Supermarket vs Greengrocer

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    Good thread

    Really enjoyed that thread, bit of honesty and also made me feel hungry:rolleyespink:
    • Like Like x 1
    • moonraker

      moonraker Gardener

      Jan 16, 2012
      I know what your saying, so ive wrote about a visit from some friends
      it was reading your thread thats brought this topic to mind "have a read"
    • moonraker

      moonraker Gardener

      Jan 16, 2012
      The visitors and brat.

      Hi all, It's thanks to Lazy-dogs smashing thread tonight that i thought i'd tell you about what happend last summer,

      Since coming to live here in france we've come to except some ways that when we lived in the uk we didnt know about or do,

      Now because the french houses are mostly different from each other (ie you dont really get two of the older homes that are the same) It's an x-pat thing to get to know your own country folk who live here and show each other around your homes,

      No bother there "but when we lived in the uk as far as i know we never did this,
      And the second thing is for the new comers tobe invited around for a meal, "again this can be a goodway to get to know your new friends"

      Well last summer we had a visit from some new english people who'd just bought a holiday home they'd intended to use every summer and as it was only 10 mins from us we thought this would be great.

      The invite to an summer evening meal went out for the couple and their 11 year old son.

      They all arrived and i sorted drinks out for everyone,ie wine for the adults and the offer of what would you like (11 year old son ?) reply "wine" like everyone else" Parents didnt say a word!

      My wife really is a good cook and she popped her head around the corner to say hi, dinner in about 10 mins and she disapeared back to the kitchen.

      After a walk around the garden enjoying the evening sun we got the call

      "Dinner's ready"

      and so we all went back inside and re-filled wine glasses and everyone was seated and the starter arrived "soup" now my wife did ask pre the arrival if anyone didnt eat meat ect or was there anything they didnt like to eat??

      Not a word said ref dislikes and so we thought green's would be fine,

      The young lad tasted the tomatoe soup and said "whats that?" im not eating that.

      A smile from his mother as she turned to her son and said "just leave it then"
      Everyone finished their soup and home made bread,
      the Main course arrived it was roast chicken, and or beef, plus roast potatoes, carrot, sprouts, cauli, cabbage, gravy. home made chutney if wanted,& mint sauce.

      Again at the top of his voice, "I dont eat veg, i hate, veg! and whats that stuff there? it was chutney.

      Trying to not upset anyone and return the smile back to his mum i continued to explain all the good things in the chutney,
      Oh i dont eat apple or plums "what ever they are" was the quick reply.

      I could feel my wife getting upset, and after we'd removed the (all but the 11 year olds un-eaten plate) empty plates to the kitchen i was about to help carry the pudding dishes back to the table when i could see the tears in my wifes eyes,

      Oh its nothing she said "onion's" they always give me tears,

      (A bit like big boys dont cry "its just a bit if grit in my eye")

      Again the tray was unloaded, apple pie, custard or ice cream or both,

      I like apple pie and custard (we we're informed by the 11 year old)
      I'll eat seconds of this!

      cheese was next plus coffee,

      I dont like coffee or cheese have you got any coke???

      I replied, we dont take drugs:loll:
      What a dinner that turned out tobe.

      Never never again.:nono:
      • Like Like x 3
      • gcc3663

        gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

        May 6, 2011
        North Tyneside/South Northumberland
        moonraker reminds me of our ONE and LAST "Invite a Granny for Christmas".
        We'd just moved back tom the area and Father in Law (active in the local Church) asked if we would consider inviting an elderly person for Christmas Dinner.
        We did and, courtesy of FIL (who fetched and carried) she duly arrived - with a friend we weren't anticipating.
        At the time we had 2 kids (aged 6 & 4), the younger released from Hospital 2 days before Christmas after 8 weeks in traction.

        Apart from the "we don't normally eat this", " I don't do it like that" etc., they we seasoned drinkers who were not shy in requesting top-ups.

        The worst part of the day was the repeated "Kids should be seen and not heard" attitude. We felt more than happy that our Son was there to make a noise enjoying his presents - instead of being flat on his back in Hospital. It was NOT a great day.

        Needless to say we were pleased to get rid and NEVER considered a repeat of inviting a total stranger for Christmas.:nono:
        • Like Like x 2
        • moonraker

          moonraker Gardener

          Jan 16, 2012
          Nice to nkow

          Well first i hope your lad made a full recovery,
          It's Nice to know in a strange sort of way that we're not the only ones to meet these sorts of people,
          Thanks for being honest and for writing a good reply.
          • Like Like x 1

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