Thanks for :grouphug:, Kaz, Ring NHS Direct????..........Why have they got dizziness, nausea and a bad back too??:D Anyway the first seems to be getting better and the last is still making me go Ouch!! when I pick up the Base Ball Bat.:D
i rang them on your behalf mandi it would appear that.......... you are either on the change or have a kidney infection or have the flu the vet is on her way with the gun and will you leave the bats alone :D
Compared to some other threads, this one has hardly moved from the original topic. It's been up for two days and no conspiracy theory has yet featured, for instance.
Ya not bad for on here. No moths, badgers, farts, ufos, toilet roll, or having a wee in the garden, yet. Not bad at all!!
There was this Badger Moth that had hitched a ride on a ufo with no toilet roll to check out the moon landing site who gave himself away by the smell and by weeing in the hydroponics.
I brought the kids up telling them Scary Badger Stories at bedtime, if I had put a tape recorder next to the bed, I could have made a fortune from publishing the adventures of Plato & Fred the Scary. Then there were the Sheep stories with Litmus Bum, Pudding Brain & Swirling Wool of the Mist.