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Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by TheBatman, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. TheBatman

    TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 25, 2013
    LLwynypia, South Wales
    Here are my deeds:

    1st photo, agreement.

    details the plan of WA123912 as the plot we are buying
    but outlined red
    ( the plot within the red lines is plot CWM416233 )

    and makes no mention of any changes to plot WA123912


    Second: Conveyance of 1979:

    "Now this deed witnessed as follows:

    1. in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS now paid by the purchaser to the board ( the receipt whereof the board hereby acknowledges )
    the board as beneficial owner HEREBY CONVEYS unto the purchaser ALL THAT piece or parcel of land together with the messuage dwelling house and premises erected thereon or on part thereof known as NUMBER *** *** ***AGES LLWYNYPIA aforesaid as the same as is more particularly delineated an the plan annexed hereto and thereon coloured blue and blue hatched brown ( all such premises being herein after called "the property") Together with:

    (a) the right for the purchaser and his successors in title in common with all others have a like right for the free passage and running of water soil and electricity through any existing channels drains wires and pipes serving the property and the adjoining properties known as Numbers *** * * and * Taff Cottages aforesaid

    (b) the right of way for the Purchaser an his successors in tittle the owner as occupiers of the property in common with the Board and all other persons who have or may hereinafter have the right to pass and repass over and along the piece of land shown coloured brown on the said plan with or without vehicles and over and along a piece of land shown hatched brown
    on the said plan on foot only to gain access to the property from the roadway marked 'tramway' on the said plan.

    (c) the right of the purchaser and successors in title the owners or occup[iers of the property
    to pass and repass over and along this piece of land above shown hatched brown on the said plan
    on foot only exept and reserved unto the board and its successors in the title the owners or occupiers of the said properties known as */*/*/* taff cottages aforsaid and all others entitled in the like the free passage and running water sold and electricity from such properties or any parts or parts thereof through any existing channels drains and pipes running through or under the property...."


    this clearly shows the BLUE LAND includes the land next to the house
    and the BROWN LAND as the way we have to travel to get access to the property.


    Attached Files:

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    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      Its clearly your land then - your neighbour is either forgetful, hasn't been told, or is at it. It might be worth trying the friendly approach, if you think it will work (how well do you know them?), or you could just start tidying the area up and see if anything is said?
    • wandering

      wandering Gardener

      Jun 18, 2013

      I agree with that. I note that the wording in your document refers to 'part of' the plot but does not say which part other than to show the red outline. I think that suggests that the wrong plan was attached, and/or the document was not proof read and made clearer. Your own solicitor should have picked this up (if it is not correctly written). I have bought and sold a few properties in my time but am no expert!

      Maybe your neighbour has realised the mistake with the plan and has put the wall up to reclaim the land (If you fence all round a piece of land and have exclusive use of it for 12 years without challenge or dispute, then it becomes yours - I think; you would need to check this out).

      If it was my property I would want to be sure that the documentation was all correct and in place, just for future peace of mind. Although I also see the point of just getting on there and see what your neighbour says. You might even want to sell it back to him/her if it is yours and don't need that much land.

      You need good legal advice, for sure.

      Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
    • TheBatman

      TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 25, 2013
      LLwynypia, South Wales

      I used weedol on it all so far, and have some resolva 24H

      my plan was to get some resolva 24H concentrate and use a slightly stronger mix in about 14 days, at least I'll have some idea if I have missed anything then pretty quickly rather than waiting 21 days to know. of course I still know to wait 28 days even with resolva 24H for the roots to die.

      I shall dig then, when you say dig does that mean I am to turn the soil/rotavate?
      in which case ill rotavate/turn the whole plot. and then start from that.

      I love the look of sleepers! but after looking at some of the gardens of the members here, I
      fancy borders that are at the same level as the lawn and have one or two small raised planters.

      I know about the old sleepers and not to use them. I found some online for AAA grade oak
      £26 for 2.4m lengths..have yet to contact my local timber yard, Im in construction so can likely get a great deal with them.

      by the way, I am in South wales so a fair way from yourself, thank you though!

      will do that then tomorrow.

      I use that website a lot, very informative!

      gabions do appeal to me, as mentioned, the rear is more 'practical' than anything
      so nothing needs to be to precise or pretty.

      regarding the land, I'll see if the solicitor can find anything, as it all contradicts itself
      but if the land is not mine, I will be seeking compensation as the price I paid is not what this house is worth without said land!! and re-sale without a massive loss would be impossible.
    • TheBatman

      TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 25, 2013
      LLwynypia, South Wales

      It never mentions any plot other than the one containing the larger amount of land
      I know it says "part of" but if it is only part of it
      why give me deeds showing the full land?

      its very confusing. Ill get it sorted, as above, I'll be furious if it is not mine.
    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      I'm not sure its worth spending extra money on Resolva. However, if you do, please come back and tell us whether you had to spray again at 14 days (rather than only after a day or two when you see Resolva working) as it would be helpful to hear first hard if it works as well as is advertised. I've used it once and everything did indeed go brown "overnight" but I didn't feel it worked as well as my normal Glyphosate, and I don't need everything I spray here brown overnight, so my Scientific Experiment of one test!! isn't really valid.

