I agree Jenny but i still cant help but want too see im only human. I dont know if anyone has heard about that man that was murderered by his boyfriend who recorded it on his cam phone clear as day...the video is ten minutes long and i wont even describe what happens in the video coz just describing it would upset people. The killer has since been arrested in Germany i believe but the website that was hosting the video crashed that many people were logging on to see it
I can understand the concept of curiosity, I think, but if I knew that a video I was about to watch was sick, I wouldn't watch it. Just because to be honest, it upsets me a bit. I once saw the aftermath of a battle outside a pub. One lad had been glassed and was clearly badly injured. I stuck around solely because the lads that did it were still there, and the coppers seemed to me to be overwhelmed so there was a risk the lad wouldn't get treatment. I hate violence, but I'd appointed myself as unofficial barrier between aggressive violent drunks, and injured victim, so that the coppers could get on with doing first aid while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. As I hung around, focused intently on the thugs who were clearly thinking of having another go, I was also vaguely aware of a growing crowd of people simply out to have a look. Not at the coppers trying to do their job, or at me trying to keep the thugs back, or at the thugs. They were only interested in staring at the lad on the floor as he lay there bleeding. Afterwards I had a big barny with some of my mates, because they'd been among the spectators. I asked them why they found it so entertaining. The reply from one was that he was interested to see how the situation got dealt with. I asked if that would still be his interest if it was him or his best mate that was lying on the floor bleeding as everybody stared.
What sick person would take a video like that anyway. From the video point of view did they not see the danger.
Who knows. If you're referring to the video I wish I hadn't seen, you couldn't see train tracks in the vid because it was obscured by long grass. I'd like to hope it was a staged fake, which is sick enough, but if its real, well there are no words for that.