Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Morning everyone!!

    Its cool here today, but we havent had any snow since the weekend.

    Its been a busy few days here, and I'm home today, so i plan on cleaning.
  2. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    I thought I had posted today, but obviously not. Hope everyone is ok. Not been such a nice day today, still not bad for February though. Have a good evening everyone. :)
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Shiney,Mr Kandy was at a meeting for three hours yesterday so by the time he got out it was too late to go up town so he will probably get them today.Please Thank Mrs Shiney for the advice:thumbsup:It sound slike you and Tracey are going to be busy with those poles.Mr Kandy put some poles in at the allotment last year and draped fleece over them to keep the pigeons off of my winter greens but the snow was a tad heavy so they collapsed a bit:(

    Moyra,I am a bit like that at times keep forgetting whether I have already posted on here or not.I just hope we don't get confused when they chan ge us all over at the weekend:D

    It looks like Woo is still in bed unless he is already out flying:D

    It is misty here this morning but that usually is a sign of a good day so we will see what happens and whether they have got it wrong again:D

    Loli,this is the best time of the year when we have the spring flowers out and i see the first of the big bees flying around then i know we have turned the corner.It was six pm last night when Mr Kandy commented on the fact that it was still light in the sky outside:D

    Enjoy your day everyone:)
  4. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Morning Everyone, Have a good day each. Kandy, awful getting older and forgetting things I seem to be getting worse just lately. :what:

    Shiney, you take it easy with whatever your are up to today.

    Lolli, I hope that neck of yours is sorting itself out at last.

    Take care everyone and have a purposeful day. :)
  5. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone....

    I hope everyone is well:dbgrtmb:
    My neck isn't right yet:gaagh:but it's alot better thank you:thumbsup:
    Don't worry Moyra,we all forget things ,i can sometimes be writing a post and loose the gyst of what i was going to put:rolleyespink:
    I've just been sat watching the birds in the garden,there 's a blackbird with it's beak full of debris,the blue tit is busy collecting up all the dog hair i put out in the bushes and taking to the nest box and a wood pidgeon with great big twigs going in an out of the conifers....Oh and i noticed the frogs in the pond are getting rather amourus:WINK1: The blossom is appearing on my wild plum trees too....i could go on and on......

    Talk about lift the heart...i love Spring:yess:
    Have a great day everyone:sunny:
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    I suppose when GC has the change over on Sunday we'll have a bit of a struggle coping with it but we'll soon get used to it.

    Of course, as we're all having trouble remembering things, it shouldn't be too bad as we won't be able to remember what it used to be like :heehee:

    Mrs Shiney's car has an oil leak so we've taken her car in to hospital this morning. It's leaking somewhere between the engine and gearbox so they're going to have to take the clutch out to get to it. I think that's what they said! :scratch: It's our local garage who are very good and have been looking after Mrs Shiney's car for 11 years. They said that although the car is old it's still in good condition so she should keep it. They've only been charginmg just over £100 per year to keep it serviced and sorting out small problems. This one is going to be fairly expensive :rolleyespink:

    Yesterday I started on sorting out the bags of pots and shall continue today - and tomorrow - and the day after....... :(

    Keep well and have a great day :D
  7. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Shiney, you mind you don't go a little potty! :loll:
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Pinch Punch first day of the month and 'Happy St Davids Day' to everyone in Wales who celebrates it :D

    What a shame last night to read that Davy Jones of The Monkees who passed away yesterday:cry3:He was my favourite out of them all and was a really genuine kind man and never said a bad word about his fans,unlike others in the group.May he RIP:(Heard also on the news this morning that the Policeman who that gunman blinded the other year has been found dead at his home.What a sad state of affairs and I hope his tortured sole can RIP:(

    On a brighter note:DI can now hear the dawn chorus in the mornings and have more spring bulbs in flower in the garden so all looks good in the garden,although the weather is set to turn colder by the weekend and snow might be falling once more so we shall see what happens:D

    Right,I'm off to do some irioning so hope you all have a good day:)
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

    Too late!!! :heehee:

    Good morning everyone,

    It's a lovely sunny but misty morning today :sunny:

    I've been invited out by a friend for a wrinklies pub lunch today :thumbsup:. I'll get some more of the pots sorted before I go - must show willing :D

    Whilst I was doing the pots yesterday Sarafi walked past, behind, me miaowing like mad but ignoring me :scratch: - and marched off down the garden. It was almost like he was saying. I'm here, I'm not interested in you but I'm not letting you forget me! Oscar never miaowed and never walked past. He used to just walk straight up to us and plonk himself down on our feet. :heehee:

    Have a great day :D
  10. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone....

    Yes sad news Re Davy...but haven't seen the news yet this morning about the police man....what a tragic end...very sad....

