it on the sofa)

        a few hours later, the owners came stumbling back (drunk from drinking cheap tesco 2litre apple cider in the local park) ... there were 2 police waiting for them to take a statement...

        I never even got a thank you ....

        and am still coughing and wheezing to this day ...

        nothing ever happened to them in this regard, but the fire dept did drop leaflets in all the neighbours postboxes stating that there was an 'incident' and if we needed advise on fire safety, we could contact and they would send out an official to advise on fire safety

        some of my neighbours say I should not have phoned and should have left the place to burn, so that they could get evicted and the home condemned

        easy to say, but when there are lives and children involved thats what counts first

        strange people those and every weekend the police are called to keep the peace as they (both) throw punches at each other when the get 'tanked' up

        police have taken the guy away (with a struggle) on several occasions, but they just release him 3 hrs later, then they start up again when he gets home

        I feel sad for the children as they are stuck in the middle of all this ... and from what I gather, they were forced to move from another village as neighbours and people wanted to lynch them

        now they stick them in my village in a council house 2 doors away ...

        a few more weeks with loud swearing and screaming at 3am in the morning and I'm going to loose my cool knock his head off .... and I will be in a lot of trouble .... even my wife is worried as she see's this coming
      • capney

        capney Head Gardener

        Jul 9, 2008
        Retired and glad of it.
        York..in gods County of Yorkshire
        Crikey Dim...thats a story..
        And, Well done to you for entering the building.
        One question. Where were the five kids?
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Blimey Dim, I do sympathise, not an easy situation at all.

        Well done for being the hero, you ought to get yourself to a doctor to get your lungs checked out though mate.

        Don't wade in, the police will only do you because you will be easier to prosecute than matey boy.

        Phone social services, it will help if you can keep a note of what times the shouting is, how much you've seen them drink etc. The family will already be on their radar, but if they don't know the whole story then they can't do whats best for the kids.:(
      • HYDROGEN86

        HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

        Jul 17, 2011
        in the shed
        That's shocking that dim. Would not loose your cool with him though he would not even remember in the morning from the sounds of it, dread to think what their garden looks like...
        Hi Capney glad to hear your feeling better :D
      • *dim*

        *dim* Head Gardener

        Jun 26, 2011
        social services have taken the children away during the last school holidays but they were returned to the family when school started again ... all the older folk in my street are ontop of things, want them evicted, so I dont get involved, and have the philosophy of each to their own

        however, when it comes to the stage where my sleep is disrupted, I get a bit cheesed off and sparks will fly shortly

        funnily, I have spoken to them at the bus stop on a few occasions ... just chit chat (when they were sober) ...

        they are just a normal young adults with problems, but seem pleasant ...

        but they should stop drinking cheap cider and smoking dope (that's where the prob lies) ... they have 5 children, so get 5X child allowance, a council house and all the extra benefits involved, .... and then blow it all on booze and dope and end up boxing each other with their kids screaming in the background
      • Val..

        Val.. Confessed snail lover

        Aug 2, 2010
        Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
        Nice to have you back capney!! :yess:

        • Like Like x 1
        • capney

          capney Head Gardener

          Jul 9, 2008
          Retired and glad of it.
          York..in gods County of Yorkshire
          Thanks Val and Hydrogen for the best wishes. I have to admit it`s been a rough ride the last couple of months.
        • ClaraLou

          ClaraLou Total Gardener

          Aug 12, 2009
          So sorry you have been ill, Robert. Nice to have you back.

          A few years back my husband was driving home through London late at night after a very long stint at work. Suddenly, a car appeared from nowhere and ploughed straight into him. Fortunately he wasn't hurt, so got out and made his way to the other car. A little old lady was sitting at the wheel. She looked him straight in the eye and said: 'I know who I am, I know who the Queen is and I know the days of the week.' Unfortunately she didn't know very much else, such as how she got to be batting around central London late at night or even where she lived. It turned out that she was rather grand - the widow of an admiral, with a stately pile for a home. All her staff knew she was bats and shouldn't be anywhere near a car. I just hope they hid her car keys after that little episode.
        • Sheal

          Sheal Total Gardener

          Feb 2, 2011
          Dingwall, Ross-shire
          Glad you're on the mend Capney. :dbgrtmb:

          Isn't it funny how certain types of cars attract certain types of drivers :scratch:
          I say this tongue in cheek! :)
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          Sorry to hear you have been unwell Robert, but I'm pleased you are getting back to normal. Lucky that no one was hurt. From personal experience I know how very difficult it is to stop people driving who obviously should not be allowed to drive a mobility scooter never mind a car.
        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Hello Robert, glad your back and feeling better.

          I'm also glad nobody was hurt in the crash. I think its sad when people who were probably perfectly good drivers at one time become dangerously incompetent. My wife's grandad knew it was time to surrender his driving license after he knocked a lad off a motorbike. He made no attempt to justify himself. He said that as far as he could tell, the lad on the bike was in the right, clearly visible, not speeding or anything, and that there was no reason why he (the grandad) should have failed to see him. The biker was unhurt (apart from a few aches), and apparently was remarkably calm and amiable with the wife's grandad. The biker even tried to say it could have happened to anyone, that it was just an accident, but wife's grandad knew that had he have been a bit younger, with a younger man's eyes, and a younger man's concentration (his words not mine) the crash wouldn't have happened, so he voluntarily declared himself unfit to drive and surrendered his license.

          Dim, your story reminded me of something similar that happened to a group of my mates that could have so easily been tragic. Years ago, several of my mates were sharing a rented house. One of the lads had gone out to the pub. The rest were in. The smoke alarms kicked off and the most alert of the group burst into action, checking every room in the house to get the lads out to safety. The left one room, that of the lad who'd gone to the pub, because seeing no light above the door they figured he was still out. It turns out that he wasn't out at all. He was in his room. The light was on, but the reason no light was showing in the glass window above the door is because the room was so full of thick black smoke that all light had been blocked.

          The lad in there had got himself so drunk, he'd come home, decided to cook himself some supper on the cheap electric frying pan he kept in his own room, and fallen asleep in a drunken stupor.

          I can't remember how he got out, whether the lads went back for a second check, or whether it was the fire brigade that got him, its too long ago. I do remember though that the theory about the reason he escaped with no long term harm is a bit ironic. It was his drunken state that had led him to start the fire in the first place, but it is reckoned that the same drunken state kept him alive, by virtue of the fact that he'd passed on face down on the floor, where the last of the oxygen is to be found in case of fire.
        • capney

          capney Head Gardener

          Jul 9, 2008
          Retired and glad of it.
          York..in gods County of Yorkshire
          There's some amazing stories coming to light within this thread guys.

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