I have decided to post a link to the YouTube video rather than embed it in this post, as it is very provocative; also, please be warned that this is almost certainly going to be offensive in some way or other, so if you do not wish to be offended please DO NOT click on the link below. I would also like to add the following before anything else (I am sure that other sentiments will come out in discussion later): - I strongly believe that EVERYONE has the right to freedom of speech within legal and moral reason - I strongly believe that EVERYONE has the right to go about their daily lives without being subjected to prejudice, fear or threat - I make no distinction whether someone is black, white, green, blue or otherwise, nor if they are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, religious, non-religious, old, young, male, female, transsexual or anything else for that matter; EACH and EVERY human is equal in my eyes. - Tolerance, decency and humanity are of the utmost importance to me and are ingrained in my character Perhaps that is why I find this video so horrifying: Staff note : The video is about religion based intolerance and hatred of anyone that doesn't believe in the same "God" as they do. YouTube clip of BBC programme
The first thing that comes to my mind when I watch this video is that the lady in red was lucky to get away in one piece...
You can't share the same living space as people with such extreme and blinkered opinions. They openly say they do not respect the laws of our society and consider themselves above it, now correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't that make them "Outlaws" ?
Whose country is this..? The United Kingdom..... England....... They have come to our country so why should we change to their ways... Surely it should be them accepting & changing to our ways.............. Out laws & extremists as Zigs says..
Almost made me cry , this is not a free country , we can`t say what we really think .....they can ........totally heartbreaking ..... Feel really sorry for England , this must be the softest Country in world , if they got time to pray and protest is because they are all on benifit , they got all the human right and hate Britain so much ..... England ...please wake up ....
Without clicking the link, your post is actually quite vague in many respects. Thus, it is almost compelling to view the link to understand quite where you are coming from. On the one hand, you state not to click the link is you do not wish to be offended; yet, the title "Horrifying!" quite clearly implies that it will indeed be offensive. While I hold you in high regard, FC (as you well know), I do not think, most especially in light of most recent events, that this video is either "informative", "helpful" or even "tactful": no good can come of it :( In the past few years, I have met many people of the same 'faith' as shown in that video: they did not hold the same views. Likewise, if faith is the issue, ask yourself: how many battles/wars throughout history have been in the name of a God/faith of one denomination or another? This is not new. We must be wary of tarnishing everyone with the same brush and to keep a sense of balance. Once upon a time, a world war was begun under the direction of a man with a short moustache. Does that mean all men with a small moustache begin world wars? Or, are all wars begun by men with a short moustache? At this point in time, my thoughts are not with rebel rousers; my thoughts, and my heart, lie firmly with a grieving family, the shock and horror of those first hand witnesses and those people in professions who are having to deal with the 'then', the 'now' and ... the 'aftermath' of most recent events. And, let us not forget, the families of the perpetrators who may have been living in ignorance of the atrocities their own loved-one's were planning and are now having to come to terms with! *That* must be truly "horrifying".
I've edited FC's original post to include a description of the video. I don't think its a bad time to highlight these things, when it is views such as these which lead to yesterday's brutal murder. No one is suggesting that all Muslims share the same viewpoint, but ignoring extremists won't make them go away, and chanting hate slogans like this is pretty extreme from my point of view.
I'd round up that whole group put them on a ship, destined for thescrap yard, tow it to the middle east and abondon it. What the hell are we doing letting those kind of people live in England.
Yes, Zigs, I do get that it is an example of "extremist" views and ignoring it won't make them go away; however, by buying into those 'extreme' views it does little more than invite an 'extreme' response: some of which are expressed above. And that can become a 'bad' thing at a time when emotions (through shock, horror, repugnance) are running high, simply because it is difficult to conduct a rational argument when bitterness, resentment, repulsion, anger and disbelief at the recent atrocity are the driving force of one's perception. Yes, you have edited the post to give 'a' description; but, it could be argued that it is a biased description based on *your* perception An unbiased description of the video may have read: The video is about a group of people exercising their right to freedom of speech to express their collective views. These views may conflict with your own beliefs and opinions.
Yes, I am biased, because these people want to ignore our laws and send me and other members of our society to hell. I'm just saying what the video is about, not making excuses for hatred.
Lost for words! It's time for this country to wake up seriously! Totally agree with Pete. Sorry if this offends anyone!
I struggle to see the connection, between a race of persecuted people going about their buisness peacefully, and a bunch of half crazy, mind dead, religious morons living in our country and, at the same time, openly hating everything about us, and our country.