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You never asked before if you could join in , Shiney, you just insulted Ziggy and I, talked a little treason, and left before it was your round [you could have bought the beers and an Orange Juice for yourself], so let's not change anything
Ahhh! But I didn't know that they were part of the programme and just thought they were random The next round's on me but don't let anyone else know.
My lips are sealed (won't even tell Mr Mum ... but he will wonder where all the homemade cakes have disappeared to .... )
Yoo hoo, brought a bottle of Comfrey tea ,where's Loli? LOLI , your not in thr loo again hoots mon, there's a party goin' on
The next round's on me but don't let anyone else know. shiney. Caught a glimpse of this whist passing through Loli so I popped my head in. Glass of Comfrey tea dearie? (hic)