I'm not a big contributor here but often look at the lastest posts and see what I can learn and drop by often to see what's happening. Whether people are beginners or experienced, serious or a dabbler, big lush garden or a little veg plot there seems to be an overridding ethos on this forum - everyone seems so nice and pleasant. I think that counts for a lot, not just on the internet but in life in general. p.s. my excuse for being a bit daft is I'm on a strict diet of lemsip and brandy trying to get rid of a seemingly neverending cold!!! Hic!! p.p.s. dim don't ever recommend me putting astroturf in my garden or you'll be the first in my little black book :D Fens
Hi Fens, it's always good to hear from you. Thanks for your thoughts on GC and I agree with you, otherwise I wouldn't be here. It usually is good intelligent discussions and good humoured banter on GC.........but there are time when things can become heated, but usually it's settled in an amicable way. But Ziggy, Aeusculus and I don't carry Base Ball Bats for nothing you know!! Sorry to hear about your ever lasting cold and I hope you win through soon. I tend to use Famous Grouse to cure my ails!!
Hey Fens, doesn't matter if you are a regular contributor or not, all are welcome here :grouphug:Even Catztail:WINK1: We try and keep it friendly, but even with the best intentions, put hundreds of Gardeners in a room in the middle of winter, when the soil outside is frozen and you will get the odd skirmish:D When I get really frustrated, I pop over to Facebook & poke GC members on there. Hang on a minute........There, just poked several members, 1 mod, 1 Admin and the Webmaster:D
Sorry Kaz, you'll have to humour me, I've got some sort of dizziness and nausea bug plus I've managed to twist my back so I'm having trouble trying to sit or lie comfortably. Having said that the "boys" will be round with the base ball bats, one drunk and the other with a bad back!!:grouphug:
That's enough to scare me Armandii, I don't want to catch what you've got Seriously, I hope you are seeing the Dr about your back etc, it doesn't sound good