I hope they sort this out quickly. Unfortunately, the armed forces are not very good on backing down after having made a bad decision.
That is the worry I think too shiney.. Was just listening to his wife on the radio.. They are hoping & praying he will be back with them for xmas... I hope so too...!!
Completely wrong. Bilbo's got a campaign thing running, maybe he would be so kind as to post a link to it here?
There's a petition about it somewhere, I've signed it, I'll see if I can find it. EDIT: Here it is. http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/secure-the-release-of-an-unfairly-jailed-war-hero
Signed! This country absolutely bewilders me at times - people are getting away with all sorts, yet a war hero gets an 18 month sentence. Those who oversaw the court martial should be removed of any responsibility, immediately, and retired from the service permanently.
My OH and I have signed separately and he has sent the petition on to about 30 friends and contacts, Jenny
The weapon never went outside MOD Property The sentence given by extremely jealous non combatants driving a desk Whilst known terrorists walk freely amongst us and we pay to house and keep them Total disgrace Jack McH