Stop Sopa or the web really will go dark | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free | internet censorship (as in China) is possibly coming soon .... many sites such as wikipedia, etc are having a blackout today in protest BBC News - Sopa and Pipa anti-piracy bills controversy explained here is the message displayed on the front page of wikipedia today: how will this effect sites such as gardeners corner? For example, if an "illegal" content domain is blocked, and gardeners corner member posts the IP address of the domain's web server, one complaint could get all of gardeners corner blocked to the entire nation. Or, if someone posts a link on gardeners corner to a FireFox plug-in that provides an alternate means of access to blocked sites (one is under development), one complaint could get all of gardeners corner blocked to the entire nation. basically, their aim is to censor free speech on sites such as twitter, facebook and youtube etc [ame][/url]
Wait internet needs Sopa??? No. It's those ****** corrupt/stupid/deranged American bureaucrats again (note: we have own over here too:WINK1 who are they to censor our internet? it's like getting a postcard from a friend who's on holiday in Japan and because it got to you via America it was destroyed and instead you have a letter from the US saying why you can't have it:DOH:
Yep, they could be. Really is an 'underhanded' bill, trying to disguise it as 'intellectual property' or 'copyrighted' infringement, but will cause so many problems on so many levels. I would imagine that forums etc would be a 'no go' area full stop if this went through, as there will always be someone saying that they owned the 'intellectual property' rights to a certain string of words etc Time will tell I suppose, but I would guess that if Google etc are involved in the fight against it, hopefully the internet will still be safe ?
many guys in the US say this will go through ... it's one of the ways of 'legally' censoring sites such as wikileaks, twitter, youtube etc they don't want people openly discussing 'sensitive issues' such as corrupt politicians and illegal war crimes, and other sensitive matters that they feel should be kept secret, and away from public eyes
Dim you just don't want all of your favourate conspiracy sites to get shut down. The way the internet is at the moment you can do almost anything on the net and say anything about anyone. It's not taking away freedom of speech in my opinion It's just restricting your freedom of speech online. If I made up a stupid lie or conspiracy regarding the owners of GC or admin they would remove it would they not...
thats what freedom of speech is about ... you have an honest opinion and state your case on a busy forum, if you are talking 'carp', you will be told so by many, but at least you will have had the opportunity to express yourself .... people will analize what you say, and they can use the internet (uncensored) to research further and verify thats how it should be ... obviously, if you are offensive, rude etc, the moderators will remove or edit your posts
What if I'm not being rude though and I genuinely believe in my crazy conspiracy that admin are evil or stealing personal info from users, it would be removed. Where's the freedom of speech there??
if you honestly believe that, at least you will have the oppurtunity to express your views if your post is deleted from that site, by the people you accuse, you will be able to air your views on a similar site, or several similar sites where you posts will not be censored in simple terms, with the new proposed laws, if you do so, you will be jailed in Guantánamo Bay and will get 'water treatment and they will 'shock' reality into you
No it wouldn't, we might have a word & ask for the reasons behind your reasoning, but we rarely just delete posts unless obviously offensive or porn or similar. In fact the picture I took out the other day was the first one i've done for ages. Besides, we have Good admin, so just for the balance we might have a evil one too
If I talk carp in my own home after a few beers I get shouted at...if I talk carp in the wrong pub il get stabbed. You don't have freedom of speech now.