"Global Warming"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    My theory is this,

    When they first drilled for oil it came out under pressure, we've all seen the gushing oil wells in the movies.

    As they try to get the last oil out, the pressure will go, if it hasn't already, so they will need to get it out by pumping in something that oil will float on top of, seawater.

    Now thinking about the billions of barrels that are coming out, thats billions of barrels of sea water that will get pumped into the rock strata never to return.

    It will lower sea level.

    So, tell the plebs that there is a problem with rising sea levels, then, when the level starts to drop, congratulate their efforts to combat rising sea levels, well done everyone, it worked.

    Then the public will be none the wiser and the oil companies will have got away with a crime against the whole planet.
    • Like Like x 1
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      I followed the BP macando oil spill daily and even watched the live cams till well after midnight... I frequented a forum that had loads of info from insiders

      lots to it, and BP even went so far as to use a chemical dispersant called Corexit .... which did not disolve the oil, it merely made it heavier, so as to hide it on the bottom of the ocean ... it's still there!

      that is what is causing the mutations in sealife in the area now, and people who were involved in the coverup by using the chemicals are now starting to show signs of sickness .... (i.e those who actually sprayed the chemicals)

      to top that, a scientist called Craig Venter, developed a bacteria that was added to Corexit... this is called Synthia .... many people are alarmed that this was allowed, and people are not sure as to what the long term effects will be .... however, now we are starting to see mutations in sealife and the leaked oil, that was heavily laden with these chemicals is still on the bottom of the ocean

      the following video is from a guy who studied the live cams 24/7 .... he speaks like he is stoned, but believe me, he is well informed about synthia and the BP oil spill, and his blog was followed by many (including people involved in the oil industry)

      lots more info on the internet and youtube (search for BP Craig venter synthia)

      as I understand it, oil’s purpose is to act as an insulator to protect the surface from the heat generated by the earth's core. It also acts as a lubricant to facilitate tectonic plate movement within the earth's crust.

      take that away, and we are in deep shite .... more earthquakes, etc and I think it's time to introduce humans to alternative energy (but sadly, the ones that really work are free, and those who profit from the existing oil profits will do whatever thay can to hide and suppress this info as they will loose power and money)

      Fracking is another thing I am trying to understand, and so far, what I have read and understand is very disturbing

      i also very rarely eat sea fish anymore, and have switched to chicken and lamb (or beef steak when I can afford it)
    • Folly Mon

      Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

      Dec 17, 2011
      starting new busniss in new year
      House on the Hill
      its down to every one growing dope in hydroponics in the black country :yikes:
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      Nah .... cheaper to just buy it from the chaps at the local pub .... growing it proper costs too much when you factor in all the nutrients required

    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Oil hasn't got a purpose Dim, its just a biological process that happened to remove a lot of CO2 from the atmosphere. Same with the coal measures. Just a happy conicidence.

      Plate tectonics will still go on regardless, they really don't need lubrication.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Jack McHammocklashing

        Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

        May 29, 2011
        Ex Civil Serpent
        Fife Scotland

        We were discussing the Structure of the Earth, not what we use products for

        Dim was intimating that oil, lubricated the joints in the tectronic plates

        Ziggy pointed out that is not the case, oil, is held within the tectronic plates, and has no role to play in the Earths structure, it is only of use when WE drill down and extract it for use as Fuel and Plastics/Polythene, Same as Coal and Coke for gas

        Jack McHammocklashing
        • Like Like x 1
        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Its part of the planet so it must have a use. I've always thought of it like burning our own floorboards in our houses, or mining the foundations. At the end of the day, oil is where it is because of gravity. Same with coal. Organic things die, and rot on the floor (or the sea bed). Over millenia, more and more stuff is piled on top of it, by gravity. The stuff on top sinks as far as it can, but you can only compress something so much, so stuff (us) just sits on top of it. Then after many millions of years, a group of monkeys come down from the trees, and start digging it all up. Someone must have thought to themselves that its probably not the best plan to dig up the thing that's holding up the surface you're standing on.
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          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Jiffy's only having a laugh Jack, i'm as guilty as any on here for that:snork:

            Thinking about it though, life appears to have a purpose, albeit an unwitting one. If the early organisms hadn't taken that much CO2 out of the atmosphere the planet would be a very different one today.

            It looks like life itself creates better conditions for life to carry on. Just hope that we don't turn out to be the life form that breaks the trend.

            Before the present life forms evolved there was another race of organisms that were dominant on the planet, they were almost wiped out by a creature that evolved to excrete a gas that is toxic to them, oxygen.

            Anerobic bacteria only exist in pockets away from the toxic oxygen now, but they used to be the rulers of the planet.
          • lazydog

            lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

            Jun 30, 2011
            waiting to win the Lotto
            Black Country Nr Dudley
            I am still trying to get my head round drought,ok river levels are low in some areas and underground reserves.
            But their is still the same amount of water on the planet as there was a billion years ago,but the population has grown so it is taking more out of the chain at anyone time.But this water never disappears it is still there.
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              To paraphrase Eric Morecombe, it's all there but not in the right place at the right time!
              • Like Like x 1
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                It will disappear if they pump it into the rock strata. It wont come back into the system for millions of years. We are contemplating doing something unprecidented in the entire 4 and a half billion years of the planet's existance.
              • Dave W

                Dave W Total Gardener

                Feb 6, 2006
                Anything I fancy and can afford!
                Tay Valley
                Hit the nail on the head.:yay: Supply is the same but demand (human) is increasing exponentially:sad: There may be problems ahead!

                Not a bad article here -

                Edit - Just had a thought. When commodities become scarce, the price rises.
              • Jack McHammocklashing

                Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                May 29, 2011
                Ex Civil Serpent
                Fife Scotland
                UK the only Drought country in the world with a hosepipe ban and the ground water logged

                In Scotland anyway we never have a drought, but the problem is down to ME
                I have never bothered with a garden before this past year
                I have worked damn hard preparing the ground ready for veg, and had a reasonable back lawn (meadow) Fine

                Now it is the first time I have ever had a water logged garden, here in forty years
                It is even the first time in that time of all the kids playing on the grass, family gatherings walking all over the grass that I have actually hollow tined the whole area, brushed in sharp sand etc, I have just left it before uncared for except for cutting it when it was too high
                Everything I do turns to rat s
                When Mum died I sold the house for £90k six months later the market was at £120k

                I invested the cash from that when the FTSE was 625O two months before 9/11 when the FTSE went to 4673 and even now it is only 5676

                Now after paying into the pension pot for fifty years, the annuity is 36% less than it was two years ago (I have to live with that for the rest of my life)

                I am now sat crosslegged outside Waverly Station in Edinburgh selling Lucky White Heather £1 a bunch
                The purple heather and bottle of Bleach COST me £1.20 a bunch :-(

                Where is DIM when you need him
                My theory is, Too many of us were born (war babies) we have paid into the pot for fifty years, and this Global finacial crisis is created so they do not have to pay out what they have taken in,
                Ten more years and it will be back to normal. due to the normal birth rate

                My best tactic is to go on a booze cruise to Calais, destroy my passport, buy some clothes from a charity shop there
                Then when I get back to Dover, claim assylum, as a Latvian and learned my English listening to Radio Newcastle

                Jack McH (Lucky white heather)
                • Like Like x 5
                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  One thing they've got wrong though,

                  They've based that on false American Data.
                • lazydog

                  lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

                  Jun 30, 2011
                  waiting to win the Lotto
                  Black Country Nr Dudley

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