"Global Warming"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    They are a bit quick to blame climate change for the whole of the problem, the Romans de forested a large bit of North Africa, the soil was washed away & the area never recovered.

    The other observation I meant to mention is about Photosynthesis.

    Most crops stop photosythesising for a few hours either side of midday. This isn't because the sunlight is too strong for them but due to the stomata on the leaves closing to prevent too much evaporation.

    The process needs CO2 so once the available CO2 in the leaves is used up, photosythesis stops.

    Plants evolved during much higher atmospheric CO2 periods and are already adapted to using the higher levels so with more CO2 in the leaves, photosynthesis could carry on for longer after the stomata close.

    So higher CO2, more plant production.

    Its already practiced by siting greenhouses next to CO2 outlets, such as breweries, where the waste gas is piped thru the greenhouses for the plants to absorb.
  2. *dim*

    *dim* Head Gardener

    Jun 26, 2011
    I read a thread on a forum recently where a guy uses fizzy bottled mineral / spring water when he mixes his seaweed or liquid fertilizers for a foliar spray

    he says that the CO2 in the fizzy/sparkling water adds CO2 to his plants, but it must be used at sunset when the stomata are fully open

    I don't see how this would work, as the CO2 would evaporate before it has a chance to enter the plant?

    I have read about CO2 being piped into greenhouses with good effect
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Wow!!! Drunken plants. :snork:
  4. *dim*

    *dim* Head Gardener

    Jun 26, 2011
    • Like Like x 1
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      I've been following the Japanese Fukushima nuclear powerstation disaster from when it happened

      this is a summary of whats happening right now ....

      all being kept 'hush hush' from worldwide television news ... there is even plant mutations, and they are pumping millions of gallons of radioactive water into the ocean .... they have no other options ...

      I feel sorry for the Japanese .... many will get very sick

    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      Just after the Chernobyl disaster, there were predictions of radiation lingering at dangerous levels for many decades, and spanning a massive area even reaching parts of the UK. Then the scientists watching the situation observed something that they hadn't expected. Plant growth had accelerated and foliage was growing far more densely that normal, if I remember right they estimated about 4 times the normal leaf surface area. Mother nature has a way of balancing things out. It seems the plants were mopping up a lot of the radiation or something (too technical for my limited brain), but it meant that although it was by no means all ok, the long term outlook was nowhere near as bleak as the early analyses had suggested.
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      the difference with Chernobyl, is that they built a huge structure around the plant containing the radiation .... the Japanese don't know what to do .... this is a lot worse as they are pumping radioactive water into the sea, and the rods have gone into meltdown

      here is another recent vid:
    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      Chernobyl went into meltdown. The whole reactor cracked open as it went. They were worried it would, but when it did it turned out to be a blessing, because it enabled them to get heavy machinery in to push sand into the reaction chamber from outside. Sadly that wasn't enough, and volunteers also did it with shovels, knowing that in just 2 minutes they'd receive so much radiation that there chance of survival was nill. They literally worked til death to try to bring the situation under control. They achieved it, but not before it spilt its nastiness out en masse, and left a massive area of eastern europe poisonous even to this day.

      There Fukishima situation is different, and very serious, but no more so than Chernobyl. The only reason there will be much speculation, exaggeration, and gossip about Fukishima as opposed to Chernobyl is purely that Chernobyl is old news. Many of the people talking about Fukishima are excited about it because they weren't even born when Chernobyl went up in smoke, so its irrelevant to them.
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      well, I hope that you are right ...

      sadly, many people involved in the industry and who comment of conspiracy forums have a differnt opinion to you, and are in panic mode .... even the USA experts who were called to help, have fled the area and gone home
    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      They wouldn't be on the conspiracy forums if they didn't enjoy a good panic every now and then.
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      from the internet ... quote:
      There are only 35 days or less until the fuel sustains a full-scale fission criticality. The boron, (which stops nuclear fission from occurring) will have exceeded its lifespan by this time…
Tepco had already made a request as of march to evacuate the reactors. Though they are being forced to see it until the end by the Japanese government. God bless their souls. As it surely is a death mission.

      The first death was reported on Friday. Meaning, that the situation is already well beyond cataclysmic. In all reality, the worlds biggest dirty bomb will be released in no more than 35 days…

      Tepco will likely evacuate the site between the dates: June 16th – June 28th…
      “This is because boron is limited and can no longer sustain its self within the current settings”.

      Meaning: the fuel will release amounts of neutrons in such excess that the boron “in any quantity” will be now be unable to capture enough neutrons to stop a criticality.

      At this time neutrons will begin to react against atoms, leading to a spike in temperatures exceeding any known cooling process… The fuel will then go core through the floor, and reach the water table in no less than 1-6 hours…
      At that time the fuel will both be released in atmospheric and oceanic / form. Plaguing Japan first and foremost. I presume that over 100,000- 10,000,000 deaths will be attributed to the event alone.

