Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Axel, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    Most tradesmen burn off those calouries with manual labour

    You can eat all you want to, and even a pound of sugar a day so long as you burn off what you take in

    Now may I introduce METABOLISM cor I wish I could control that I would make an instant fortune

    MY best oppo in the RN Same age, Was 9 stone 5'8"
    I was 10st 10Lbs 5'9"
    We were that for the first years, training, running fighting, eating like for like
    Then we got Military OFFICE WORK
    We ate like for like and Drank mucho beero most nights and weekends

    Sometimes I could not be bothered with dinner, HE ATE IT
    After a year he was 9 stone, I was 12st
    Thirty years later we met up he was 9 stone I was 16st

    Unfortunately my pal died aged 52 still 9st
    I am still going at 64 and ten bits now 18st, thing is I hardly eat now,
    I do know that hard exercise will reduce me by three stone in five months
    (done it before) only I do not have the time just now

    Jack McH
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Ah yes, good old metabolism.

    As a young man in my late teens, early twenties, I was shockingly thin. I was so thin I was very self conscious about it. All my mates had started to fill out properly, not fat, just man shaped, while I was still a skeleton no matter how much I ate. I wasn't weak or unfit, quite the opposite in fact. I was stronger than many of my mates who had more muscle mass than me. I was just a bamboo cane.

    My dad obviously knew I was very self conscious about it, despite me being too proud (or embarrassed) to admit it, and he told me that all the blokes in our family are a bit late in filling out, but that they make up for it later and end up with the opposite problem.

    I actively sought out the fattiest, highest carb, highest protein foods and drinks I could, and actively and intentionally overindulged. To no avail. Until I hit 25, just as my dad predicted based on family history, and the pounds just kept on coming.

    At my worst, despite being quite active, I reached 15 stone. I'm down to about 13 now, and manage to keep it around there by actively watching what I eat and what I do.

    Good old metabolism. When the gods invented that one, they were having a laugh I think.
  3. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Ah but time is cruel, Jack. As we age and slow down, so does our metabolism. You might find it a lot harder now. I know I do! :)

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