Discussion regarding new forum

Discussion in 'Site Feedback/Bugs' started by Daisies, Feb 28, 2012.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I will try to do that roders .. but you know that is difficult for me ... xx

    Hope you and the lovely Mrs roders are well and happy ... we are barely surviving here in the Third World Country and must get our lives together soon before we go down like the Titanic ... must watch that this week ... :heehee: xx

    PS Did I tell you I have booked our 5* suite in the Palace and then the Castle for our April/May holiday ... things are rough here ...
  2. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    Alternatively, with approx 50% less keystrokes (about 2 less), select from the bottom left hand corner of any forum page

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    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      Ah, OK, got it. First thing you see when you visit. (I arrive on a different page, stored in my favourites, hence I didn't make that assumption)

      "What's New" does the same job I think? (Except it does not show posts that you have read, which the old one used to also show) - To see Read Posts, as well as Unread Ones, then use the "All recent messages" option on that page.

      I think "What's New" functions better than the old "Today's Messages" because it doesn't show me what I have read, and because it is not restricted to the last 24 hours (in case I am away for a couple of days)

      You want to see what you have just posted, specifically? (e.g. to proof read it in context, perhaps?) I proof mine immediately after POSTing it (the thread appears, with my message appended) and I edit it if I want to change anything etc.

      After that the only time I am interested (again) is if someone replies (in which case it then appears in What's New)

      If you are after something different to that then, sorry, I haven't understood and you'll need to explain it so I can think if there is a way of achieving the same thing.

      Can't help on that one if you can't remember what you did, that didn't work. If you can give me a link to Marley's post I'll take a look.

      There's no requirement to WATCH anything, if you Reply to (or Start) a thread then it will be marked as such. On the What's New there will be a mini version of your Avatar next to the post to indicate that you are "interested" in that thread. Personally I think that's just like Today's Posts used to be, but let me know if some part of that is not working for how you want to use the system.

      Additionally to what you could do on the old system: on the new system you can elect to Watch a thread. If you use the "Watched Thread" page it will show what you are watching =- that includes things that you have explicitly marked to "Watch" and also threads that you started or replied to. Its completely optional and if you don't want to do that then stick to the What's New list. Personally I find the "Watched Threads" list means that I can see threads that are of interest to me (either started/replied toor explicitly marked WATCH) so if I'm in a rush I can just keep up to date with those, and deal with anything else, new, at a later time/date. That is a significant enhancement over the old system.

      The old system "forgot" which threads you had read, or not, when your session finished (closed your browser, or after 20 minutes inactivity) so if you didn't get all the way through Today's Posts in one sitting when you came back everything prior had been marked as "read" as far as the system was concerned (including any reply that came in whilst you were looking through Today's Posts). The new system remembers Read / Unread beyond just the current session, so if you don't finish reading all the new ones it doesn't matter - they will still be UNREAD when you next come back.

      That isn't why they changed, there was an announcement a few weeks back, perhaps you didn't see it? The software used for the old forum was being hacked frequently, and was causing a huge amount of time (and money) sorting it out each time. The software used by the old forum was not being fixed/updated (as I understood) to prevent those attacks, so the decision was taken to move to a different system.

      The last change was because of cost of the software was too high for Nathan to keep paying. That move was a disaster (in my opinion) and a few months later they changed back to the original (which I think was brave of them, and costly no doubt ...)

      I agree some things are different, some things are missing, to my mind lots of things are far superior / slicker, probably only swings and roundabouts, but its up to Nathan et al at the end of the day. If you are a subscriber and not happy then I suggest you ask for your money back, I don't suppose they will have a problem with that. If you are here for free, like me, then I propose you have two choices !

