From time to time I get a reminder that my mature years are becoming even maturer, if there is such a word. It creeps up on you and trips you up. Why, you might ask? I've just finished punching out a couple of e-mails to my distant offspring. There was a time when my brain thought faster than I could type, now sadly it's the other way round. So every now and again I have to stop typing and let my brain think ahead, so the fingers can get back to work. How sad is that?
I don't think that's a sign of anything slowing down due to age or any other reason. There's a funny thing about typing stuff (probably applies to handwriting too but I can't remember that). Your fingers learn the movements for certain words, so you end up having typed it before you've consciously thought it, and sometimes as a consequence end up typing the same thing twice.
This was one of my Mums favorite songs Sheal, Walter Huston - September Song (1938) - YouTube But I don't think you've quite got there yet.:D:WINK1: I was logging into something earlier, but another site was in my toolbar, one that I need to use upper case to log in. My brane told my hands to hit the upper case button because it saw that site name at the top:DOH:
The odd thing is, I've never been able to touch type on a computer keyboard, so I have to look at the keys to see what I'm doing with two fingers, which slows me down slightly. Is there some way I can rig up my old typewriter to the computer? Perhaps I'll have to give myself a words per minute test to see how much slower I am on a computer.
One of the other jobs i had to do when in the RAF as a Air Radar Fitter was fixing teleprinters in Communications Center's because of the shortage of Comms Fitters. The result of that was I had to learn to touch type to the standard of 80 words per minute with 5 mistakes. Can I do that now??? chance!!!!! I think I've got Sheal's symptoms!!!, my fingers get ahead of my brain and I can get a real mix up. I also find that I can get into full steam and look up to find I've typed in block capitals for at least a sentence.:wallbang::wallbang: Tonight I'm tired and typing badly with mistTAKE [Joke} after mistake. If I had left all the mistakes in this post you probably wouldn't have been able to read it. Tiredness or Old Age?????...............I'm not sure...........someone be kind to me.....NO!!, not you, Dai:nono::nono:, I know what you'd say.
I used to be very good at having a plan in my head for the job in hand,both organizing my labour and plan of works,not just for the one day but perhaps a week or more.Now i struggle to plan my own jobs in the garden,starting something then realizing I was going to start and finish the other job first,think I might need to start making notes for my self!
You usually do Zigs. I have to watch when I take a drink while on here or I'll have it shooting out my nose!
I'll be kind to you Armandii and say 'I'm glad I'm not the only one'. Thought I'd better sit on the fence with this reply. :D