Replacement Blow-Away Cover, or a Greenhouse?

Discussion in 'Greenhouse Growing' started by Fat Controller, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    How much do you want to borrow? You are clearly "good" for the money, if you can't borrow it via regular sources(**) makes sense I make the "turn" lending you the money at whatever rate is currently reasonable.

    (**) I'm fed up with hearing that banks have been told to lend to people, because they aren't (well, mine will lend to me, but that's only because I moved to them from the bank that my family has been with for 3 generations - because they were no longer lending me money, and I couldn't have a conversation with them without them trying to sell me insurance that I didn't need and has nothing to do with banking)
  2. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Kristen, thank you for a very gracious offer, however I think I will go for another poly for now. I could borrow the money from family, but the whole thing has narked me now.

    The only reason that I looked at that particular companies website is because it was the source of my current poly - their offers looked to be a favourable solution without costing the earth, which I would have been happy to do.

    I am just at the stage now where I am completely fed up with feeling as though you are obligated to be financially raped every time you buy something and use credit or finance to do so. I could easily get the credit they are offering, or even their interest free credit on some of the more expensive items, but they are dictating to me how much I spend - and I don't like being dictated to.

    I could go to Argos/Homebase etc and get their 'store credit' without a problem - but they have the gaul to charge 29.9% APR regardless of your circumstances; I have resorted to plenty of these deals over the years, and been relatively happy to 'pay my monthlies' without questioning it - - and I don't mind paying a reasonable rate for any finance I do get - - I am just not playing the 29.9% game any more.

    Three years ago, I needed a car and got a reasonable deal at a car supermarket on a three year old, ex fleet diesel saloon on finance - however, allegedly couldn't get any finance less than 15.9%. In a fairly desperate need, I took it anyway, and to be fair its been a good car, however is now at 100k and I am looking at getting another one in about a year.

    The other day, I looked at one in a car supermarket - lovely car, but 66k on the clock at nearly 4 years old - finance between 15.9% and 19.9% APR; I then took a wander to a local car dealer, who has a 3 month old, top of the range Mondeo with less than 3000 miles on the clock, and the finance on it works out about £30 a month more than I am paying now (need to wait until next year so I have enough deposit, but I think its worthwhile), and the interest rate is just under 10%.

    Our credit card is another good example - we have NEVER missed a payment on anything, and have had this particular card for years; APR was 12.9% which is about fair.

    We had to max the card out to get us out of a huge hole (needed to move rapidly), and very shortly after the APR shot up to 29.9%, where it remains and the balance is going down very slowly.

    If we had really poor payment records, we could see the strength of it, but not one missed payment?? All the while the base rate is at its lowest possible rate.

    So, we have made a concious decision to not only not take finance at stupid rates, but to take our custom elsewhere if any company is pushing finance at rates like that, so that once we have paid our off that will be it.

    Anyway, I digress, I am now on the verge of buying one of these from the company RandyRos linked to - - looks to be much better quality than the one I have (recessed bolts for a starter, so won't rub through the cover), and only £20 more than a replacement cover for mine. Also means that a company that isn't honest enough to put the conditions or deals clearly on their website, isn't getting my money :)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      Quite. You've been a loyal, reliable, customer, so sod you.

      Quite x 2

      Been there, done that, but thankfully they didn't force a T-shirt upon me ...

      Was with Barclays for 3 generations. They have had all the family accounts and all the family businesses over those years. I've been associated with a number of people, in business, over the years; my Father before me; dunno about Grand Father as he was gone before I arrived, but probably more of the the same. With a couple of exceptions all the businesses I have been associated with have all been with Barclays too. Never missed a payment, given them loads of business. You get the picture.

      A couple of years ago Barclays forced all of the companies I was associate with to change their overdrafts to loans, and any that had overdraft facilities that were not actively used they withdrew the facility, or castrated it to the point of being useless.

      My wife and I also had "Premier Banking" with them - glorified name for not very much, but it did have a few things that were attractive to us. One of those was that we each had a £30K draw-down facility (called a Select Loan). I could make a single phone call and have money drawn down against the £30K limit and instantly placed in my current account. That was on anything up to a 5 year payback with no early redemption penalty. We used it whenever we had a trough in our funds. No idea what the maximum we ever drew down was, probably £5k - we often used it instead of withdrawing money from savings to just "tide over" instead - as there are always penalties taking money out of savings, and putting it back a bit later.