      No need to increase the strength - that's just spending extra money, it works just fine at the recommended rate. Make sure the plants are well covered, but not to the point where the solution runs off the plant. If you want to spend some extra money on the job make sure you have a good sprayer to apply it with :) (Probably best never to use the sprayer for anything other than weedkiller in future. You can wash it out, but it doesn't take much herbicide to damage plants ...)

      Sorry, should have said that better. The soil under the raised beds would be best cultivated, the "method" doesn't matter - it just needs opening up so that air gets into it and it isn't rock solid for roots to get down into. Incorporating some organic matter - well rotted manure, compost, mushroom-compost, spent-hops, anything like that which you can easily get your hands on. That will all improve the soil, improve water retention and, in turn, help the pants to establish more quickly and look a picture of health - hopefully!

      If you want a price comparison these are the ones I used. Corby is an 90 minutes drive for me, so I chose them because their price was good! It was a year or two back though, but hopefully still competitive for a price comparison, at least.

      Mine are "on edge" so that they are a) narrower and b) taller for the money! I have holes drilled through them with reinforcing rods in, which are hammered into the ground for a couple of feet too. The sleepers have still bowed outwards a bit, although I don't think they are going to topple over

      They are treated softwood

      220 x 63 x 2400 £10.25 (too skinny I think!)
      200 x 100 x 2400 £13.25
      250 x 125 x 2400 £20.99 (I used these)
    • TheBatman

      TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 25, 2013
      LLwynypia, South Wales
      Hi everybody, I am back!


      sorry for my absence have been hectic with the kids!!
      not far from us is a really large park, lots of planted gardens and rockery , and hanging troughs along a bridge's handrail, stunning arrangements if I'm honest , and the girls love it.

      I kept an eye on what I have:

      I have three 'tests' going on;

      (a) Standard Weedol - 3 litres over 80sqm (used 90% of the tub)

      (b) Resolva 24h - 1 litre sprayed a few weeds and test sections using a tiny amount.

      (c) pulled up roots 'n all , and put on the concrete pathway

      that was Wednesday - it's now Saturday;

      (a) not showing much change at all, but that was pretty much expected and likely to remain the same for a good 2 weeks or so. Will allow to continue for 28 days as recommended.

      (b) foliage is well and truly gone, leaves wilted and grass yellow and hay-like
      will continue to allow to die off for 28 days as recommended.

      would also add; this will be the product I choose from here on out. I like the fact you have visible results so quickly it certainly helps you to spot any areas you have missed or need
      a bit more attention.

      (c) again, dead. Not much else to add here other than if you have 1 or two weeds, this would
      be my preferred method ( speaking as a total novice, so if anybody reads this its probably best to ask someone who has a better knowledge than relying on anything from me )

      Thanks Kristen that makes sense to me and will do that
      one question though

      I'm unsure on what quantities of top soil I would require to enable the best chances for the lawn.

      as said, the area is approx 80sqm , with 75% likely to be lawn, any ideas on how much I would need and to do what with?
      I have yet to test the soil as it is but will do that Monday.

      I see the minimum order is 10 so that may be a bit much at the start, I don't know though
      I guess that would be best determined once a final plan has been drawn up.
      Thanks though as it helps check prices.

      *also just wanted to add, I found a note within my papers about the seller retaining the land
      I had no recollection of this and somebody is cutting tree branches over there so this could be a problem! I'm trying to not let it eat at me and forget it for now but I feel cheated!*
    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      You can also put them in a bucket of water and leave them a couple of weeks, then you can chuck the whole lot on the compost heap (and the roots won't regrow, but the "goodness" will be added to the heap)

      If you find, when you dig/cultivate your soil, that you've got 6"-9" or more of decent-ish topsoil, above your sub-soil, then you can sow/turf onto that, and you won't need any bought-in topsoil.

      I might be answering the wrong question though?
    • TheBatman

      TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 25, 2013
      LLwynypia, South Wales
      Thanks Kristen!

      The soil does seem pretty good to be honest, so will likely be OK.

      my plan as it stands is:

      1. some point over the next week to buy a good garden sprayer ( any recommendations? )
      2. buy a large tub of resolva 24H and apply to front and rear gardens to kill everything off.
      3. after a second application, rent a cultivator and turn all of the land.

      and when we get to that stage, well, try sorting a lawn I guess. lol

      Should see our other property! , we don't have any good top soil..just rubble and hardcore with sand and weeds!!

      I'm waiting for planning permission on that property for a project, and when time comes will post a new topic on that garden and pics of how awful the ground is!!

      Thanks once again
    • TheBatman

      TheBatman Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 25, 2013
      LLwynypia, South Wales
      Just thought I'd pop back and update regarding the land that was such a confusion.

      turns out it is not ours and they retained that's that.

      We found horsetail, I am treading very carefully with this garden and I'm hoping to continue asap.

      In the meantime, I have had planning approved for my other property, so will be focusing on that for now, which will be covered in a separate thread.
    • wandering

      wandering Gardener

      Jun 18, 2013
      At least you can get on knowing where your boundary is. How many of us fully understand the legal documents when we buy and sell? My biggest faux pas was buying a flat which I now can't sell because the inadequate lease makes it unmortgageable.

      Looking forward to reading about your garden development.

      Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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