Some of Socitey Makes Me Sick

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Folly Mon, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Folly Mon

    Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

    Dec 17, 2011
    starting new busniss in new year
    House on the Hill
    Only a Small Number of Our Socitey Makes My Blood Boil

    Today Early this morning Gails Dad goes for a Early Morning Run 7 days a Week Hes up at 5am and Runs 10 Miles and is 74 years old :yikes:

    I Can Not Run up stairs Due to my 50/60 a Day Habbit Thinking of getting a Bungerlow with a Bigger Garden :snork:

    Any way this Moring No diffrent to any other on his Run Running down a Road whitch was and has been closed for severl Months a Woman Decides to move the rd closed sighn to take a Short Cut Because she is late takeing the kids to school

    She Drives right up behind him Blowing the Horn Full Bore startles Him takeing in to Account the one side of the road is compleetley Dug up and there is NO Road there its barracaded off HENCE ROAD CLOSED!!! PLEASE FOLLOW DIVERSTION Gails Dad is Hard of Hearing he trys to Move out the way and Falls Badley and When I Say Badley I Mean BADLEY!!! Snapping his Wrist in 2 places and the Bone Sticking out of his Arm Open Fracture Smashing His Head Right Over his eye Blacking his eye

    The Woman Windes Down the window and Says Sorry I Am in a Rush and am running late to get the Kids to School and Drives off and Leaves Him :cry3:

    In a Country lane 2/3 miles from any where He obbled the 2/3 miles Slightley Concussed and Confused his Wrist Flopping Around like iys going to Drop off Blood Pumping Abslutley Every Where Filling his Track Suit and Pumping From his eye and Head he manages to get to a Helth Center who Kindley open up earley get him seated call an Ambulance Phone Gail and Me

    Emergancy Opperation the brake is so bad they have had to plate and bolt it
    He wanted to Come Home as soon as he come out the Theatere
    They Said Sir You aint got a Hope of going Home till at least Friday the brake is that bad after the op we Need to do some skin Graftes etc

    Now it has been said Ive got a bit of Brick on a String for a Hart I Do lots to Help People less Fortnate then my self as Manny of us on Here Do the point
    I Am Makeing I Dont Cry at a Lot My old Man Bought me up if Yo Am a Proper Mon Men Cry with feelings NOT PAIN!!! ive broke pretty much everthing bothe Arms Legs Wrists One Knee Collor bone Knose Fingers Chopped Knuckles off lost Guides in Fingers been Stabbed 3 times and Thru out that Lot Only Ever Cryd Wonce!!! That Was Aggony and Embaracement My knee cap was Broke and had to hold the wall to go to the toilet Screaming More then Crying and When my Mom God rest Her Soul had to hold my Privates to Allow me to Go to the Loo i was embarased plus in excurateing pain I Did like the Morphine Tho :snork:

    Well I Walked in the Hosptial Tonight I Dont Know if it was Anger about the Woman Leaveing Him Like that or just Seeing Him like that I Filled up like a Bucket I Could have Bosted He was Batterd Black & Blue

    I Have to be Carefull of my Thoughts and my Actions the Teachings of AA & NA
    My Instant Thought IF I Go and Sit there tommorrow waight for Her I Wont Harm Her but by God I Can Find out where people live from a Number plate Sadley this World is Full of bent Corroupt People I Know Loads of em Police Polatistions but to Menstion a Few Blow her car up so she might have to walk to school for a week or two

    Belive Me Almost 10 Years Ive been Sobor and Today I No Full Well My Thoughts am Far From Sober I Am Thinking like a Dry Drunk and I Dont want them Thoughts Why?? Because they Are Dangerus

    I Need to Go to Bed and Pray and Pray hard The Gs Dad makes a Speedy Recovery Her Mom & Dad have never had a Night apart in some 40 odd years

    And Pray a Nest of Hornets Infest that Ladys Bottom at the Earlyist Convneeant Time Poss!!! Sorry For My Winge and Rant

    We have had a Bally Full of late Tommorrow is a Brand New Day :cry3:
  2. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Good god! That is awful Nick - is there any hope of catching the woman? She should be done for dangerous driving at the least.

    Best wishes to your FIL for a speedy recovery.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      I can't think of anything to say to that. That's outrageous. I really hope they catch this woman and at the very least take her license off her. She should be locked up for assault at least. Her hostile action caused an innocent person's injury. To me that is black and white, clear cut, plain as day, assault. Possibly even GBH. It doesn't matter that she didn't touch him, she caused it through hostile action.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Aww Nick. My full feelings going out there, thats terrible.

        If you need to talk, pm me Bro, you know that.
        • Like Like x 2
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          Words fail me Nick. Well Gail's Dad is very tough and he'll soon bounce back by the sounds of him.
          • Like Like x 1
          • Robajobs

            Robajobs I ♥ Organic manure and fine Iranian lagers

            Jun 28, 2012
            One armed Lion Tamer. I'm still learning the Job.
            Newcastle, Staffs
            Very sorry to hear this, it's terrible! Report it to the police is my best advice Nick.
            • Like Like x 1
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            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              That is horrendous Nick.....the police need to find that woman and throw the book at her:mad: ......what sort of an excuse is that...."Running late"......wonder if she's getting any sleep disgrace..........