      Just to be clear: Are you saying that I have failed to explain things in a way in which you can understand? and that I am thus at fault?
    • Scrungee

      Scrungee Well known for it

      Dec 5, 2010
      Central England on heavy clay soil
      Wasn't changing number of posts displayed per page on the old software, not this new one? - because I can't find it anywhere plus the page numbers appear to be an integral part of the links for pages, so presumably not changable, for example the link for this page (page 8) is http://gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/threads/discussion-regarding-new-forum.40956/page-8 <-----Note that p8 bit, because if another user could change posts per page display it would make a nonsense of links.
    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Hello Kristen and thank you so much for spending the time you have with my 'criticisms' .. it is very kind of you.

      I acknowledge what you say about the fact that I am permanently (spelt incorrectly previously for which I apologise) logged in (something I had to stop when I was a Mod but now continue) and I am logged into the Home Page so I just go into basically I will say 'today's posts'. I just want to see what has happened since I was last on board.

      Sorry, I just cannot get used to posting something and it not there instantly ... it is on every other forum and has been here in the past near-on six years I have been a member here. I DO NOT want to go as I said here, there and everywhere to look for what I posted albeit perhaps a few simple moves.

      It was definitely there that you could do your choice of number of posts per page .. I have looked and it is now not available .. so sorry I cannot prove it because I have no desire to search Marley's posts and, if she has time maybe she can come here and comment.

      Under no circumstances am I saying that you have failed to explain things .. although it is not in your Job Description (of which you do not have one here) to do so. My love of life is legal matters and have spent most of my life working in such. I think you are wonderful how you help and assist people .. even my goodself whom I admit can be difficult at the best of times ...

      I just don't go for the new washing powder, toothpaste .. or forums ...

      A BIG THANK YOU for all you do .. seriously ... but it doesn't mean I like what I see ... xx
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      Just to clarify.. It was on the old software Victoria where we could choose how many posts we viewed per page, so you are not going mad.. :SUNsmile: I don't think we can on here..

      I know some things are not the same & change is never nice, but this is Nathan's site & it is up to him what software he chooses, he is trying to give us a good fast running secure site which the old one wasn't..
      I know he has worked very hard with Rich & they have tried to get things as near as possible to being the same as the vB software for everyone..
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      • Daisies

        Daisies Total Gardener

        May 26, 2005
        Kandy, regarding the bubbles - if you remember, on vBulletin they looked like this


        Victoria, we're all having to get used to this. You speak as if you were the only one affected which is, as I recall, par for the course!

        For pity's sake calm down, dear! It's only the internet!


        There is no feature on here to change the number of posts/threads per page.
        The option for 40 per page was on the old site.

        You can de-select forums like RSS feeds from your What's New if you wish, it is the same procedure by which you stop email alerts How can I get (or stop) email alerts for new posts
      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Thank you Marley for your confirmations and I do agree everyone has worked hard to make the forum a better place .. perhaps it is just not for everyone.

        I apologise for any incorrect comments I have made.

        Daisees .. par for the course .. yes, that's how YOU are ... but wish you well and hope you are.
      • Daisies

        Daisies Total Gardener

        May 26, 2005
        Kristen, I'd just like to say a very big thank you for all your help on this project.
        Don't know how we'd have coped without you.
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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          I must say that one feature in particular I do like is the e-mail notification of Conversations as you can open it up immediately without visiting the forum. A big :dbgrtmb:.
        • Daisies

          Daisies Total Gardener

          May 26, 2005
          You like that, do you, Viccy? Funny, so do I! :hapydancsmil:
        • Kristen

          Kristen Under gardener

          Jul 22, 2006
          Suffolk, UK
        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          :biggrin: Yes. Dais. and another thing I really, really LIKE is that my little avatar attaches to the OP's avatar so I can immediately see what I have responded to ... :yahoo:
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          I put that on there for you VictoriĆ”, no one else has got it:mute::WINK1:
        • Loofah

          Loofah Admin Staff Member

          Feb 20, 2008
          I've used the new software for a while and mostly have no issues - it's a needed upgrade etc so all good and it works.
          My only bug bear is that I liked the way the old forum displayed the sections / threads before; now we have tiny titles all bunched together on the main page with no immediate indication of activity. Is there an option to change the way this is displayed or shall I learn to live with it and suck it up?
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