...one has to be afraid of living people as opposed to dead. I love cemeteries because they are a quiet and mysterious place and I can think of many views which I would find more upsetting than a cemetery.
Another two wonderful angels from Brookwood Cemetary. It's rather neglected and overgrown in parts - fabulous place - full of angels, mausoleums and wondrous rhododendrons:
I've driven past brookwood loads of times, never been in, so I must have look in there sometime, theres a massive wall surrounding it, always wondered if it was to keep people out or stop the residents escaping. I assumed it was private, can anyone go in there Tiarella?
This is a memorial not a headstone, but each time that I see it, I get a reality check on life and how lucky I am. I spotted it many years ago whilst on holiday in Belgium. It's perched at the top of hill in a small hamlet which contains a church, a school, a farm and one large house. I found it to be very moving and whilst it's a memorial to those lost in WW1, it also shows battles scars and bullet wounds from WW2. When you are there looking at it, you can almost feel and imagine the fire fight that must have taken place there in WW2. The battle scars are probably not even noticed by the casual passer by, but once you spot them, the memorial takes on a whole new meaning. My daughter was only about three years old when we first stumbled across it. We had stopped for a picnic, and I wandered off to look at the memorial. After spotting the marks and damage, I glanced up to see my daughter playing happily on the small green besides. I then looked back to the memorial and said thanks. Each time that we go back to the area, I now make a point of visiting the memorial just to to be reminded and as with the first visit, I say thanks. On the cemetery theme, I pick some of the best blackberries going around the graves at cemeteries. My wife always makes me laugh by saying that she won't eat them, which suits me as I can then have them to myself.:D