They took a chance and took two lives

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by moonraker, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    Evening all,
    The suns been out most of the day here (france) and when we got up this morning we made plans to go for a drive in my car (the queer one has her own car) to a town about 50 ks away from us (31miles)
    whats this all leading up to! Well i'll tell you,

    just like us two made a plan to do something on a nicer day than wev'e had of late "weather wise" so did a young couple on sunday last week, they'd not been wed very long and they thought "lets get the two seater push bike out and go for a ride"

    In the same area at the same time two other people thought lets go for a drink and drive there & back, lets enjoy today at any cost.

    Whats wrong with that "you maybe thinking" four people doing what they think is a good sunday thing to do,

    Well the second couple drove to the pub, and the driver had already had his driving licence taken away, he didnt need insurance or a vehicle M.O.T & he didnt have any.
    and he was about to be seen by the very police officer who'd got him only a few months ago for drink driving and so the chase was on,

    The car sped off as soon as these two had view's of the police car and they hit another car coming in the opposit direction and then hit the cycle with two young married people on it,
    They both died, the un-insured driver was unhurt.

    They took a chance and two peoples sunday ride ended in death.

    As i drove home this afternoon enjoying the drive, an engine you can hardly hear i did have a sound ringing in my ears, what a crying shame those two young people made a plan just like we did this morning and now theyr'e dead.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      It is so tragic I know.. There are now two devastated families who may or may not get over the shock.....

      Some young jerks who think they are untouchable... I would like to lock them up & throw away the keys....
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        Such a waste of life. There was a similar accident over here this week, where a young couple on a tandem were struck and killed - Bristol I think; not sure if their was drink or unlicensed driver involved, but it was certainly a hit and run.
      • moonraker

        moonraker Gardener

        Jan 16, 2012
        Hi Marley,
        (is that your proper name? Was you related to any of the tile family:SUNsmile: )

        But nice to talk to you,

        On a more serious note, your right two lots of family have been hurt and its the likes of christmas time that these thoughts return, it makes no difference when a loved one passes on, its christmas day and all of a sudden that ghost of past times and thoughts return,
        even now "and it was a very long time ago i lost my brother"
        but as i say christmas day!
        and well men dont cry do they! No its grit,
        Yes grit it gets in the eye every christmas day "Funny that".

        As for the two who done it! theyr'e not spring chickens or young daft kids and i wonder if they really feel any pain for what theyv'e done!

        Or is it just worry how long they'll get? But one things for sure they'll both walk the streets again.

        It was my 64th on 26th of this month and i did have a minute to sort of think
        64 christ thats old,

        but i dont feel old, but there again i remember my dad turning the tv off when john lennon was screaming out "Twist and shout"
        Your not listening to that rubbish he said,

        But dad thats the beatles i said,

        Yes and if i have to get the council back we'll get rid of them again (we lived in an old house crawling with beatles)

        He'd never heard of john paul george or ringo and i couldnt understand how anyone hadn't heard of the Beatles And here i am at 64 and i couldnt tell you one single record in the top 20 now.

        But at least ive got to be 64 and thats something these days,
        But all of a sudden when you get to what ever age you think is old you start paying attention to who has passed away that had some meaning in your life, friends family even pop singers/sports people etc,

        The bath room mirror and your hair line, the colour of your hair, im lucky ref teeth ive still got mine in my mouth,
        What i mean is they dont come out like the stars of an night,

        But i know women have the same thoughts, and so after reading this sad news ref the couple who have died you cant help but feel lucky your still alive even if "like me" you take account of your last birthday and wonder how ones ment to feel at 64?
      • moonraker

        moonraker Gardener

        Jan 16, 2012
        This is the same case
        • Like Like x 1
        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          Ah, sorry - I did think it was quite a coincidence when I posted. I remember reading it on the news on the day it happened, but never caught up with the story thereafter.
        • Marley Farley

          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

          May 11, 2005
          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
          Under the Edge Zone 8b
        • Jack McHammocklashing

          Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

          May 29, 2011
          Ex Civil Serpent
          Fife Scotland

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