My PolyTunnel Diary

Discussion in 'Poly-Tunnel Gardening' started by KevinH, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. KevinH

    KevinH Guest

    Hey Guys,

    This feels a good place after such a warm welcome - thanks!

    I'm going to do my polytunnel diary here and hopefully give back into this forum as much as I hope to take out of it and all of us can enjoy the ride!

    I'm a polytunnel beginner but reasonably green-fingered out in the garden. Last year, just about everything was ruined due to the weather - I had planted over 6,000 seeds - everything from veg to fruit to flowers so I was determined to prevent it this year - so I've been looking at polytunnels (p/t as I'm lazy).

    I'm proud that I started with just 3 strawberry plants and now I have around 250-300 plants. I've also got a few other things to come, too, but all in good time! My only condition is that everything must earn its keep in the garden, or it's out. (Oh, also it must be free, or near free - cost is a big issue with me.) I do, however, have an area for my long-suffering wife, where it's all flowers...but even here I've tweaked it a bit - for example DW (Dear Wife) wanted honeysuckle and so I planted the edible variety!

    The flip-side is that I live in area where the scallies rule and so it's a chance that my p/t will get vandalised but we will wait and see. Every new, second-hand car in the street gets its obligatory scratches down both sides and the wing mirrors bashed off.

    All being well, I should get my first p/t at the end of Feb stocks permitting. There will be loads of photos as I enjoy looking at others work, too!

    After half-a-life-time of nit-pickery and detail, I'm glad to say I'm winding this down a notch or five but if you want detail, ask, and ye shall get, otherwise this is a light-hearted scrummage into my first foray into p/t gardening.

    I look forward to also reading about others exploits in the world of plastic!
    • Like Like x 2
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      I shall look forward to reading this, Kevin :dbgrtmb:

      Could you put up higher fences in the garden so it won't be easy for the local scallies to target your PT? :dunno:
    • KevinH

      KevinH Guest

      Yes and No. Where I live, there is no stopping a Scallie. A year ago, the snow had melted and there was just a solitary snowman in my neighbours fenced garden. Hopped over the Scallies to have one last snowball fight when my neighbour asked them to leave and as they did, they took off all the wing mirrors of all 4 of his families cars.
      I have thought of putting up a fence and leaving it a bit and I suspect they will have a look around. They will find nothing and then I can put the p/t behind it. However, the Scallie situation appears to have died down a bit so he/they might be in prison or moved away.
    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      That is where a poly will show benefits over a greenhouse - if a Scallie decides to lob something at a poly, most things (unless they are sharp or extraordinarily heavy) will simply bounce off thanks to the tension of the poly. Glass in a greenhouse could potentially be construed as something of an attractive target however.
    • FatBoy

      FatBoy Guest

      A small delay in updates due to silly colds etc.

      I've done a fair bit of prep with seed trays only to find them all on the floor when I opened the door so I'll have a look at them tomorrow.

      I'm expecting another wonderful seed package from Real Seeds - these are heirloom seeds and I've had great success with them.(You won't see me promoting anyone else or this company again.)

      By the middle/end of Feb I'll know what seeds I have left over and I'll be putting these up for grabs or in the GC Seed bag.

      I've been tempted by formally planning my polytunnel and even using spreadsheets to monitor the produce but quickly remembered what a chore it is and why I left the tech industry to begin with. I'll be gardening the good old fashioned way - mistakes and all!

      I've also got the happy problem of finding out where to put 10 fruiting trees. I've thought of a circle in which my DW and I can get bitten to death while we have a civilised cup of tea and cake! All good stuff!

      I will be posting photos as soon as strength kicks in - we all love photos, don't we?!
      • Like Like x 1
      • Julie D

        Julie D Gardener

        Jan 2, 2013
        I love to see photos and look forward to following your diary.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Steve R

          Steve R Soil Furtler

          Feb 15, 2008
        • FatBoy

          FatBoy Guest

          Steve - as soon as I can!
          • Like Like x 1
          • FatBoy

            FatBoy Guest

            Nothing too exciting in the way of photos today but SEEDS!

            I got my order through the post today in a very stout envelope and - as always - an individual sheet to tell me how to grow the seeds and how to save the seeds for the following season. I have a terrible habit of losing or ruining sheets, so I'll be scanning this sheet in to save on the pc. You can be sure I'll be sharing these seeds out as soon as I can.

            What I love about these seeds is the heirloom value - one lot of tomatoes are a 1954 variety! How cool is that?

            Also I'm pleased about the San Marzano tomatoes - apparently very highly rated if you read the Wiki page about them. Link.

            I've run out of seed trays so now I need to pop out and buy some!

            rs1.jpg rs2.JPG rs3.JPG rs4.jpg rs5.jpg
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Nice!! :blue thumb: I look forward to hearing how they grow for you.

            "Stupice" oh wow, that would make a funtastic user name!! :roflol: (Why do I always find these things *after* the need :doh:
            • Like Like x 1
            • Phil A

              Phil A Guest

              I've used the Real Seed Company too. Odd business idea, encouraging the customers to grow their own seed & not buy from them again:huh:
              • Like Like x 1
              • Lea

                Lea Super Gardener

                Feb 14, 2011
                How is your polytunnel doing now? Any pics yet?
                • Like Like x 1
                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  I think KevinH/Fatboy may no be longer be member(s) of this forum.
                • madmick

                  madmick Gardener

                  May 20, 2011
                  Hull East Yorks
                  Why have the scallies got him ?

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