Hello from North Wiltshire. Cumbrian by birth. Now washed up at the cheaper end, not at all near that Cotswold lot. Main problems, getting the 'red mist' at seed sowing time, and suffering the resultant glut and dirth.:happydance: I wish there was a way of transferring those smilies to other forums. Cheers, Tony.
Aloominum death tube. I see you have a Lightning as an avatar. I did two years with 74 Sqn groundcrew (rigger) out in Singapore at Tengah. Best two years I spent, (apart from the two years in Hong Kong). 12 Years as a crabfat, couldn't do 22 years, it had changed so much was not nice any more. :( Cheers, Tony.
saw the thread title and thought someone was talking about me again! :WINK1: welcome ... good place this
Hi Tony, Yes, the Lightning Avatar is of one of my old squadron, No III Sqn, in the squadron colours. I was a Air Radar Fitter, finished up as a Chief Tech, qualified Master Tech. I was lucky enough to join the squadron straight from Apprenticeship and was abroad with them within 3 days of arrival!! Not a bad life, but a different Air Force now, I'm afraid, although I reckon the way we used to think is still carrying on!!:D
As you can see, Tony, the staff need a chair and whip sometimes to deal with the members with Furry Tails:D