i`m no expert, but i would have thought it just as dangerous as any other extreme sport. If you know what your doing and are in a known spot where it is safe then thats fine. If your walking home drunk with your pals and they tell you to jump off a cliff into the unknown i would not class that as "tombstoning" its just being a dangerous drunk on a cliff and there for natures way of weeding out the idiots may apply
Theres a Russian video out there where a lad with a group of mates jumps off a quayside not realising that the sea is 20feet away and that all he is diving headfirst onto is a rocky outcrop. Don't watch it. I wish I hadn't.
Ziggy, why on earth would anyone wish to put this on public view? Why on earth would you want to view it?
Thats why i'm warning people, can't remember what lead to it, probably a follow on video on you tube or similar. Might have been one of those you've been framed now thats gotta hurt things. Starts off innocent enough, day out at the beach, till you realise what has just happened, the crowd getting hysterical & then its time to switch it off before you see whats happened.
I still think its very sick to want to put this on. Is there any warning of what one might see next in the footage?
Its easy enough to get caught out and watch a video which isn't what you expected it to be. I was once having a chuckle at a series of clips of people demonstrating their clumsy antics. The usual sort of thing, people falling in the pond when trying to get out of the rowing boat, people landing on their butt having slipped on things, the usual sort of thing. So when the next clip on the same 'funny clips' page started off with someone walking along through some long grass, the very last thing I expected, or wanted to see, was a train appear from nowhere and hit that person. Needless to say, that ended my internet viewing that evening, and even since, I now only watch videos that were either recommended by someone I trust, or are on Youtube. The latter being fairly safe by virtue of being vetted by a world wide community. If the video is bad, it wont last long on Youtube.
Err, not realising the sea is 20ft away?? Is that possible, I mean you tend to look dont you, shallow water maybe but diving onto rocks is not recommended.
From what I could work out, he didn't understand that humans don't glide like flying squirels just by sticking our arms out. Don't trust You tube not to take you there either. Saw someting the other day that had been flagged by loads of members, emploring the mods to take a look at the next suggested videos. I can only assume that You tube don't have any active moderators so beware good people.