Funny old world

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by moonraker, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    evening all,
    As the title says "funny old world" i was reading the BBC news tonight on the P.C. And i read about that little baby that had been blown off the harbour wall into the freezing water for 10 minutes, you'd think the baby would have died in a few minutes at the least "but" thanks to who ever looks after us
    the baby didn't,

    The harbour master who dived in and saved that baby along with the lady who gave first aid both in my mind should be given a medal each for what they did and yet both when being interviewed just said it was a nice ending to the day hearing the baby will be ok.

    Anyone who's ever met me will know i believe in fair play and when the likes of pop stars are given titles like "SIR" i kick off, i really see my backside big style,

    But for people that did what these two did "Im 100% behind rewarding them for what they've done and what their actions say to anyone who's willing to listern,

    It's not where your born or how weathly your parents maybe,
    We all have two guarantee's in life and anyone reading this has had one of them

    "You like the queen the pope, " Have all been born,
    The second guarantee is no matter who you are 'how rich or how poor your all going to one day die.

    It's the time inbetween these two guarantees that really count,

    Ask yourself this question at the end of every day "what did you do today that made you feel good?"
    • Like Like x 2
    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      I heard about that. I agree that those people that saved that baby are heroes. However I genuinely believe that they wont see it that way themselves. If I was in charge, I wouldn't present them with a medal, because that medal would always serve to remind them of the sheer terror they must have experienced seeing a baby fall into the sea. Best thing for them is to know that it all turned out ok in the end thanks to their efforts, and now they can just carry on as normal.

      I'm not saying this to big myself up in any way, but a handful of times in my life I've been the first on the scene when something terrible has happened. To give one example, there was a car crash ahead of me. Several other cars had stopped between me and the overturned wreckage of a car, but their occupants were mostly just sat there, waiting for something, presumably for the coppers to come or something.

      I was the only one that thought to actually do something. First thought was, we're on a dual carriageway and everyone is stopped, hazards on to reduce the risk of any more cars joining in. Then I sprinted from my car to the wrecked car, with absolutely no idea what I'd find when I got there. A very quick check around the car revealed just one occupant, a woman twisted in the most impossible position, yet miraculously relatively ok, apart from being in shock. As several onlookers just sort of stood there like sheep, I ordered them (I have a very powerful authoritive voice when I need it) to phone the coppers and an ambulance, and to my surprise, nobody knew the name of the road we were on the name of the village we'd just passed (commuters eh?), so I had to tell them that too so they could relay the info to the emergency services. My first priority now was to ensure that the woman was able to breath ok, and that she was not so tangled and contorted as to be having circulatory problems. Second priority, try to keep her calm, which wasn't easy, and against my best efforts to calm her, she panicked and tried to free herself. I had to make an on the spot decision that the old 'don't move them in case of spinal injury' rule would have to be ignored, because she was moving herself in blind panic by now and getting herself more twisted and tangled in the process, so I had to lay down on my back, slid head first into the broken side window, and try to free her, which I managed.

      I got her sat down on the grass verge, kept talking to her until the ambulance arrived, spoke calmly to the coppers to give them a statement, and then when all that was done, and the incident as far as I was concerned was over, my legs just turned to jelly and my whole body was mush, and despite being a bloke, it took all my effort to not burst into tears.

      The thing is, while all this was going on, I had no emotion, just pure logic. That doesn't make me in any way extraordinary, it makes me human, in fact not even that, it is a purely biological thing. Faced with any terrifying situation the adrenal glands go into overdrive, your spleen contracts giving a sudden surge in blood pressure, and your brain chemistry changes to exclude any irrelevant thoughts that are a waste of thinking power. For a short time, pumped up on a cocktail of chemicals, you become a machine. Afterwards, when the crisis is over, you become a gibbering wreck, and if someone tries to speak to you, you struggle to put a few words together to make a coherent sentence.
    • Julie D

      Julie D Gardener

      Jan 2, 2013
      Great message and I agree. I just got in from meeting a new client and feel great as I sorted two laptops, gained a website job and a weekly gardening job from the spring.
      • Like Like x 1
      • moonraker

        moonraker Gardener

        Jan 16, 2012
        Its a pleasure to talk to someone who has seen the real situation,
        Sometimes i without any warning start to remember things i hoped would never come back, a few cruel acts man did in the name of power, and a few loses i never really understood why,
        But as you say its all in the private safe tucked away in our heads and we're the only key holders to that safe.
        I see some of these people on jermy kyle tv show and i cant help but think what a waste, seen nothing done nothing and want everything for free.

        Give me my four rescued dogs anyday of the week, they should hate humans for the way two of them we're treated but they'll greet you with a wag of the tail and no nasty in any of them.
        Nice talking to you clueless

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