Ziggy, if we give 'em a glass or two of your home made stuff [you know the one, the one that we use in darts for knocking out the wild Elephants, and for running the Tractor], they'll be legless in 10 minutes
They'll be sorry Loli, it'll take more than a glass or two kid where we used to sit and dream, NELLIE DEAN sing along LOLI!! (hic)
I've never been to a party before wearing Riot Gear.......we might have to check they aren't carrying brass knuckles, coshes, etc in their bags, you can do that as I'll be outside watching with Shiney. Blimey, lolimac's "over the eight" already!
And the waters as they flow seem to murmer soft and low (hic) you are my heart's delight I LOVES YA, Nellie Dean (hic) Sweeet Nellie Dean,