              Wishing FIL well as soon as.....
              • Like Like x 1
              • Dorothy

                Dorothy Gardener

                Feb 25, 2013
                Oh soo sorry to hear about your father. Some people are despicable! How she could have drove off just leaving him there so far away from help is beyond me. I really do hope you find out who she is.She deserves to be locked up.Nothing short of assault! I sincerely hope your father gets better soon.Give him a kiss from me:doggieshmooze:
                • Like Like x 1
                • Jack McHammocklashing

                  Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                  May 29, 2011
                  Ex Civil Serpent
                  Fife Scotland
                  You have not mentioned Police involvement ?
                  Get them and get the driver done, Gails Dad could have been dead tonight FGS

                  Jack McH
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                  • Folly Mon

                    Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

                    Dec 17, 2011
                    starting new busniss in new year
                    House on the Hill
                    Thank you All For your Kindness As Ever

                    Gails Dad Still Works Running his own Busniss Gail works For Him So she is Haveing to Run things Time Being Her old Man Has Never so much as took a Paracetermol Anadin or Anthing of the like Whilst walking to the Helth Clinic Twice he Nearly Fainted Passed out the Paramedic took one look Morphine Stright Away thn Proceeded to Cut his Track Suit off He Said the Morphine was Un Beliveabull

                    Hey wot ya Doing our Mon?? I Ony Bought that Trakey last Wik :lunapic 130165696578242 5: Hes a True Black Country Mon But a True Gentleman with a Abslute Hart of Gold

                    Every Day on His Run He Picks Anything up out the Road even if its Dead Foxes Badjers Hedge Hogs Dieying Birds etc nurses them if they are dieying places them out the way if they are allready dead

                    And Somthing like this Happens to Him at 74 :cry3: it was about Minus 3/4 this morning I Know i worked in it for 12 n half Hours My own broken bones Sufferd like Mad I was in Aggony when i got home at 6am the phone rang at 745am to let us know Gail was just going for her dayley swim minum mile a day she swims and walks 4/5 mile a day with our pooch :doggieshmooze: She and Her Mom n Dad am All Fitter Then Me
                  • Sheal

                    Sheal Total Gardener

                    Feb 2, 2011
                    Dingwall, Ross-shire
                    Words almost fail me Nick. What that woman has done is tantamount to hit and run! If you can get the registration number of her car take it to the police.

                    I wish your father-in-law a speedy recovery.
                    • Like Like x 2
                    • "M"

                      "M" Total Gardener

                      Aug 11, 2012
                      The Garden of England
                      Good grief!!!! :hate-shocked:

                      Well, man can't put in what God left out and it would appear that God left that woman a few fries short of a happy meal when it came to common sense, compassion and time-keeping! (What a stupid excuse!! "Late for school"? She should count herself lucky she didn't injure her children driving through a closed road and hitting a hole - by golly they'd have been "late" for school then :mad: )

                      As for Gail's father: thank goodness it wasn't any worse for him; a man less fit than he is would have suffered far worse. It's heartbreaking to imagine him trying to make his way to somewhere safe when he was in that condition. Nick, does he have a mobile phone? In a situation like this it would have been invaluable to him - he could have called an ambulance. Mind you, being concussed, he may not have thought of that immediately.

                      As for your tears, FM, shock has a way of smacking you in the tear ducts when you least expect it; it must have been such a shock for you to see him laying vulnerable and injured when you are so used to seeing him strong.

                      Don't waste any more energy or emotion on that self-centred woman; she isn't worth it. But, Gail is worth that energy and attention and so is her mother and father; so focus on them, FM; they are most definately worth it.

                      Speedy get well wishes to Gail's father and a hug for you all :grphg:
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • Folly Mon

                        Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

                        Dec 17, 2011
                        starting new busniss in new year
                        House on the Hill
                        Unfortantley He Did not get the Reg of the Car or the Make

                        There have been a few complacations with the op and they need to opperate again poss later today Thursday or Friday

                        He has got a Mobile He is a Clued up Busniss Man But Finds it un comfetuble to run with jangleing about in his pocket we have suggested one of the bum style hip bags

                        you can imangin :lunapic 130165696578242 5: is wot he said ime 74 Not 14 :loll: Still got his sence of Humer

                        Hes Got a lovely Sizeabull Garden and He Adors it So am Going to Pop Down and Try my best to keep on Top of it for Him I Will take Some Photos of it if Any One Wants a Look?? Get to try my New Mower at least our lawn aint big enoughf to see the benafit of the stripes but his lawn is beautfull so look forward to cutting that for him just trying to keep it genrally tidy for him
                        • Like Like x 3
                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          Poor bloke, operations are no fun, but if it fixes the problem then that is all good.

                          Yes, I can imagine it would be a bit uncomfortable jogging with a mobile phone; didn't think of that.

                          Aww, that is such a kind thought to go and keep on top of his garden; I'm sure he'll appreciate that, FM :thumbsup:

                          Yes, please! Do take some photo's of his garden, I'd love to see them :)

                          Hope all goes well with his op (either today or Friday) :grphg:
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • JWK

                            JWK Gardener Staff Member

                            Jun 3, 2008
                            Yes please Nick :)
                            • Like Like x 1

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