What to do with my Wisteria?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Monsclara, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Monsclara

    Monsclara Camera shy!

    Jul 11, 2012
    Hi all

    The current challenge is the Wisteria. It was planted about 6 years ago and is growing at the front of the house. I haven't taken any specific care of it but now want to hear what people would suggest I do. I've attached some pics. The "bloom" one was taken to demonstrate the colour, but also demonstrates the lack of colour!

    The main problem I think is that it's woody and I am wondering if I should take the plunge and cut it right back to above the growth at the bottom. But that seems pretty extreme as there is good growth on it at the top. I have included pic of my neighbour's one where she does give it attention. Her wall is south facing whereas mine is west facing.

    Would really appreciate any help or advice on what I should do with in terms of pruning and getting it into shape.

    Thanks in advance:)

    Attached Files:

  2. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Well they do like a good dose of sunshine but having said that mine is more or less west facing too and is growing fine.
    Don't chop all of it down as then you're left with a big bare wall. Maybe trim one of the stems to the base, this will then resprout and give you foliage cover and maybe flowers in the next couple of years. It looks as though it's split into two areas either side of the window. Can you spread them out a little wider to give more coverage?
    I'd also ask your neighbour as she obviously has the touch!
  3. Monsclara

    Monsclara Camera shy!

    Jul 11, 2012
    Thanks Loofah. The stem heading to the right is actually going onto my neighbour's wall. They don't particularly mind, but I'd rather rescue the one on the left which is on my own wall.
    When you suggest a trim on one stem, do you mean cut at the bottom or just cut some of branches on the stem?
  4. Annette

    Annette Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 28, 2011
    I moved into my new house about 18 months ago, and discovered that to the right of my kitchen is growing a Wisteria, which I didn't even notice when I came to look at this house, and have always wanted. Mine isn't woody or leggy, I have no idea how long it's been there of course, but looking at its growth I'd say about 10 years. Last year after flowering, it got my man who helps with the garden to cut it, neither of us knew how best to do this i.e. direction so he just cut off some branches - well low and behold this year I've had more blooms and earlier blooms than last year - oh and I also bought a specialist Wisteria food, feeding approx every 2 weeks, we did something because it looks b etter, what part of what we did worked I've no idea LOL
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    • Monsclara

      Monsclara Camera shy!

      Jul 11, 2012
      Well done! Just wish I could figure out what worked!! Perhaps as yours wasn't woody, then cutting branches may not have been too drastic. On the other hand from my very limited knowledge of gardening, cutting right back is the way of getting rid of woodiness (I think - but perhaps that isn't correct either!):dunno:

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