Moon gardening? what the heck???

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Plant Potty, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    as has been posted in links, its deffo not a "new age" thing, its thousands of years old.

    As to the effects indoors???

    Well, there can be no doubt about the moon pulling trillions of tons of water across the oceans, and it does the same thing underground to risa and fall water tables, this might have an effect of giving better seed take up and gemination if only a few percent, but even something as small as a 3% increase in yeld would be noticed in crop size when ancient farmers were growing hundreds of tons, clearly indoors there is no "water table" to speak of, and water content is 100% controlled by the grower, so no.

    but yet I see two effects on the plants from the moon, the first being the one above, about the water table and therefore getting the plants the water they need for life, the second effect is on the water once it enters the plants, and therefore the effect of that effect, if you get my drift?

    The moon is a magnet as such, the plant relies on transperation pull and capilary action to move its much needed minerals around to the top of the plant, there can be NO DOUBT that the moon assists this process, and the cycle of the moon's orbit can be thought of as the "dopler effect"/ when compering distant to far orbit.

    To sum up I would say the moon is pulling all objects toward it, water included, clearly with the moons weak escape volicty of 3.6 miles per second compeared to the planets 7.2 the water will never levitate lolz, but it is atracted and take the path of least resistance, that path being inside zylem and phloum (sp been a long time since scholl lolz) where water already defies gravity using capilary action.

    Plant Potty, :what:
  2. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    Ziggy says NOT in Ziggsville
    B U T there are piccies on here of him complete with headlamp sat in the dark

    SAYS he was fishing, but why put a fishing photo up on a GARDENING FORUM EH? :yess:

    Jack McH
    • Like Like x 3
    • HarryS

      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

      Aug 28, 2010
      Hairdressing ! :pathead:
    • Flowerpot

      Flowerpot Gardener

      May 15, 2011
      Self Employed Courier
      Yes thats correct, cutting hair and finger/toe nails while the Moon is waxing (new to full) will then encourage them to grow back faster, but if cut while the moon is waning (full to new) then it grows back slower :thumbsup:
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      I think I remember Chris, yes.

      I shouldn't poo poo the idea thinking about it. I remember working on the Mushroom Farm, the cropping went mad on a full moon, but I put that down to Mushrooms being nearly all water.

      I've read books (american) about planting by the phases of the moon but always considered that to be a bit OTT. I'm more concerned about phases of the weather.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        :o No benefit in fishing in the dark, much nicer to do that on a sunny beach in the warm:dbgrtmb:

        I do put up Gardening photos on Fishing forums too:stirpot:
        • Like Like x 1
        • Plant Potty

          Plant Potty Gardener

          May 29, 2011
          I'm new to this growing stuff marlarky, but for the first year proper I did grow a hell of alot of stuff, its a steep learnig curve, and I've learnt tons, lots of that from this forum, one of the things I've leanrt is to "look" and "watch" whats going on, I strange thing happened this year:what: I grew about 150 plugs of French Marigolds that I'd collected seed from a few plants three years prier, I grew them in two batches of plugs on the living room window sill, I watered and checked them (as I do all my seedlings) first thing, but on only two mornings something "odd" was going on with the plants, they looked like they were covered in dew! they had tiny droplets of water all over the leafs. this was at dawn, so it happened over night, inside on a warm window sill:what: there was no transperation pull involved:what: so what drew the water up? I'm gonna repeat and fotograph this year, the seedlings were about 45mm high at the time they did this, I know capliray action will draw the water so far without anything else involved, but what "other" forces drew the water out the vacuoles???:what:

          Like I say, I checked them every day and it only ever happened twice first thing in the morning, I'm starting to maybe think the moons gravity everwhelmed the plants normal water control?

          Interesting stuff lolz:dancy:

          Plant Potty. :)

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