Reed Bunting, stopped for 30 seconds, just time time get a distant pic. He brings the total species of birds seen in our garden in 15 months to 31 (still not had a Rook!)
We had a rook and I thought my word we have been invaded! He took up so much room under our sheltered table........... I didn't invite him back again!
Rooks, how many would you like Strongy, there's at least six that hang around mine and my neighbours gardens and I've never though about taking pics.
There are Rooks around, they just don't come in the garden. I forgot Herring Gull and Chiffchaff so the tally should be 33! Sheal do you see Choughs or Hooded Crows? I think they are both resident there.
Is the Reed Bunting the one thats really loud at Greylake but you never see him? Rooks here have switched trees, they used to nest in the girt Ash tree next to us, but they've moved into the tree behind it this year. Do they know more about Ash dieback than we do?
I've only seen one Chough and that was on open ground in the south of the island. Crows, no. The island has a great Jackdaw population and they are regular visitors to my garden. They, like the starlings like to pick around in the lawns searching for grubs.