David Cameron's new Benefits

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Jenny namaste

    Jenny namaste Total Gardener

    Mar 11, 2012
    retired- blissfully retired......
    Battle, East Sussex
    From the bottom of my heart Bilbo, I hope this time will cease for you soon. I wish you good luck with your job hunting,
    • Like Like x 6
    • al n

      al n Total Gardener

      Aug 31, 2011
      self employed
      what Jenny said :blue thumb:

      things will improve for you Bilbo. :blue thumb:
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      • james swann

        james swann Gardener

        Jun 1, 2012
        Ok wanted to throw my thruppance in here but dont have time to read every post so sorry if im repeating everyone. Me and my wife have a moderate income we are both 24, my business recently went bankrupt and i spent 3 months on job seekers, i ended up at a fluke job interview and since starting the agency job 7 weeks ago i now work for the grower full time on annual contract.
        Now unfortunately my wife cannot work due to damaged tissue in her stomach, although her majestys finest decided this wasnt the case and she was fine to work. This being said, i had to get her out of bed and get her dressed this morning as she was in too much pain to do it herself.
        As well as not being entitled to any financial assistance, she cannot get job seekers as she was previously self employed a.nd because they made a cock up theyre end she alledgly hadnt made her ni contributions, even though i know she had as it came out of my account.
        So now today we found out we are also no longer eligible for any housing benefit what a brilliant goverment hey
        Dont get me wrong i despise spongers be they english or foreign. To lower unemployment levels i think the job centre should give companies the unemployed people to work for them and they would still only get theyre job seekers money then, they would soon start to figure out theyd be earning more doing a job anyway this would also give them hands on experience not just the pathetic college courses they send you on.
        Hard work and manual labour seem to have been forgotten in todays culture, most young people aspire to become either gangster rappers or drug dealers, everyone just wants a quick buck, i think its the fault of reality tv like britains got talent offering fame and fortune and mostly false hope.
        I spoke to a friend of my wifes recently who wants to become a page 3 girl. Shes definately no beauty queen but she is well endowed. She doesnt work, has a council flat claims job seekers has no desire whatsoever to work even when its offered to her outright. Absolutely sickening....
        Anyway sorry to ramble on.....
        Rant over
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        • Folly Mon

          Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

          Dec 17, 2011
          starting new busniss in new year
          House on the Hill
          How About Helping the Young of this Country Mr Cameroon ??

          And Tackling Imigration!!!! Close the Flood Gates and Send a Few of the Scroungers Back & the ones who want to work and Abide By our rules let them Stay and Pay in too our system
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          • ClaraLou

            ClaraLou Total Gardener

            Aug 12, 2009
            Bilbo, James and anyone else I've missed: I'd really hate you to think I have any problem with you receiving the help you need. In fact,I think the JSA is a bit of a joke and an indication of how ridiculous things have become. The people who do worst out of the system are often those who have paid most in over the years. Several friends of mine paid taxes and NI etc for twenty years or more in order to receive the princely sum of sixty odd quid a week or so when things went wrong. They also had to endure some spotty kid down at the Jobcentre making them feel as though they're everything that's wrong with the country.

            It's not working people getting help when their jobs fold that I have a problem with. It's non-working people who see benefits as an alternative to grafting who I'm gunning for. I'm afraid I don't believe that such people are rare, Clueless. I don't know whether you caught the news last night but a young lady from Dartford with pushchair in tow summed things up perfectly. I don't remember the exact words but they went something like this: 'Well, the way I look at it is this. Some people get given everything in life so they don't have to worry. I wasn't given anything so I live off benefits.' In other words, she sees the money she receives from people who are working their guts out as a kind of trust fund; manna from heaven which is given to her so that she doesn't have to work. In her own mind she's levelling the score. Cameron received a trust fund courtesy of his parents; she has one courtesy of the taxpayer, albeit on a more modest scale.
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            • Jenny namaste

              Jenny namaste Total Gardener

              Mar 11, 2012
              retired- blissfully retired......
              Battle, East Sussex
              Not a rant James. DEFINITELY not a rant.Only a cry from the heart. Hope things improve for your dear lady and indeed for you too.
              Why, oh why, when we hear so much about eldely care neglect, aren't there job opportunies for JSA receivers to help them out?
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              • rustyroots

                rustyroots Total Gardener

                Oct 18, 2011
                Solihull, West Midlands
                My brother in law broke his leg playing football 5 years ago, and has since had 11 operations on his leg and to be fair its knackered. Before he broke his leg he was a painter and decorator so could not work and claimed benifit. In this time he has been offered work in offices where he doesn't need to be on his feet, in this time he and my sister have had 2 beautiful children and my sister has also not worked. So 2 people both under 30 claiming benefit for 5 years. They have a brand new flat screen TV, sky plus HD and a brand new pc and are also going on a holiday to portugal. I work full time and have to do shift work to gain a few extra quid which covers my wife now doing 3 days a week since she went back to work since having our son. This year all we can afford is a holiday from The Sun newspaper in Somerset. So how can the benifit system be right when there are peaople out there living it up and doing nothing to put back into the system?

