I'm finding useable amounts of coal washed up in the Bristol Channel Does anyone know if the Welsh Coal measures outcrop there or is it more likely to have come off a ship? Can't look it up myself as my Geology maps are packed away & couldn't find enough info on line.
Are you sure its not ambergis Ziggy ? The guy who found some on Morecambe beach last week got £43,000 for his ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-21254718
Do you think I went there looking for coal? Gotta take what you can find if there's no whale barf there
I do not know about Brizzle Roker beach Sunderland, is open off shore coal tons of it We used to go with a sack and a Bogey and bring it home It was no bother I recently went back home and did the trip in the car and it was five miles :-) Best burning coal for heat you will get Dunno about Brizzle though :-( Jack McH
Zigs Ziggy, there are big ships (65,000 toners) go in and out of Portbury Docks with coal There lots of coal at portbury it's then loaded on to trains for power station up north Also coal comes into Newport dock and Cardiff docks as well Ships will have to wash out if there picking up another cargo
We get sea coal down our beach. Like black sand. Must be lighter weight than the actual sand because the sea coal always ends up on the surface. When I was a kid, I used to go with my dad to collect it. He'd made a special thing for scraping it up. It was just a piece of wood nailed cross ways to the end of another piece of wood, to make a sort of bristle-less sweeping brush. We'd collect loads up and bring it home in bags. Once home, we'd get the old newspapers out and make what my nanna called 'rockets' (probably to make it interesting to me as a kid). You roll a couple of sheets into a cone, fill the cone with sea coal, then twist the paper at the top to seal it in. They'd then be stored in the coal shed, and retrieved as needed. The twisted top of paper served as a good aid to lighting it up, and several would be piled in at once. They used to crackle and pop a fair bit, but I seem to remember they gave off good heat. In the street, you could always tell if someone was burning sea coal though, as its smoke has a distinctive smell of its own, sort of like coal smoke, but somehow different.
Also Ziggy, there is a few sand dredgers working in the Bristol Channel, may be they're stiring thing up There is a coal yard at maisemore glos which was flooded by the river severn this year
Just thinking Zigs there are a number of old coal mine around ie Cwmbran and Cinderford area may be the floods has washed the coal down the river severn and the river wye over the years and it's being wash up on the beachs which beach has it been washed up on Also the steel works at Port Talbot uses coal