I 've been growing this for about 4yrs now, it was sent to me, as a seedling, by someone on another forum. I wasn't sure I could get it to flower but this year it has a fair few flower buds, the first has opened. Its not really impressive, other than its quite scented, the Aussie common name is "native frangipani", which kind of gives that away. But at the moment its trying to compete with a tired old clementine that has been in the pot for years. It looks a bit sick but that dont stop it flowering like crazy, the scent overpowers anything at this time of the year.
Its about 6ft high. With not a lot of spread, I had the idea that pruning would delay flowering so last year I just restricted the height, and sure enough its produced short flowering spurs. Must admit it nice when a plan comes together BTW, its going outside in the next few days, and will stay outside untill November.
I bought the clementine. The original plant is long gone, but I had some good fruit off it before it became too big for the greenhouse. This is one of two I grafted onto poncirus a long time ago, I've now planted one on the greenhouse on the alotment. its only a matter of time before it gets too big.
Just a couple of follow up pics on the Hymenosporum since its come into full flower and I have moved it to outdoor conditions. And a picture of another plant I really like, its the large solitary rosettes of Aeonium nobile, 18inches across now and like rubber.
Ohhhhh I miss my Hymenosporum Kept one going in the conservatory for 6 or 7 years and have tried to start again from seed but no joy so far. Could I be cheeky, Pete, and cadge some fresh seed if yours sets some? Pretty please?
Sorry noisette, I've only just noticed your post. Sorry none of the flowers set seed, I did try pollinating them but no luck. I wonder if the plant is not self fertile? I've tried a couple of cuttings but no luck there either. Bit late now, but might try layering next year.
Ah, pity but c'est la vie. I can't remember my H.f . ever setting seed either, so I'm sure you're right about it requiring a partner. After the recent weeks of searing heat and drought, I've vowed to give up gardening, apart from a couple of cacti But then something like Ipomea indica starts flowering and you just know that you'll carry on regardless.....
I pulled out the one remaining green cutting from April, its calloused over on the end, so might root even yet. First shoot I tried to layer snapped off with a heel, so that is now in a pot, hoping for roots. This is the layer, only ever done it on rubber plants before.
I've got everything crossed..it looks very professional! Is there anything I can sow/grow for you in return?