Pecorama Pleasure Gardens, Beer, Devon.

Discussion in 'Garden Visits' started by Phil A, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I bet Scrungee will say he was standing next to me when I took these pics today:snork:















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    • Scrungee

      Scrungee Well known for it

      Dec 5, 2010
      Central England on heavy clay soil
      Haven't been there for 13 years. We were staying in a cottage in Beer (1st week in June was cheap/affordable before our daughter started school) and we found out that Pecorama did a special deal where a family could get in for the last hour for only 50p 'Happy Hour' plus get a free train ride from a voucher in a free newspaper/leaflet/handout.

      We waited in the car park until the appropriate hour and then presented our voucher and discovered we were the only people there. They opened up the shutters of the refreshments kiosk and beamed expectantly at us, but we had been stuffing ourselves in the car park with our own food (reduced stuff from Seaton Co-op - we used to have a separate Divi Card for Dorset in those days as we were there so often).

      The staff appeared surprised that anybody else had turned up that day, and had already put the train away, but we demanded our free ride. They had to send it round the track a few times (H&S) first to re-check it. When Mrs Scrungee pointed out the train driver wasn't wearing his train driver's hat, he snarled and went into the 'Station Master's' hut and donned the appropriate head wear - couldn't have our daughter disappointed could we?

      Our train ride seemed to be several more circuits of the track than we expected - I think they'd got the measure of us by then. So a great 50 pence worth and our daughter (then 3) had a great time. I'm sure you wouldn't expect any less from me on getting a bargain deal.
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      • strongylodon

        strongylodon Old Member

        Feb 12, 2006
        Wareham, Dorset
        Ziggy, have they still got the building (shed) with various model railway layouts for various rooms? Must have been 16/17 years or more since we were there. Looks like it's changed a lot.
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Nice one Scrunge, I knew you would have been there. Don't suppose they were too upset at having to get the train out again, after all, the whole thing is just a cover for model railway geeks pretending to be doing a job:snork:

        Strongy, yes that bit is quite impressive, didn't take pics in there as there was lots of glass for the flash to bounce off.

        They still do the happy hour at the end of day, but its £1.50 now.
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Directors Cut, Zig & some steam:biggrin:

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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Asked Willow if she knew what type of Daisy we had just seen & she said "Mexican Fleabane?
        • Penny in Ontario

          Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

          Sep 7, 2006
          Work for my husband.
          Ontario, Canada
          :blue thumb: Love the pics Zig.....what a neat place.
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