Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Aloha everyone,

    Lili, nice to see you after so long but so sorry to hear of yours and your OH's mishaps. I do hope you will both be fine soon.

    Shiney, do take care of yourself. Can't have you all knocked up. Do be careful with your wrist and back.

    WOO Lovely sky dear did you go flying around in it. Beautiful, have a good day.

    Loli, Oh how sad about Mr L's uncle sounds as though he has taken a lovely ability to recognize flowers and plants with him to the grave. I hope the funeral goes off ok.

    M, sorry to hear you have been unwell, do hope you are much better now. Take care of you.

    Have a lovely day all and do take care of those limbs and joints. God bless.


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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Just dodged indoors for a cool glass of water.

      The mowing is not only hot but being interrupted by bees all over the clover and buttercups in the lawns.

      If they don't get out of the way when I slow right down for them I have to stop the mower, put on heavy duty gloves and pick them up and move them to some bushes and then get going again.

      I'm just going to do the main lawn now and then give up. Then a shower and off to the library and shopping. Friends coming for lunch and dinner tomorrow so shall need to work out what to cook depending on what catches my eye in the shops.

      Befor I started the mowing I rigged up the sprinkler on the front bed, by the footpath, and it took nearly half an hour to get everything set up! It's the driest bed in the garden.

      That bed is where we lost about 1,000 Aquilegias in the winter. Mrs Shiney has now planted a lot of other things and the wild poppies (that are always there) are starting to brighten it up.

      "M", I wish you better :wub2:
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      • wiseowl

        wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

        Oct 29, 2006
        Philosophy of people
        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
        Good morning all its the early Owl that catches the mice :heehee: its just getting light and I have just been in the garden and the young fox cubs are playing by the pond and its a wonderful dawn chorus ;) ,Lily and M sorry to hear that you have been unwell, hope that you soon feel much better my friends:grphg: have a lovely weekend all my friends and please stay safe:)
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          I've just come in from an hour of weeding before it gets too hot. It was nice and peaceful until the male pheasant started shouting at me! He wanted to get to the bird feeder (I was 100ft away from it) and I was working in the area where he wanted to walk through the garden. He could, quite easily, keep away from me by changing his route but he insisted on going through where I was working. So I move 15ft further over and he marched straight through where I was working, had a quick look and rummage in the weed bucket and then went on to the feeder!

          We have friends coming today and I've already done most of the cooking. We'll spend a lazy day sitting in the shade trying not to get too hot. I've already got the canopy out, nice thick cushions on the benches, table cloth on the table and Mrs Shiney, when she gets up, will do a nice flower arrangement to go on the table.

          The neighbour two doors away has got a fundraising garden party this afternoon. So I shall put some police cones out on the footpath outside our place as the police don't like people parking on the bend outside. It's handy having my own stock of police cones :heehee:.

          Have a great day :biggrin:

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          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Good morning :)

            Thank you all for your kind wishes.

            shiney - isn't it a wonderful time of day to be in the garden? It's all fresh and cool(er) and quiet; by far my favourite part of the day. Even though my garden is N(ish) facing, the step outside my patio door gets the sun for a couple of hours from 6am at this time of year, and then again in the evening, and it's a cheery spot to have a cuppa and contemplate the world. Because the ducks and hens need letting out early, it is a great opportunity for me to have a walk around and pick a weed or twenty :heehee: Enjoy your visitors today.

            woo - it must have been a cheery sight watching the fox cubs by your pond. I know we have foxy visitors here, not that I encourage them because of my girls, but they tend to keep a very low profile. So, how to I know? They leave little 'packages' to let me know they are around :heehee:

            moyra - looking forward to seeing your rose pictures when your camera gets back from holiday! :biggrin:

            It will be an out and about day for me today. Cupboards need filling and the market is on today. It used to be a thriving, bustling market (when I lived elsewhere and had to travel in!) but now that it is a 5 minute walk away, it is a shadow of it's former glory. Still bargains to be had and tomorrow they have a Boot Fair on the same site, which I still haven't been to :redface:

            Miles of smiles
          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            Good morning everyone,

            "M" I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been well,i hope you'll soon be back to full strength:grphg:

            Woo,that must have been a marvellous sight:dancy:i think alot of us enjoy the crack of dawn....it's the best time of the day for me too:wub2:

            Shiney....It's funny but our 'wildlife' aren't as wild as they make out are they....they seem more tame with each passing day....i've noticed with lots of the birds they don't fly away butexpect us to move out of their way......many a time i have to ask the stoggies to 'excuse me' when i want to get past:rolleyespink:sounds like you're going to have a relaxing afternoon...Nice one:thumbsup:

            It's 17 degree and rising already here,every door and window open:dancy:....i've been prancing around in my nighty for ages...a fabulous morning:yahoo:

            I'm waiting for the 'girls' to complete their egg laying process so i can let them out and get cracking on their coop.....i've got the steam cleaner out to give it a thorough clean and in this weather it will soon dry:dbgrtmb:

            Moyra can't wait to see your pics,when you get chance to take them:dbgrtmb:

            Waves to the Pennys,Jaz's,Lili's ,CRG ,Kandys et al......

