Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hiya, Shiney, Moyra, Kandy, Woo and everyone. Thought Id pop in and see how you all are :) Ive been hibernating for the winter:sofa:

    But I can feel spring is in the air and Im coming round a little now. Just had a walk round the garden deciding which plants I need to divide this year.

    The hosta's and the daylillies are all I can see at the mo. Im clearing a little patch to grow some spuds and not quite decided what else yet but really looking forward to it:yess:

    Hope everyone is well besides the aches and pains alot of us suffer. Take care everyone :grouphug: 02
  2. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Hello Everyone, wont say good morning as the morning has more or less gone all but five minutes.

    Wendy lovely to see you again. Don't blame you hibernating!

    I have been out there raking the lawn I was meant to do yesterday and cleaning up after the birds. They make such a mess underneath my lilac tree which is their feeding station.

    Oh I do hope my pea and sweet pea seeds come tomorrow as well as that new bird table I am still waiting for. That's been due to be delivered the next day after the 7th Feb. A long time coming.

    Shiney you should take things a bit easier. You're a bit like me when you want something done you want it done yesterday!

    Loli, I hope your stiff neck or twisted neck is now better, that is painful to pull a tendon. I am not quite sure what you have done but then I am not sure you know for sure either.

    Kandy hope your cut is now nearly healed.

    Steve is brushing up on his darts in the lounge. Apparently they are going to have a 'Memorial Cup match' for their mate Will who hanged himself. Not sure what the money is going towards but something Will believed in.

    As long as Steve doesn't win the cup as my cabinet is already overflowing with his darts and fishing cups! :rolleyespink:

    Have a great weekend everyone and Wendy do not go back into hibernation.:nono:....promise? :)
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    The problem is, that it didn't get done yesterday! So I have to do it today. :heehee:
  4. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Hmm, bit like me and the lawn raking then, but I have got it done today! yippee! :thumbsup: Now I can do with a nice hot bath and a soak and then early bed!:yess: Have a good evening everyone.:)
  5. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    "Moyra,how are your eyes now,are they settling down now after your laser treatment?:)"

    Kandy, I knew I had read it somewhere but couldn't remember where. I don't really know until I go on the 7th March as last time I went on the 8th Feb, the pressure was up in my eyes after having the holes lasered to bring the pressure down. So that was a bit of a failure but still ever optimistic, I live in hope that the pressure will be down again and they can do the diabetes retinal scan which keeps being deferred.

    I am off for a nice long soak in the bath now and then early bed..............night night all.:WINK1:
  6. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone....

    I hope everyone is well today:sunny: My neck feels as bad as ever today..serves me right really i should be more careful but i hate being laid up...after today i have 4 days off so it will be fine by then...:thumbsup:When my chooks were making their way to bed last night i noticed May has a dicky leg....looks like 'scaley leg mite'....she's fine but it troubles me more than her ,so i'l get some surgical spirit on the way home from work and give her a little leg massage:chicken:
    Have a good day everyone,take care:sunny:
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Loli and everyone,

    O2,lovely to see you again and hope you had a good sleep through the winter months and are raring to go now that Spring it here:)

    Loli,sorry to hear your neck is still giving you gip.If it carries on you might need to go and see the Dr to check out that you havn't got a Wry neck which can be extremly painful:(Sorry also to hear about your chucks:chicken:.I have never kept them so don't really know a lot about their different conditions but hope the treatment works for them:thumbsup:

    Moyra,my lip cut only has a red mark now and the skin is a bit dry so have to make sure I keep it moisterised but i think i will end up with a scar:(Lets hope that the laser treatment has helped and that the pressure in your eyes sort themselves out and Good Luck when you have your next eye screening done:thumbsup:

    Shiney,is Mrs Shiney still doing her course or has she finished it now for the time being?:)

    Well it looks like we have had some rain in the night so the garden and allotment have been watered and my water butt level will have gone up a bit.Our radio station presenters were saying last week that all householders are to be sent an egg timer so we can use it when we are having a shower so we only are under the water for four minutes.Thats two minutes longer than what I was having anyway:DMr Kandy though is usaully in there for twenty minuites so I can't see him having a quick shower and I wonder how much money all these egg timers are going to cost:scratch:

    We saw our first Spring lambs on Saturday but they were too far away to get any piccys.It is sad to hear about this virus that is killing them and hope they can find a cure soon.I had heard about it a couple of weeks ago on a blog i came across but until this wekend hadn't heard about it on the news or CountryFile..

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  8. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy and Loli and al my other friends here at Gardeners Corner,hope you are all OK,have a good day and please take care:)
    • Like Like x 2
    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Hi Everyone,

      I heard about this desease that is affecting the new born of both sheep and cattle - it doesn't sound good. They say if they can get a culture of it they should be able to knock up some immunisation all being well. Lets hope they do.

      Loli, sorry your neck is not getting any better think it is time you had a visit to your doc. Hope you are able to help your poor chook out with its dodgy leg.

      Kandy, I cannot see the cut on my back that my doctor did to take away that infected area. but I can feel a very long ridge. Not that it bothers me my sunbathing days are over. I hope your scar fades in time for August, I think you said when you have an occasion to celebrate.

      Where's our Shiney this morning hope he hasn't knocked himself up with all that hedging and other work he had to get done.

      WOO, hope you and Mrs. W. are keeping well these days.

