Just signed, 49,041 signatures collected so far. The case seems to hinge around what a 'Judge' thought: "But the judge did not believe that he had no recollection of being in possession of the weapon" I wonder if this Judge has been through the same experiences as Danny. How can a pen-pusher question a hero's account. Also what difference does it make if Danny knew or not grrrrrr.
Very true John....... It is an utter disgrace, it also seems that he was in court the day they released the evil Abu Qatada so was pushed to the bottom of the pile in the news......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its great that he's getting a chance to appeal, but he shouldn't have to. Anyone can see that he shouldn't have been locked up in the first place. An appeal doesn't mean that his release is imminent. I think that petition could do with a few more signatures yet.
Yep the whole thing is an absolute disgrace, what a way to treat someone who's risked their life for this Country.. The thing I shared on Facebook was via an online organisation called Causes, I was sent it by other friends on FB, here's a link (it might work); http://www.causes.com/causes/801533-set-sgt-danny-nightingale-free
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I don't 'do' Twitter, Google+ or Facebook (suppose I am finally starting to show my age!), but can see how useful they will be in a case like this. Fingers crossed that he gets a fair hearing for his appeal, and that this travesty is overturned!
38 Degrees are on the trail, which should help add a bit of weight to the strength of public feeling - if you have not signed their petition, you can do so via this link http://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/danny-nightingale They are also taking donations with a view to wiping out the families £70k legal bill, or at the very least making a sizeable dent in it - if you wish to donate, you can do so via this link https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/free-danny-donate If anyone objects to me posting these links, please let me know and I will delete accordingly.
No they just taser you for doing that. http://beforeitsnews.com/alternativ...-trying-to-save-his-burning-home-2501782.html