yep kinda Shiney it has been 7 years now so they can all go up in smoke! i must say it seems like it was a lifetime ago but strange that i still think oh no it april i must sort out the finances lol you bring what ever you fancy ziggy just dont forget the beer
I burnt all mine some years ago . It's amazing how difficult it is to burn large amounts of paperwork. The outside pages and the edges burn OK but the inner pages don't get touched. I had to keep turning them and breaking the stacks of pages open - using a very long stick. You can't put single pages on a large bonfire as the just fly upwards on the hot currents. Here's something to get you started - it's where I burnt a lot of mine.
I do miss having a good bonfire Shiney, I'm to close to my neighbours now for that. It's very therapeutic.
I wouldn't put him on the bonfire - he's one of the goodies! I have about half a dozen binfires a year similar to that