            Have a fabulous day,stay cool:cool: and take care:SUNsmile::SUNsmile::SUNsmile:
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            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Aloha everyone,

              Steve has been playing with Amber for the last two hours getting her to find 'truffles*' in her bungalow bath full of sand. *black golf ball with the smell of truffles on it! She has learned the difference between that and a white golf ball.

              Sounds Lovely WOO watching the foxes at play. Also having a nice early fly around too!

              Shiney, You certainly have had a busy morning. Loli the collared doves that we get here don't hang around when I go out but some of the smaller birds do.

              Well have a good day all. waiting for the Tesco delivery to arrive with all my fresh salad on board. You don't want a lot else this weather do you? Take care everyone, God bless.


            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Yep!! A nice big cooked meal anytime! :heehee:
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              For those that were asking I have put photos of the three roses I have in my front border which I haven't got a clue as to what they are called. So if anyone recognizes them I should be pleased to hear what you think they are. They are on the members roses thread.
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              • Lolimac

                Lolimac Guest

                Having a Naga curry for my tea:yahoo:...you can blame Shiney for that:love30:
              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Loli, Definitely Shiney's fault. He's got broad shoulders and can take the brickbats. I am not eating until the sun goes down or when it is fairly low in the sky and has lost some heat then we will light up the barbecue.

                Instead of Roast Dinner tomorrow going to cut up the pork joint into cubes and stick on skewers with bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions to make some lovely kebabs. Anyway I have had enough of this for one day and am going to pull the plug.

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                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Loli, enjoy your hot!!!!! :hate-shocked: curry. I had one at that restaurant on Sunday. :blue thumb:

                  Moyra, enjoy your barbecue :dbgrtmb:

                  We had a nice ploughmans lunch on the patio under the canopy - cheeses, french bread, houmous, pickles, salad. Even in the shade there, it was quite warm. So we moved to be under the trees to have fresh mango (I buy them at the Asian wholesaler in the nearest town - much better than from the supermarket) and it has much cooler sitting there all afternoon.

                  I've just been getting things prepared for the dinner tonight. Avocado filled with cottage cheese mixed with mayonnaise, accompanied by sliced mozzarella and beef tomatoes. Then it will be spag bol for the carnivores and asparagus, peas and broccoli spears lightly cooked in olive oil, garlic and stock and served with linguini. Followed by Eton mess and/or chocolate pots topped with fresh cherries. :hapydancsmil:
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                  • liliana

                    liliana Total Gardener

                    Sep 12, 2012
                    Hi everyone,

                    Just come in from the kitchen, slaving over a hot oven- made 4 Bramley apple pies, 1 plum and banana pie, 3 apple betty's, 1 small apple turnover and a wrapped banana. Also made 7 jars of Apricot jam for a boot sale on Sunday.

                    Having a rest with the fan blowing on my feet and an iced cappuccino, bliss.

                    Oh still having leg dressed, and now because his blood pressure has been high over the pat 2 months is on Ramipril, which he had before when we lived in Cyprus, but they took him off it when he had his bypass.

                    Hope everyone is not overdoing the sitting in the sun, we don't want any sore heads tomorrow-only hangovers!!

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                    • Kandy

                      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                      Apr 23, 2006
                      Head gardener
                      In the Middle Of Blighty
                      Good early evening everyone,

                      Sorry to everyone that is under the weather at the moment and hope you all feel better soon:grphg:

                      We have been trying to be busy but the tennis has held things up at times so this morning we got to the lottie at 8am and didn't leave there until just before noon.Mr Kandy was over there from 10am -4pm yesterday but had been busy putting out 80 veggie plants then had to build a shelter for them out of fence posts and netting and the stoggies{I think that is what Loli calls Potbellies:snork:}have landed on the netting pushed it down and then nibbled the tops of the plants :gaah: We have had to spend time in the heat this morning putting that right again.Oh and we have shifted over 50+dustbin bags of leaves and filled five of those ton bags that i use as compost bins and after we had finished we were worn out.

                      Picked lots of Strawberries and raspberries and even shared some of the raspberries with Mrs Blackbird:biggrin:Have enjoyed some of them with ice cream as well:cool:

                      This afternoon I have watched the ladies tennis final and then went to our local country park for a nice stroll but i had left my camera at home so couldn't get any photos of the wildlife and flowers although Mr Kandy did get a photo of two ladies walking round the country park in their bikinis.Luckily though they had good figures so it wasn't too bad,but most unusual summer wear for walking round a country park:snork:

                      By the way,I have had a letter come through this morning informing me that the age I shall be getting my state pension is now 66.As if i didn't already know that:gaah:

                      Enjoy your evening everyone and do mind that heat:spinning:
                    • wiseowl

                      wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

                      Oct 29, 2006
                      Philosophy of people
                      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                      Good morning all my friends its 3.30am and when you awake I hope that you are on top of the world(there's a song in there somewhere) its 15 centigrade (59 f)and zero wind in the garden,no dawn chorus yet,but never the less still a bonus of a July morning,have a lovely Sunday and please take care:)
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