Hi All, The flowers of my Stanhopea opened on the weekend. I was expecting them to be bigger, but it is still a relatively small plant. The scent has filled the entire downstairs of my house.
Thanks. I have an even more bizzare orchid called a Coryanthes. Really hope I can get those to flower.
They are amazing arent they! I got about 6 species from the London Orchid Show back in March. They all promply lost their leaves, but have all produced some new growth. So i am hopeful that i can keep them alive. Flowering them will be a different story. They are indoors and probably not humid enough. But we will see.
It's a risk that we take............ I managed to kill a couple of Paphiopedilums before I realised that misting them was not good.
Really - it didn't like that? I have been to visit one of the best orchid growers in the UK, and she stands her Paphs in a saucer of water. Not something I would have chanced, but seems to work well for her.
Water standing in the top rots the fan. Mine quite often stand in water for a day or more between waterings.
I used to have a lot of noid Phals and Dens, most of which I gave away when I moved house. I hung on to a few Dendrobium kingianium hybrids, my Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum and a Paph noid, Phalaenopsis "Yu Pin Pearl" and a couple of the nicest noids, a couple of Cyms and a Cattleya noid that I'm fond of. Outdoors are the Blettila and Pleiones, but I lost the Habenaria radiatta to what I believe were birds (they were there when I went to work but no sign when I got home). I lost my Ponerorchis to poor winter care on my part. I now live in a 19th century cottage with poor light, so I'm being more selective in my choice of houseplant. So plants that can take a rest (ie;tuberous) are more in. Plants that hang (ie; Aeschynanthus marmoratus and Ceropegia woodii) are another that I look to. I will buy more orchids, but not until I can find Habenaria medusa!
No id Sirius. Of unknown parentage - basically what comes from the Dutch warehouses. Seriously looked down on in the orchid world. But I buy what pleases me. Plants that pose a challenge are important too though.