      So ... during the course of the year we would draw down a thou or two and then a couple of months later pay it back when we had the expected "spike" in funds (neither of us are paid a regular monthly salary ...) and then a few months later do the same again ...

      Barclays then withdrew that service too, with only a month's notice, and no offer of a personal overdraft or anything else in its place. The ensuing conversation my Wife had with them went something like this:

      "I gather you are withdrawing our Select Loan facility with one months notice"
      "Yes Madam"
      "Why is that?"
      "If everyone drew down we would be over some liquidity threshold"
      "Do a lot of people who have this facility never use it?"
      "Yes Madam "
      "Wouldn't it be a good idea to remove it from those people? then the customers who do use it wouldn't put you over your liqudity limit?"
      "Yes Madam , that probably would be a good idea"
      "Can we still draw down in the next month?"
      "Yes Madam "
      "And pay back over the max. 5 year period if we choose to?"
      "Yes Madam "
      "What happens if everyone does that?"
      "Not sure Madam ..."
      "Well, you are not offering me any alternative method of borrowing money short term, and I have no idea when you will, or when I might need some come-in-handy cash, so I'd like to draw down the whole £60K please"

      after a short intake of breath he replied something to the effect of "The money is in your account now Madam"


      I stuck it all on Earnie which paid out at about the same as the interest was costing me (and with interest at historic lows the interest amounts were not Silly Money in any case).

      I then moved to a Much Better Bank (it operates in the old fashioned way: I call my bank manager, explain what I am needing to do, he says Yes or No. No anonymous Call Centre, no one trying to flog me Insurance every time I call them)

      Bad mistake Mr Barclays! you have since had to let their Chief Executive go, been fined £100M's for fraudulently rigging LIBOR, and no doubt there will be much more where that came from.

      Meantime they are trying to fleece people at 30%APR on their credit cards ...

      I think its a crying shame that the outcome of the recent banking fiasco (which was mooted at the time, but no doubt the Big Banks lobbied for it not to happen) was to create a Co-operative Bank that would just do Loans and Deposits. I would definitely have put my money in one of those ...
      • Like Like x 2
      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        Barclays - now there is a familiar name, and part of the reason that we had to leave the balance on a maxed out credit card following the move (rather than them extending a loan we already had with them);

        - Madam, the loan extension has been declined on the grounds of 'affordability'

        - But we already have the borrowing at a higher interest rate, which is less affordable

        - Yes, its seems a bit mad, but that is the way it works

        - So you would rather see us stay in a situation that is more likely to cause us problems?

        - Well, no, but....... You could transfer the balance to a Barclaycard?

        We gave up at that point.

        I understand borrowing money costs money - as long as the rate agreed is fair on both parties, I have no issue with it. BUT, I am royally fed up of being fleeced either on the purchase price of goods/services, or with silly interest rates (mainly because we are tenants and don't own our own property); I am apparently good enough to pay someone else's mortgage, but not good enough to have one of my own without two years salary as a deposit - and because of that, all the other credit we look at is instantly more expensive.

        It can only be a matter of time before they either price themselves out of business, or that enough people realise that they are all nothing by shysters.
      • Scrungee

        Scrungee Well known for it

        Dec 5, 2010
        Central England on heavy clay soil
        That's £79.99 + £9.99 P&P = £89.98 buying from that link.

        The same company is selling exactly the same polytunnel on ebay for £69.99 + £9.99 = £79.98, £10 cheaper. Feelgood & Grow-Ur-Own are the same company - I have bought from both of them depending which one is cheapest.

        Time to set up ebay & Paypal accounts?
      • Kristen

        Kristen Under gardener

        Jul 22, 2006
        Suffolk, UK
        Yeah, its "usury", no other word for it, and it should imply the point at which greed, incompetence, or I suspect both in the current scenario, leads to the crumbling of the edifice.
      • Kristen

        Kristen Under gardener

        Jul 22, 2006
        Suffolk, UK
        No need for Paypal I think? I think you can just flash a credit card at Paypal instead of having to open an account?

        Having said that, maybe the company will honour the lower price from just a phone call? - eBay and Paypal are both going to take a cut of the, lower, price - so it would be cheaper transaction-cost for them to deal with the customer direct.
      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        I've (allegedly) got a paypal account, but I've never used it; I opened it when I was attempting to purchase spare parts for a TV, and it was going to take ages to get money transferred into the paypal account, so that I could then spend it. I seem to remember some kind of long winded nonsense to link it with my credit card.

