A big thanks to Bilob, who reminded me of this on Facebook http://earthsky.org/space/new-meteor-shower-might-coincide-with-2012-geminids Watch the skies good people
Sort of on the subject: I went to www.heavens-above.com - haven't been there for a while, so apologies if this is old news, but they've updated several of the displays. (Make sure you set up your location before using the charts, so they are pin-point accurate for your location). In particular the Iridium Flares now have a really snazzy sky chart which will make pin-pointing them a doddle. When we have kids round I have a look in case there is something -6 or brighter (more negative) because they do look spectacular (particularly in my dark-ish rural skies) Whole Sky chart spived up too, and the Comets have changed a bit. While I'm at it: the Wundermap on Wunderground has changed; it came up (first time after the change) with a really clever overlay indicating where all the various gadgets have moved to. I like that as a means of top-up-training for end users Looks like they have a Car Driving Directions ability - showing the weather en route I presume.
I do wish those in the know would give we plebs a magnetic heading and possible angle of inclination to look towards and not asume we can all identify constelations. Cheers, Tony.
Well as if its not enough that tonight is one of the rare nights when I have to go to bed early (I have an early start and a long drive tomorrow), its very, very foggy here anyway. A fault at the works meant the flare stack was roaring full whack all day, a flame probably 30ft plus. Then the fog came, and you couldn't see that flame from just 100 yards away. Not much chance of seeing any meteors then.
Sending The Valiant to hover over you for a bit. http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Valiant_(aircraft_carrier)
If you are up early enough, you still stand a chance of seeing something (just the fog hurdle for you now)
Just been lurking in the fog, as all GC staff have to do as part of their Ninja Training. Might just as well be on the planet Krikkit Can't see a single celestial body. So as a sad consolation, heres a fallen shooting star again. And an official Icicle snapper.
No show here last night and unless there is some form of divine intervention won't see much tonight by the state of the sky