      Have a good day everyone and you Penny, hope you are not snowed in. :)
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      Yesterday was another good day. I cut 75ft of 10ft high conifer hedge and Mrs Shiney helped me to clear up the mess. She's been potting up loads of tiny seedlings she has found in the flower beds.

      At some time I shall have to do a job that I've been putting off for some time. People bring us their empty pots and they will need cleaning and sorting into sizes. It doesn't sound too bad but I've got at least 20 big black dustbin bags full. It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't leave a load soil/leaves/snails etc in the pots!

      O2, I'm pleased to hear that you had a good hibernation. You should be raring to go, now! :heehee:

      Woo, good to see you :dbgrtmb:

      Loli, I hope your neck eases up soon. :thumbsup: and wish your chook better.

      Moyra, I hope the pressure is easing :thumbsup:. I started this post at 7.15 this morning but then Mrs Shiney needed the computer. So I've now had to add in some extra bits as well. :D

      Kandy, vitamin E oil should help the scar to go away. You can buy little capsules of it. Make a little hole in the capsule and squeeze out a drop of oil and rub it on the scar. Then swallow the rest of the capsule. Hospitals use vitamin E to help with scar tissue.
      Mrs Shiney successfully graduated from college :dbgrtmb: and has another load of letters after her name.

      Still no rain here :(

      Have a great day :D
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Well done to Mrs Shiney:mexwave::pickflower:
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning everyone,

      Congratulations Mrs Shiney on your achivement:thumbsup:

      Shiney,I will get Mr Kandy to pop into Holland Barrett today to get some of that Vitamin E and i will see if it works.Thanks for the advice:thumbsup:I have started chucking away lots of our pots as I have loads already washed and boxed up so am getting fed up of them cluttering up the shed.Not nice though when they are full of snails and compost though:D

      Moyra,I am not into sunbathing either,I can't remember that last time my back got the sun on it as Mr Kandy hates beaches when we go away and i don't seem to get the chance to lie around sunbathing in the garden especially now as we are overlooked:(I do hope that your wound heals successfully and it doesn't give you too much discomfort.:yess:I heard on the radio yesterday Moyra that the virus is our county now and it could be two years before a vaccine is complete to treat them all.Even calves can get the problem.I expect it will push the prices up as well although we don't each much lamb as it is too fatty:D

      We had more rain last night which stopped us going for our evening walk,but can't complain as we do need it:D

      Hope that Woo,Loli,Penny and everyone else are all ok and that you are all enjoying the Spring weather:)
    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good morning Kandy and all my other friends,hope you are all OK and well,have a good day.:)
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      Mrs Shiney says thank you for the congrats :dbgrtmb:

      Kandy, Mr K should be buying the vitamin E capsules that say 400iu (iu stands for international units). We take one every day. 400iu's is the average amount the body needs but this need increases during the winter (lack of sun) and as you get older. You get some vit E from the food you eat so you don't need to go over the top. The oil in the capsules is not only good for scar tissue but very good if you burn yourself. First run the burn under a cold tab for five minutes (longer if you can take it), dab dry and spread a little vit E oil. This helps stop it blistering. :thumbsup:

      I took it fairly easy yesterday. The only thing I did out in the garden, apart from watering, was prepare the big posts that I bought the other week. These are round posts that are 2.5" diameter and 8ft long that are going to be put in the veggie plot to help support the runner beans. As the gusts of wind seem to be getting stronger each year I decided we needed extra support.

      I normally grow two long rows of beans (about 30 canes in a row with two plants per cane) and a few wigwams dotted around.

      I've got 10 posts. One post to be put at either end of the rows and I'll run a stretched wire between them. The tops of the canes will then be tied to the wire. That uses four posts. Two of the others will be set in line with the four but between the rows. I can then run strings from the top of each cane to a wire run between these two posts. The strings will then form a sort of archway between the rows and I'll let the beans grow over it - along the strings. I'll then be able to walk down the middle and pick beans that dangle down.

      The other four posts are so that I can do something similar outside the rows. I'll be able to run a wire about 2ft-3ft outside the canes but parallel and run string from the canes to the wire. So I'll also be able to pick beans from overhead there. With a bit of luck I won't need to pinch out the tops of the plants until they've grown a few more feet. :yess:

      Yesterday I put screws just below he tops of the poles for me to secure the wires around them. Tomorrow Tracey is coming so I'll get her to hammer the poles into the ground - she already knows that needs doing.

      I had to go into town yesterday to fill in some forms for Barry. He's quite capable of doing it himself but these were forms that had the rows of little boxes for each letter of the words. He can't control his hand sufficiently to get the letters into the boxes.

      After going to Barry I popped into Sainsburys and got some good deals on meat :dbgrtmb:. 'Butcher's special offer' (translation - they're not busy for a second day in a row and got too much) and I got some braising steak at £3.50 per kg and rack of lamb at £6 per kg.

      Have a great day :D
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Your bean supports sound impressive Shiney:dbgrtmb:..creating an arched walkway will look good too...i tried this last year albeit on a very small scale as i haven't much room and just used canes...it really did look nice and made picking the beans easier too:thumbsup:

      I hope everyone is well and yes Kandy definately enjoying the spring weather,the sun has yet to wake up but the forecast is good...expecting 13 degrees today:yess:
      May had her leg massage and enjoyed it ....at least i think thats what she said:heehee:
      I could do with one myself:D
      Enjoy you day everyone:sunny:
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