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                • ClaraLou

                  ClaraLou Total Gardener

                  Aug 12, 2009
                  The two keys to getting fairly generous help on benefits are (a) children and (b) disability. Again, the latter is a very difficult area, since there are people in very genuine need and, as we can see from this thread, they don't always get looked after terribly well. On the other hand, there is no doubt that the number of people who identify themselves as disabled has risen drastically in recent years. Are we really such a sick nation? Parking is a perennial problem in my street, but in recent years it's become almost impossible. Why? Because so many households now claim to be disabled, which means that they get an allocated parking space outside their front door. I don't mean to be unkind, but some of the disabled seem quite chipper to me. A few are certainly a lot more sprightly than poor OH sometimes is after a long day at work and a hike around several blocks to find a parking space.

                  My Mum, who is eighty and starting to have very real problems with mobility, can't be persuaded to apply for the magic sticker which would allow her to park her car close to shops and services and possibly get extra help with some of her bills. As far as she's concerned, her problems are an inevitable part of being eighty, rather than a 'disability'. She shudders at the thought of going to a doctor and getting him to sign her off as a crock. I wish she'd reconsider, but I can't help admiring her spirit.
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                  • Scrungee

                    Scrungee Well known for it

                    Dec 5, 2010
                    Central England on heavy clay soil
                    Been on 2 of those breaks already this year, have got another booked for South Devon during the school summer hols, plus hope to get another booked for Oct school half term hols when the next promotion starts this coming Saturday (30th June).Those, together with a caravan holiday on Exmoor for a week at Easter and 2 or 3 camping trips is the only way we can afford loads of hols.

                    P.S. You off to Minehead, Doniford or B.o.S. ? (done them all)
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                    • ClaraLou

                      ClaraLou Total Gardener

                      Aug 12, 2009

                      Funny ... I didn't see you as a Sun reader, Scrungee.
                    • chitting kaz

                      chitting kaz Total Gardener

                      Mar 10, 2011
                      my daughter's waste of space (sorry meant to say loving partner) doesnt work and he kept being called in to dhss office to discuss his claim they told him they didnt believe that he was actively looking for work and gave him 3 application forms to fill out there and then or forfit his right to claim ( he couldnt prove any evidence that he had applied for the jobs he said he had ) so he filled out the apps under protest and left the office , two days later he was offered a job interview and he got it ! it lasted 3 weeks before he started phoning in sick and another couple of weeks before he went to the dr's with STRESS and was signed off work,

                      I really dont think the government understands this crippling disease that it has created called LAZYSODITUS and the other one BUTYOUOWEME.

                      I left home at 15 and school with no Qualifications, i found full time work and the scankiest bedsit ever (it was condemmed while i was living there), at 16 became a mum and got a council house on the roughest estate, i went on to have 3 more children, i always worked and paid for childcare ( none of this tax credits when mine were young ) i often had 3 jobs and yes i cleaned loos in tesco's at 4 in the morning, i shopped in every charity shop there was and i would go with out so my children had, i went though 2 bad husbands BUT i still never relied on benifits, i bought my own resturant and home, worked morning noon and night (literally)
                      i tried to instill this into my children too i taught them a pride to working and paying your own way, unfortunatly i failed i have one son who thinks that having epilepsy is a free pass to benifits for the rest of his life ( his father is just the same hasnt worked a day in 22 years) and my youngest daughter is 19 and about the have her third child, she has never worked a day in her life. my eldest daughter has a degree and cant find work in her chosen area so she is a cleaner and works in a chinese takeaway, the middle daughter has always worked, shops bars and then as a carer like myself, she now has 2 children and has had to give up work as her Blind partner struggles with the childcare but he has now started work in an office !

                      i am not Rich (Finacially) but at 41 i have no debts at all and i own my house all this is down to MY hard work and no government handouts,
                      i guess some people will just always take the easy route ie Bleed our country dry and some people have pride
                      RANT OVER lol
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                      • chitting kaz

                        chitting kaz Total Gardener

                        Mar 10, 2011
                        i do it all the time :gaah:
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                        • chitting kaz

                          chitting kaz Total Gardener

                          Mar 10, 2011
                          you have my sympathy there Bilbo, i know i have been extremly lucky to have never been unemployed (i think because i had so many part times jobs at the same time when one finished i could just about tied over until the next one came up, when my terry couldnt find work he would send off loads of cvs and job applications but he never even got a reply from 99% eventually he found a job in agros not what he wants but it is some thing untill some thing else come along, i hope you find something soon
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                          • HYDROGEN86

                            HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

                            Jul 17, 2011
                            in the shed
                            I seen a girl with a pram talking on the news in the street who was on bennefits. She said "some people are born with nothing and have to claim, others are born with a silverspoon in their mouths and have it all" :scratch: As if she was not even aware that some people who have lots, have worked hard for it...
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                            • chitting kaz

                              chitting kaz Total Gardener

                              Mar 10, 2011
                              grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i had nothing, i was young and had the baby this is what makes me angry,

                              i was in the chemist the other day listening to a couple of elderly people and one said in our day most blokes ran a mile from a single girl and a baby, it just wasnt done, for the shame but now they see it as a free pass to a home and easy money and they say these oldies are daft !!!!!!!
                              • Like Like x 1

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