        I've just tried to access my Paypal account, and would appear to have locked it in the process as I've forgotten my password.................. and that is before I've gotten anywhere near opening an ebay account!

        This is the kind of nonsense that really drives me up the wall! :wallbanging:

        If the price is £70, then it should be £70 whichever way you are selling it - not £80 through your own website or £95 through Amazon (as I have found also);

        Why should anyone have to sign up to two different companies websites, just to be 'allowed' to purchase something and pay for it?

        I need alcohol - getting really grumpy now.
      • Scrungee

        Scrungee Well known for it

        Dec 5, 2010
        Central England on heavy clay soil
        Homebrew is the answer - it saves you a fortune!

        P.S. We have lost nearly £2,000 p.a. interest on our savings due to these stupid wonderful record low interest rates - it works both ways.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Jenny namaste

          Jenny namaste Total Gardener

          Mar 11, 2012
          retired- blissfully retired......
          Battle, East Sussex
          I will NEVER forgive Margaret Thatcher who I believe placed the first manky apples in the barrel. No property was ever worth over 3 times its selling price in such a short period of time. It encouraged greed and we are still all paying the price for it even now,
          There, you've got me all grumpy too FC.
          But you need a drink more than I do,
          (poor old pensioner like Scrungee)
          • Like Like x 3
          • Kristen

            Kristen Under gardener

            Jul 22, 2006
            Suffolk, UK
            We have shopping-cart clients who sell the same stuff under different banners at completely different prices. The sites are made to look smarter / low-brow to attract different types of clientelle. (These are litterally "all under one roof" outfits, orders from both brands are handled side-by-side)

            I can see the sense in having different prices on Amazon / MySite / eBay according to what the cost of selling is, but I would have thought that eBay was their most EXPENSIVE route to market, notwithstanding that eBay brings in a lot of punters - their commissions, unless you sell huge numbers, are far from cheap.

            The company's own website will be the most expensive - in the sense that the cost of building the site will have been significant - but ... its built now, and the commision on each sale is probably the cheapest (unless they have a swinging credit card cost). So I would have expected them to have the cheapest price on their website so that anyone who was capable of finding it made their purchase there, and thus those customers would cost them the smallest transaction cost.

            Either way I would have thought a phone call "You are clearly selling at these prices on these sites, can I buy at the cheapest price over the phone to minimise your transaction cost" would do. (a telesale is not their cheapest route though, you doing all the form-filling online is their cheapest route, so they might hold that against you!)
          • Kristen

            Kristen Under gardener

            Jul 22, 2006
            Suffolk, UK
            Did Maggie drive the price of houses up? I remember there was the time when MIRAS was abolished and everyone jumped on the bandwagon in the run up to that, but then house prices flat-lines after that.

            Then there was inflation in the 70's - that took care of my Father's mortgage for him ...

            Perhaps some other event(s) I've forgotten ? Flogging off council houses perhaps? I don't think that drove the price of housing up did it?

            I think its mostly the fact that we have less housing stock than we have people that want to buy (or aspire to buy) a house?
          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            Plenty of folks (like Fc I expect|) would love to own their own bricks and mortar Kristen. But the req. deposit ain't realistic. I think more people would like to buy than there are houses for sale. Too expensive,
          • Kristen

            Kristen Under gardener

            Jul 22, 2006
            Suffolk, UK
            Indeed, and I do agree. Not sure its Maggie's fault though, is it? :D

            The young folk that I know that have taken the plunge with these half-owned half-rented "affordable" housing seem to be doing OK - 5 or more years in they are making a good dent in moving the 50% marker in their favour.

            I think the other factor that will make a change is that parents who bought (i.e. who's parents only ever rented) will shuffle off and leave enough money for their children, or maybe grandchildren, to get on the housing ladder.
          • Scrungee

            Scrungee Well known for it

            Dec 5, 2010
            Central England on heavy clay soil
            It's £89.99 + £9.99 P&P at Amazon = £99.98, so £20 more than the exactly the same product bought off ebay.


            P.S. I too blame Margaret Thatcher. We own our house outright and wouldn't care if prices fell 50% or even more, making housing more affordable to others.

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