    I hope everyone is well :dbgrtmb:
    There was quite a nip in the air when i went in the garden first thing ...i went out purposely to smell the winter box and viburnum...i've got a thing about doing that:rolleyespink:
    I've got plenty to do again this morning,washing,coating my truffles in chocolate....Mr Lolimac got me 10 more orders:phew: then shopping with mum.....
    Hope Shiney hasn't got lost amongst all those pots:D
    Enjoy your day everyone,take care:sunny:
  11. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Morning Everyone, Yes sad news about Davy Jones and also about the policeman who Raul Moat blinded. May their souls rest in peace.:(

    Kandy it is lovely to see all the plants coming to life isn't it. My wallflowers are looking particularly good for the second year around. I put them in last winter and they have made up lovely since then. :sunny:

    Shiney, yes if you have gone Potty already definitely need a rest from the pots today. Enjoy your wrinkleys pub lunch. :thumbsup:

    My Steve started redecorating the kitchen yesterday cannot wait any longer for the landlady to do it. We have only lived here 15 years and not once have they laid a brush of paint to it. 2½ years ago she said we were her top priority, Lord help those not on top of the list. I know what it is her other properties are changing hands all the time and each time they do she has to spend money to clean and tidy them up! So we wait. £40+ I spent on paint, brushes, emery paper and filla yesterday but it will be worth it when its done. It wont modernise the kitchen but it will make it nice and clean. It's a kitchen of the 60's so it will soon be in fashion again! I'll have to push my son to take some money for his labours but since he hasn't got any other work on he cannot be expected to do it for love.:love30:

    Loli, hope that neck of yours is on the mend.

    Penny, hope you have got away without any more snow.

    Have a great day everyone. The sun looks as though it is going to shine! Yippee!:)
  12. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its been a couple of crazy days here, weather wise....we were under freezing rain, then heavy snow warnings, and back to freezing rain....and we've had it all!!

    I'm home today, so i am off to the bank shortly, and do some grocery shopping....need to go and buy a b-day card, yesturday was my FIL's birthday, poor guy, being a leap year baby, so we are taking my inlaws and the girls and their boyfriends out to dinner on Saturday night.
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Penny, I hope your weather improves soon :thumbsup:

    Yesterday's lunch was very good. I also went to visit a friend of mine who is a leap year baby and was 11 this year. She had lots of cakes given to her but can't eat much of them as she's training for the Marathon :DOH:. I'm sure her kids will help her out :D

    Well, it was just like a summer's day and I got more pots sorted out. It's a pity that people don't think to clean them before giving them to us. A lot of them still have some soil in them or roots in the bottom. One of the biggest problems is that they tend to stick together with the soil and, particularly, the bigger pots are difficult to get apart.

    Mrs Shiney is having a friend round for lunch for the friend's birthday. so I'm going to cook a butternut squash curry for them.

    Then it's more pots!

    Have a great day :D
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    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good morning Shiney and all my other friends,hope you are all OK,enjoy your day my friends and please stay safe:)
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning Shiney and everyone,

      Moyra I couldn't bring myself to write that evil mans name yesterday and hopefully he is way down in the flames of hell for the lives he took then and now.:mad:I feel sorry for that poor Policeman that could no longer cope with losing his site just for doing his job and now his kids are fatherless and many people will have to live with the thought that not enough support was given to him.It is such a tragedy:(

      Penny hope the weather picks up for you all soon and that you can finally look forward to some decent weather:thumbsup:Hope your FiL had a good leap year birthday:)

      Shiney glad to hear the pot cleaning is going well.I tend to do mine in the summer months when the hot weather is about then they dry quickly and then i box them up ready for the spring when i might have plants to repot on:D

      Hope your friend enjoyed her leap year birthday and the training for the Marathon:thumbsup:A friend of mine in the village is doing the Moonwalk in May which is the full 26 miles of the marathon but ashe will be doing it during the night,hence the name Moonwalk.There is also the Sunwalk which is the same thing but it is being done in the day time,hence the name:D

      I hope the Birthday meal goes down well Shiney especially as you will be cooking it:)

      Anyway,I have been mentioned in dispatches{our village newsletter}for spending quiet a few hours of my time litter picking in the village,so looking forward to reciving the newsletter sometime next week,although I don't like much fuss when i do things:D

      It is foggy here this morning although the sun is shining and we have rain forecast for this weekend so it looks like we shall miss out on the Laser light show at Boughton House tomorrow night if it is wet:(

      Hope Woo and Loli are ok and that once the change over happens my clock doesn't get out of kilter again like it normally does when we have an upgrade:nono:

      Enjoy your day everyone:happydance:
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