Firstly, I'm not a technophobe in fact I'm quite geeky and like to keep up, innit. Right, I've never been into Twitter and Facebook etc for various reasons, mostly to do with being an adult But, as a Radio4 fan, I was listening to Saturday Live this morning having breakfast in bed, as you do, when as usual they mentioned the twitter page. So I goes to have a look to see what all the fuss is about thinking I might sign up, but all I found was this given the info provided on the show:!/search/#saturdaylive?q=#saturdaylive Is this it ? Or am I missing something and gone to the wrong page/hashtag or whatever? If this is it - and you know me, I'm not quick to make a judgement - it looks just like a bunch of unrelated confusing daft rubbish Anyway, can someone enlighten me, so that if I am missing something vitally interesting and fun .... TIA (see I know ye olde modern lingo)
You need no enlightenment. You are already a grand master of Twitter enlightenment. Yes, that's it. And yes, it is just a random collection of tenuously related bits of rubbish. Twitter is basically based on early text messages for mobile phones, so the 'tweets' are limited to 140 characters. That means everything on there is like a teenager's text message. Short, poorly written, and usually completely pointless.
Well you can go to anyones page, famous person or otherwise and see if they have any comments to make. That is assuming you are interested in their comments in the first place!!! Val
So I believe a lot of people "follow" the QI bloke, Jeeves and Worcester bloke, The tall one who played the butler, but why they follow I have no idea
Can tell I'm in a minority here but I like twitter cos I follow sport considered unworthy of news coverage in the UK, so its the easiest way of keeping up
There is that. There's always the exception to the rule. From what I gather though, for most people its about which celeb got drunk and vomited on their own lap. Our marketing team at work use Twitter. Its good for that. Bizarrely though (and a bit annoyingly) on one recent occasion when we were waiting anxiously for any news at all from our delegates at a trade fair, one of the lads spotted an update on Twitter before we received anything direct to us.
I just don't " get " Twitter. I have looked at some pages but it's BORING. I DO like Facebook. I can get a good laff from there and keep up on things.
I prefer GC comments. More relevant to me. I am not interested in what other people are up to. Reminds me of ?Big Brother. What a load of drivel that was. Twits /twats - same difference.
Don't worry about liking Twitter, Pootle.......we'll forgive you and still talk to you.....but not on Twitter!!!
Apparently the two words are not quite the same Jenny I remember when I was little, I was allowed to call my older sister a twit if it was clearly just sibling banter. However I once got mixed up and called her the other one, and my dad went ballistic.
Back in the good old days, standards mattered. We are all the better for it I reckon. Jenny (boring old biddy)
Good to know to be honest I never post on it just use it as a news feed. Currently following cycling, ice hockey, and motorsport.