
Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by trogre, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Just a while ago I posted about a wrong order I received. Should of been calla bulbs but turned out to be another type of lily, none of which I have grown before so did not know the mistake until plants grew. They are lovely and the flowers have been showing off now for over 2 weeks so I would like to buy some more next season. Now my wife say they are Tiger Lilies but by doing some research I think they are Oriental? If anyone with knowledge of these can help I will appreciate it.

    The plants are about 1 meter tall (just over 3 feet), the flowers are 210-230 mm (8 1/4 - 9”) across and also smell lovely. Thank you SAM_0707.jpg SAM_0709.jpg
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Tiger Lilies (as far as I know) are orange, and the petals curl back on themselves.

    Lots of lilies to choose from (and I have had excellent quality from them, and I reckon they are cheap - provided you buy 5 or more) from

    I guess you are in a hurry?! but I took just 2 or 3 scales off the lilies bulbs I bought this season and put them in a plastic bag of vermiculite for a couple of months, and then potted on. It will be year-after-next before they flower but sacrificing only a couple of scales per bulb (which is unlikely to reduce flowering much/at all) I have got between 10 and 15 baby bulbs ... and I bought 5 bulbs so I have around 70 bulbs propagated - for free :)

    (I posted a thread about my propagating efforts in case of interest )
  3. Madahhlia

    Madahhlia Total Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Suburban paradise
    Gorgeous, aren't they?

    They are commonly known as Oriental lilies, and are hybrids of various species. But if you buy anything labelled as Oriental hybrids you will probably get something you like. There are lots available in spring, Wilko's etc usually have mixed bags fairly cheaply.

    You will also find Asiatics on sale. These are similar, nice, but have no scent and include orange and yellow in the colour range.

    You might also see Lilium regale - white/pink trumpet, strongly scented.

    Other trumpet lilies include African Queen which I think has a slightly peculiar scent.

    Any named variety which is in the white/pink/red colour range, has rays/spots on the petals and a slightly crimped edge (like yours) is likely to be well scented, having the right pedigree.

    Tiger lilies are as Kristen describes - I had one once but it wasn't robust enough for life in my garden.

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