looks like we're not going to find out about the Phobos Monolith for a while longer then:( The Discovery
it's already fallen into the sea all the links on the internet are not live .... you need to check conspiracy sites where you get the 'real information' ... they will never let you watch it live in case it falls on land ... http://rt.com/news/mars-land-probe-russian-841/ :WINK1:
I am just running split screen,Dim's link seems ahead of the google one, cheers Dim Still needs to drop another 30 mile before re entry
You are right Dim even the bbc have reported it BBC News - Phobos-Grunt: Failed probe 'falls over Pacific' Dam now I have no excuse and will have to do some work!!
some guys on a forum have been watching this all day ... when one guy found out that it had already crashed into the sea, he said he was so cheesed off, and he said it was like watching a yo-yo go up and down all day in slow motion ... when he found out that he was actually not watching it live, he was well cheesed off
Could be a conspiracy to make you think its already down when its actually headed for your living room.
Nah ... there were guys in the 'know' .... most probably employed by NASA (never a straight answer) commenting anonomously
Godlike Productions - Advanced Search ------------------------------------------ Monolith on Mars? Interesting image, page 1 Phobos May Be Alien Space Base: White House adviser!!, page 1 Russia to send probe to Phobos (okay BUT look at this picture of it!!!), page 1 Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon!!!, page 1 Massive Monolith On Mars Moon Phobos CONFIRMED By Astronaut! -Video , page 1 Low resolution pictures - Don't believe everything you see!, page 1 etc etc etc .... use the search function on abovetopsecret.com and type Phobos Monolith ... there are currently 10 pages of search results linking to threads godlikeproductions is better than abovetopsecret there's loads more on the interenet, but on many of the good forums, you have to register, and info is not readable by general public
Well whether its down or not, there is one thing that I find a bit sad. Russia can proudly claim to be the nation that put the first artificial satellite into orbit, sputnik 1 if I'm not mistaken, which served no purpose at all except to spook the yanks. They went on to compete very effectively with the US in the space race, probably aiming to break America financially (and very nearly succeeding). Yet now, they can't even get a probe to leave earth orbit. Well, they can evidently, just not in the direction that they intended.
and I often read a long thread by John Lear (google him) on one of his most recent post the past day or so ago, someone asked the following question: hi john, pardon me if this question has been asked? would you happen to know what other planets or moons in our solar system is/are inhabited? thanks his response: Every single one of them including their satellites and moon. There are 40 planets in our solar system but NAZA only allows you to know about a few. They probably don't know about all of them either. Here is a Lunar Orbiter photo (LO3-123h) taken in 1966 of Damoiseau just east of Grimaldi on the western shore of Mare Procellarum on our moon. This photo was taken just after sunset and shows the lights of the city. NAZA has done some considerable airbrushing to eliminate any races of civilization. ... ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting as I have said, I have been following his thread from the beginning (so far, there are over 150 pages of posts and he has come accross as a very honest and trustworthy guy who is well informed and makes for very interesting reading) http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1468214/pg1