      Japan will likely be forced to abandon the main island entirely within that time.

      The continental united states will see the radiation within 2 days. The radiation will sweep across the northwest, as far north as Vancouver canada, and as far south as new mexico. The main area’s to be astray from are seattle through sandiego. The radiation will likely be 350 – 800cmp. (fyi 200cpm is when you should run indoors)…

      This will continue as a global norm for at least two months, at that time reactors 5 and 6 will likely begin the path to china syndrome. If you are in a temporary fallout shelter, by august, you should be planning to find a more permanent location to settle…

      Come November, the situation will likely start over again, now reaching 1000cpm or more. It will be anywhere up to a century for the initial radiation plumes to settle… The 600,000 spent fuel rods, will likely contaminate the entire planet killing 45% or more, of life on earth…

      “Once the reaction from neutrons has dwindled to a 100-300 cpm internationally”; The biological life forms will begin to emerge from the now very few uncontaminated portions of the planet…
      Though human dna will likely be mutated, and lifespans will be lowered to 20 – 44 years old in adult males, and 25 – 50 years old in Adult females.

      So in short uncontrolled fission taking place inside the zirconium cells, lead to a temperature spike inside the core fuel cells to reactor 1. Once the heat reached beyond boiling point the tops of the fuel rods were exposed to the now present oxygen. Creating a violent reaction damaging the rods…

      This allowed the nuclear fuel pellets to escape their containment, dropping to the bottom of the reactor core. At that point Tepco then had no choice but to induce nitrogen into the reactor (as the melting of zirconium creates vast amounts of hydrogen)… While the nitrogen settled the hydrogen the remaining fuel collected in the bottom of the reactor, creating so much fission the fuel melted through 6 feet of metal and concrete landing in the reactors basement. Now were playing a dangerous waiting game.

      The GE reactor design has an emergency platform designed under the reactors containment in the event a meltdown was to occur, that feature was built to not only prolong a meltdown but also prevent fission as best it can…
      However, with the fuel heating up, you must consider that the water being implored with high levels of boron are doing little to nothing to prevent the fission from occuring…

      That being said, Its only going to be a short amount of time before the fuel likely surpasses the emergency system, and makes its way into the water table. After that happens, soil and water will produce steam clouds that will contaminate vast areas of the planet… =ing the evacuation of the site… Game Over.

      I assume this will be more like a nuclear fountain… Think of a geyser of radiation spewing into the atmosphere for the next 10 – 1000 years Like they are now except 20 times worse… One that will create temperatures that are unbearable to work near, rising to 120f. or greater…

      It will contaminate everything its stream touches. Fukushima would become a wasteland, of contamination and japan would need to extend the evacuation zone to at least 300km likely much much more area. though

      A china syndrome has never happened thus the math is beyond me… The contamination would spread in any nation internationally and nationally. (as it has now). but in much higher doses. likely 150 -350cpm… Note this is on the premiss that only one reactor has reached criticality…

      However: In the event there is an explosion, Well thats just bad… We would witness at least 3 – 300000 tons of metric nuclear waste, instantly turned into particle form…

      The release would do either one of three possible things…
      1. a really bad case scenario: Assist reactors 2-6 in achieving a full fusion criticality, leading to an apocalyptic amount of radiation in such high density that anyone that is in its path would perish by suffocation;
      2. The better, and yet less likely scenario: achieve a level of detonation, while completely staying within a safe proximity of the other troubled reactors on site, (which is very unlikely)… somehow redirecting most of the initial mass over and into the ocean… Thus spreading only minute levels of radiation globally… Then there is the worst case scenario…
      3. (fyi, This is also a product of result #1)… If the fusion some how took the full site (all 6 reactor) in one big kaboom (meaning a full fusion criticality) …

      In lamen terms: There will be absolutely nothing left; Ever witness a: coronal mass ejection??? Now, have you ever heard of the earth creating one??? If there were an explosion leading to a full fusion criticality, You wouldn’t need to worry about flights or planning… That would register as an ELE. (extinction level event)…

      The explosion would likely blow the entire atmosphere off the planet.

      food for thought: G.E. owns comcast; Is this why USA media is blackballing the story… ?
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Last orders please.
      • Like Like x 2
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        We're all doomed, I tell you, we're are doomed!!:runforhills:
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        And entombed?
        • Like Like x 1
        • *dim*

          *dim* Head Gardener

          Jun 26, 2011
          I normally look at the worst scenario on conspiracy forums them divide it by 4

          so, even doing that, I feel sorry for the people who live in Japan .... I'm not too happy about them pumping the water into the sea, but suppose they have no option .... we may soon be able to buy octopus with 16 legs

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