I get dizzy spells every now and then but I stop it from getting worse by not pouring any more whiskey into the glass.
If you are nervous about seeing a GP, go to one of the NHS walk-in centres. You get seen the same day, so there's less time to get anxious about it. If you don't even want to do that, maybe phone NHS Direct for some advice, then you don't have to face anyone about it in the first instance. The thing to remember though is they are all there to help, they are all sworn to discretion, and none of them can make you do anything you don't want to do. Even though its more likely to be nowt than somet, its still worth getting checked out, just for peace of mind.
I've been thinking about this (oh dear! That could spell trouble ). Just supposing, it might be linked to blood pressure: there are self-use machines that you can buy at Boots (or elsewhere, really), for you to monitor your own blood pressure - thus, no trip to the GP. Equally, is it now known that there is a relationship between higher blood pressure readings taken *at* the surgery than those taken in the comfort of your own home! If your budget could stretch to a home machine, it would mean a) you don't have to face your phobia; b) you get to take your BP in a more realistic setting and c) *should* it be BP related, then you will know that is it time to visit your GP and don't dally!! As JackH stated: better to overcome the fear of your GP then the effects of a stroke. Yes, of course, it could be other things (onset of an infection etc), but the whole point is ... you will not *know* until you take a pro-active stance (which you've begun by simply asking the question! I'm sure it's been playing on your mind for a while before you've even posted here). We can all make assumptions about the cause, but they are only that: assumptions. None of us are qualified to give you a definitive answer; but, we're all concerned enough and care enough to respond with the best advice we can offer. I do hope, be it a home tester, a trip to the chemist or, plucking up the courage to see your GP, you will find the strength to investigate the cause properly! No one can take their health for granted!
Hey! I've enough trouble digging around in there myself! I don't need anyone else shovelling around in there.
Val it could be blood pressure . Similar symptons to mine . If you don't like the docs try a few chemist BP checks . Ignore the first two readings as the afore mentioned "white coat syndrome" will effect the reading. If your BP is a tad high , then some simple but effective medication will bring it back to normal .
Val go to the docs honey ... i live my life in constant head spin/ swirl it is awful it could be many things but the DOC is best to see they may take their time on occasions to getting it right but the get there hope you feel better soon XX